CHAPTER 38:The Midnights

"Don't worry Hamilton, we are almost there" Emelda smiled; sighing in relief when she could make out the outlines of dark hooded figures further down the street.

"You can put me down now" Hamilton coughed, turning his head to spit out blood onto the cobblestones."Not a chance" Emelda retorted. "You are my only cousin and so I'm going to make sure you get to a healer as soon as possible.

Hamilton gave up his argument while hoping secretly that no Sun mages would be present among the Night, for he knew that the sun wouldn't let him hear the end of it.

"I need some help over here! Emelda shouted, moving forward and slowly dropping Hamilton into the hands of the two women that had come to assist her.

"I need to speak to a Midnight" the princess added as she moved through the Magnitian soldiers and assassins gathered at the capital.

The two female assassins served as her guide while Hamilton had been handed over to a burly man who followed them at the back with the injured mage strapped to his back.

"It seems the battle has been won" Emelda said out loud, trying to start a conversation with the two belles. "You are quite right your Highness, though the injured among the soldiers and our men are great" replied the shorter of the assassins which was accompanied by a nod from her counterpart.

"Aren't you worried about Fanghyr your comrade? Emelda asked slightly fuming at the fact that none of the Night seemed interested in rushing towards the castle to assist Fanghyr and possibly his green eyed friend.

"We only act on orders, your highness and for now our superiors have not yet given us any one, which is the more reason why you should inform the Midnights and possibly convince them to send reinforcements"

Emelda kept the rest of her thoughts to herself, keeping silent save for the few greetings to citizens and soldiers that had recognized the elven princess.

A few minutes later and they eventually arrived at the dark tent that the Midnights had set up.

The two female assassins turned backwards, bowed towards the princess and left to join their comrades, leaving the assassin at her back and Hamilton.

Emelda looked around for a brief second, momentarily shocked at the absence of guards which was quite understandable if the inhabitants were one of the most dangerous humans to ever walk the earth. The flaps of the tent were pushed aside by a red haired Midnight who bowed as he gestured for Emelda to take a sit at the small oak table that stood in the center.

"I could have sworn there was a tint of annoyance on his face" Emelda mused, shaking her head that despite the man's faked smile, his mind showed a different story entirely; showing thoughts filled containing battle fields marked with signs of blood and torture.

Immediately the princess broke the telepathic link and looked away, trying her best not to show the shock on her face.

The other three Midnights stood up from their seats bowing and sitting immediately the princess had taken hers.

"It is such a pleasure to have you here, your highness" the black haired female sitting opposite her smiled. "We are glad that Fanghyr was able to ensure your safe departure and as for god rank Hamilton, we have informed the Sun who will send a Supreme to join us shortly.

Emelda took a deep breath before she started "You do know that two of your members are battling an overpowered supreme traitor, so I...

"We are aware of that" the short elder with a nasty scar interrupted and continued, despite the princess' annoyed facial expression. "But be rest assured for though the Sun can't help them at the moment, we the Midnights will go to the castle ourselves and deal with the traitor.

"Permit me to ask, but why didn't the Sun send members to help put down the traitor? After all he is from their order.

The elders looked at each other for a short while before Fang Alexandre (the only Midnight that she knew by name) replied:"The Sun are currently fighting the Brotherhood's main force

"Where? Emelda asked while she tried to push back the thought that maybe the attack on Magnitia and Elyria had been nothing but a big diversion.

"Klaustia the kingdom of the dwarves where we believe their fighting for the…

"Demon slayer sword" Emelda completed, sweating when the whole truth settled in.

"A place where we can't currently go for our men are already fatigued and so it will be up to the Sun and Twilight to protect one of our only hopes of defeating Draghyr"

The crimson haired killer stated crossing his arms as he leaned back into his chair.


All five turned to the front of the tent's entrance where a beautiful dark skinned elf stood, dressed in long flowing golden robes that ended with a hood that did little to hide her glowing turquoise eyes.

"Nice to see you too Supreme Alicia" Vince smiled, something that had shocked all the Midnights and had made Cassandra to smile devilishly as it occurred to her that maybe one of the bachelor duo had plans to find love.

"The pleasure is mine especially for you, Princess Emelda" Alicia said while stretching out a robed hand.

"Your cousin god rank Hamilton is now stable and with a few weeks of rest he will be good as new" the Supreme smiled.

"You have my thanks" Emelda bowed before shaking the Supreme as she took a seat at her side.

Alicia beamed in return exposing white teeth that seemed to make a brighter shade of red appear on Vince's cheek.

Emelda after the pleasantries, gave a full detailed explanation on everything she knew that happened at the castle…

"Without further ado I think it is time for us to teach that traitor a lesson" Magnus grinned after Emelda's briefing, cracking his neck and wrapping calloused hands around the hilts of two ornate daggers.

"The Magnitian soldiers and some of the Night shall escort you to Elyria, your highness" Cassandra added strapping a beautiful bow across her shoulders before nodding towards the princess as she rose up to her feet along with the Midnights and Alicia.

Emelda after seeing them pick all their weapons wanted to request to join them but knew that with her mana not being at full capacity, all she might do is to be in their way.

And then before she could say as much as goodbye, a bright light appeared and all of them were gone.