CHAPTER 10:The Meeting of the Phoenix

Hamilton placed his hands on the floor, his eyes giving of a crimson light as he activated the communication runes hidden beneath them. The red runes glowed up and with a loud crack a white illusory phoenix rose up from the ground seconds before all the heads of the various orders appeared; each of them standing in groups of four with the sole exception of the Supremes.

"To what do we owe this summon, Patricia? A muscular dwarf wielding a battle axe asked on behalf of the order of Twilight.

The superintendent of the Order of the Sun offered the various leaders a seat before she smiled "We called this phoenix meeting in order to discuss the new threat by the name of 'The Brotherhood". Patricia with a wave of a golden wand continued as light images began to form in the air

"As you all know, two years ago a rogue mage by the name of Vilfortz had together with some elven nobles carried out a mass poisoning of major human wells and water works coupled with the killings of various royals of the kingdom of Magnitia.

"Fortunately this threat was neutralized and taken care of by the Order of the Night's famous fang 'Fanghyr'. After this Vilfortz and his accomplices were banished to the 'Forgotten' realms as punishment for their sins. But what we are still confused about is how Vilfortz had made it back from the 'Forgotten' realm; a place where even demons had little chance of escaping. 'Fanghyr' here battled Vilfortz who later summoned a crimson demon through a forbidden elven ritual.

What actually captured my interests is the fact that this new cult has shown that they may have some ties with Draghyr the white dragon and the 'Forsaken' realm. So does anyone here have anything to add or suggest?"Yes I believe I might have one or two things to add" said a tall elf with cloudy milky eyes that was clothed in the white robes of the Order of the Moon. "I believe that this might be another attempt of some elves to get rid of humans for their sins against them". "Oh please, this is not the first time that some foolish 'pointies' have tried to take control of the planet, what makes this 'Brotherhood' different? Klaus the lead forger of the Order of Twilight interrupted while he crossed his short legs in annoyance. Alexandre with a smile replied the pissed dwarf "What makes them different is the fact that they have members who are knowledgeable in forbidden arts that the Sun claimed to have eradicated". "Yeah, they might even have elven members in this castle as we speak" Catherine added with a frown. "Are you insinuating that the Sun is protecting this Cult? Asked a fairy from the Twilight.Patricia seeing the way that the discussion was headed spoke up in a loud voice "This is not the time to point accusing fingers, we should all be grateful that the Night was able to destroy the threat and also gather information concerning this new cult. But if you must know this meeting was called for us to proffer a solution in order to destroy this cult and for us to argue". "We in the Sun shall trace the origin of the rift that must have allowed the demon to cross over but I will suggest that the rest of you keep your eyes open for this could may as well be the beginning of the dark times'' The cloudy eyed seer from the order of the Moon with a shake of his head sighed "This is what my order has been warning you all, Elhyr's last prophecy is coming to reality and if we don't find the chosen one on time the white dragon might once again rise". "Impossible! Magnus laughed "The white dragon as we all know was defeated by the four beasts in the battle of the realms three hundred years ago". The seer hearing this laughed "That is what we believe but don't forget that Elhyr had prophesied on his last breath that the white dragon will come again to finish what he had started and only the last Huntran will be able to stop him"."Huntran a race of warriors that early Magnitians had erased a millennium ago? Klaus asked clutching his chest as he tried to avoid laughing "Long before even the great beasts arrived? "I know that Elhyr said that the chosen one will one day appear to wield the 'Demon Slayer' but he made no mention of he or she being of a long dead race" added Klaus, who was currently doubting the efficiency of the Moon's so called 'prophecy"Yes it is said that the forgotten race has one last descendant somewhere who will use the great sword to defeat the dragon" said another elf seer with confidence. "Prophecies aside, if anyone doesn't have any other thing to say I will suggest we all go back in order to prepare and flush out those cultists" Patricia said with a sigh. "Fine with us" Catherine said on behalf of the Night as she gave Leo a concerned look which Leo returned with a nod in order to show her that he was okay. "Agreed" said the rest of the heads and followed by a lengthy spell by Hamilton, they all teleported back to their various bases. Leo on the other hand shuddered for he had could have sworn that Magnus had given him a very bad stink eye on his way out. "So elders I believe it is time for me to take my leave". Patricia simply smiled as she cleared some locks of golden hair from her beautiful face "I believe so assassin, we are indeed grateful for your help once again in performing what would normally be our subordinates job" Patricia and the Supremes glared at a fidgeting Hamilton before Wulfe a tall white haired elf continued after the superintendent "And as such we, elders in our benevolence have decided to give you a befitting gift". "It's about TIME! Leo smiled while his mind travelled far as he imagined various gifts ranging from weapons, potions, amulets or maybe some legendary spell book. His hopes were however dashed when Wulfe with a rather annoying smile reached into his golden robes and brought out a golden envelope that Leo knew could only mean one thing.


Hello dear readers I hope you have been enjoying this past chapters. And in case you are getting tired of the filler chapters, don't fret for they are absolutely necessary to set the pace and background for the next action scenes. *******************************************************************If you like the story don't forget to vote and if you have any complaints don't hesitate to 'correct' me in the comment section.