CHAPTER 20:The Pheonix ball 6

(At the same time of Emerald's battle)

Dodging a slash from one of the nearby elves, Leo slashed with his daggers and in the process slit the throat of a brotherhood member that had come too close. "Surround him, don't give him the chance to use his invisible slashes" the pale faced elf ordered, withdrawing a little as he and the remaining fourteen circled the assassin.

With a jerk of his fingers and a corresponding yell all the elves rushed Leo at the same time. "Sh*t" Leo cursed on seeing the various sword tips that were advancing towards his body. "Time to put this armor to the test" Leo thought smiling as he gathered a huge amount of energy into his legs. Then to the amazement of the elves Leo disappeared from the circle that had surrounded him. "Where did he go? Wondered one of the elves while the rest struggled for a brief moment to find the assassin that had somehow managed to evade their night vision.

*Drip* *Drip*

"Where did this come from? Sighed one of the brotherhood, wiping off what appeared to be drool from his shoulder. Instinctively he looked up and turned his head in confusion, before he cursed in a loud voice when in the dark night a bestial white grin illuminated the darkness "Up! Up! The Ba*tard is Up! "AHHHHHHHH!

The elf yelled when a massive panther pounced on him from the wall, loud screams followed before on sensing the approaching swords, the panther disengaged from his victim and stared back at the elves with bestial ferocity.

The elves took a quick glance at the severely mauled body of the elf and with pain in their eyes shifted their attention to the armored beast that stood before them.The panther's head up to its body was covered in dark blue armor with black floral patterns running towards the tail that ended in a sharp tip.

A little silver rune that spelled Fanghyr adorned the helmet; its shape like a flame wrapped up in a thorny vine.Some of the elves shivered within their robes as a weird primordial fear crept up their back, telling them that in front of them was a predator ready for the kill. The pale faced elf however ignored this fear and charged at the panther, the rest of his brothers seeing this courage joined him and ran forward in a hope to slay the nightmare before them. Leo the object of their collective malice, sat on his haunches lazily before he casually swiped the air with an outstretched paw.

A few elves knowing from experience what powers Leo possessed instantly laid down flat on the ground while their less lucky comrades split into four pieces. "Do not despair men for we shall kill this beast even if it is the last thing that kills us" the pale elf said; gritting his teeth as he slowly got to his feet. His eyes however opened wide in shock when with an agonizing cry, the elf beside him collapsed to the ground dead; blood spewing from a claw mark that had ripped his neck wide open.

The remaining four elves joined the pale one in a small circle of five that was together weapons drawn as they searched for the panther. A dark silhouette passed their field of vision quickly before it disappeared into the darkness. "Everyone on the ground Now! The pale faced elf shouted, collapsing to the ground before he cursed when the hot red blood of his comrade coated his robes while their body parts and innards fell around him.

"You are pretty talented yourself for it is quite rare for people to predict my slashes" Leo said walking towards the last elf with blood stained hands. "Impossible" the elf thought until a sudden idea made his face to contort into a wicked grin "Time to Die Fanghyr".

Leo ignored the elf on sniffing a strange rotting scent in the air,turned around with an annoyed frown on his face. "And who might you be?

The black cloaked figure emerging from the darkness the grinned; his red eyes glowing in the dark and illuminating his skull head. "We in the fallen realm have heard much about you" the figure stretched out his hand seconds before a wisp of smoke gathered around him and materialized in the form of a ghastly scythe.

"A reaper? Leo frowned wondering how a creature of fables and myth now stood before him "But they can only be summoned through a forbidden ritual that requires a hundred souls". Leo brought his daggers and stood in an attacking stance while his eyes searched for an opening. The pale faced elf on the other hand stood there shocked for even he had not a single clue why a creature of the fallen realm had made its way into the Forever realm.

"Well this is a lot better than unleashing a powerful suicidal artefact to blow me and the assassin to pieces" the pale elf smiled picking up his sword in order to support his dark savior.The reaper noticing the feeble elf getting to his feet grinned "Let's get rid of the small fry first".

Leo sensing what was going to happen soon jumped out of the way before he shifted into a panther again. The pale faced elf sadly was not so lucky and instead looked into the sky before his head rolled off his body."Now that I have fulfilled the first part of my contract, it's time for me to get on with the second part" The reaper said; his voice taking on a more sinister tone. Leo got ready to fight but first there was something he needed to ask"What souls were used to summon you, reaper?The reaper yawned and rolled his red eyes before he replied "The souls of two hundred elves".

Leo's eyes went wide in shock for the Night had sent members to Elyria to protect the royals and other elves from whatever scheme the Brotherhood might have up their sleeves. "Either our intel had lied about the time of their attack or my Order has failed in the mission "Leo thought while he secretly hoped that the situation was the first. "But first I have to get rid of the threat in front of me"