CHAPTER 17:The Pheonix ball 3

King Ronald the third of Magnitia adjusted the sleeve of his crimson robe before he continued with the opening address

"As you all know, every eight month of the year the order of the Phoenix organizes a ball that seeks to foster unity among the four races. And so without wasting much of your time we shall begin the dance".

A short human dressed in a beautiful white suit stood up from the instrumentalists as he alighted the small steps that led to the grand piano at the further edge of the floor. Taking a deep breath, he sat down and began to play a classical piece for the first dance.Leo shifted uncomfortably in his chair cursing that the moment he had been dreading was finally upon him.

Luckily for him the first dance was between the hosts king Ronald and Queen Mabel of Magnitia; this of course was followed by many applause and cheers as the royals stepped into the dance floor. King Ronald extended his white gloved hand which was gladly taken by Queen Mabel.

The Queen's elegant face turned up in a smile as she and her husband began to waltz through the floors; their crimson dresses making them to look like beautiful phoenixes about to take flight.

"What a great way to kick off the Phoenix ball, am I right? A small fairy said as he took to the skies, before hovering beneath the giant chandelier that was placed directly above the dance floor.

Ladies and Gentlemen I am Hawthorn and I will be your little adorable Mc for the rest of this wonderful ball" Hawthorn after this spun around in the air before he said the words that Leo had been dreading to hear "And now it is time for the members of the high table to join the royal couple on the dance floor".

Hawthorn giving Leo and the dwarf king a short amused glance laughed "Don't forget that all members must and will dance". "I knew I should have sent my brother" Redbeard the dwarf king sighed wondering why he had bothered to attend this event when he was very much aware of his 'two left feet'.

At the right end of the high table Leo had already gotten to his feet and summoning all the courage within walked to the dance floor; heading in a beeline for the elven princess. Shortly after Redbeard finally stepped into the ball, Hawthorn beaming with glee clapped his two hands "Ladies and gentlemen you may now step into the ball, don't forget to choose any partner you seem fit and after every music turn it is customary for one to exchange partners.

"Will you care to join me for a dance? Your highness" Leo bowed offering the princess his outstretched hand. The princess with a smile placed her gloved right hand into his "It will be my pleasure Fanghyr". For a second or so Leo felt like time had frozen as he stared into the charming azure eyes of the beautiful princess, her crimson hair fluttering in the wind like a raging fire while her red lips curved in a smile that penetrated his very soul. "Get a hold of yourself assassin" Leo chided himself before he and the princess walked to the center of the dance floorShortly after the guests had picked their partners, they separated into two lines of male and female with each guest facing his/her partner. Hawthorn seeing that everyone had picked a partner gestured to the conductor who had just stepped onto the podium before the instrumentalists. The conductor; a tall elf dressed in a black suit and a matching bowtie, raised both of his hands into the air and finally with a wave of an ivory baton, the dance begun on a fast paced tone. Leo took in another breath of fresh air as he tried to remember the dance steps that Bethran had tried to teach him the other day. "Just remember that dancing is a little bit like battling an opponent; an interlocking of two individuals moving their bodies in synergy to a beautiful rhythm. And just like fighting, one is always trying to gain an upper hand as partners move with the finesse and grace seen in swordsmanship in a bid to out best the other while learning more about each other through the beauty that is dance". "Bethran should really try going into poetry or better still become an author" Leo thought. Though one would wonder what kind of assassin a burly assassin who enjoyed killing could make."I know right; he will probably end up killing anybody that dares to criticize his works". Leo shook his head a little in order to make sure that the last voice was nothing more than an imagination. "Are you going to start dancing or will you stand there like some idiot" a pleasant voice laughed bringing the assassin's head back to reality. Leo laughed too and bowed, after which he held her gloved hand once more. He stared right deep into her eyes and then like a spark from a flint, Leo spun the princess around before he drew her to his body; holding her tightly as they danced passionately to the fiery piece that the instrumentalists had just began to play."Nice moves" the princess remarked "I didn't expect you to be this good of a dancer". Leo hearing this nervously smiled "I had a good teacher". "I should really start stepping out more often" Leo thought wondering why he had not taken his friend's earlier advice. An almost inaudible squeak however caught his attention and thus made him to momentarily stop as his eyes scoured the area. "What is it Fanghyr? Emelda asked quietly when with a spin she faced the assassin; staring into his dark blue eyes. "I have a feeling like that thing will not hold throughout this ball and so you must get ready to move" Leo replied looking up at the golden chandelier that stood above them. Emelda noticing the large shadow beneath them nodded and continued dancing with the assassin. "So what brings the Night's most elusive assassin to an event of this grandeur" a sweet voice sounded in Leo's head. Leo got freaked out a little, momentarily losing his footing before Emelda caught him in her arms and in the process earning the two a lot of amused gazes from many of the guests who wondered why the two had reversed their dance position.