CHAPTER 43:The Dwarven Trap 1

"I hope you all are ready? Clyde asked with a smile as he addressed the gathered dwarven soldiers before him.

"We are" Redneck replied. "But are you sure this your plan is going to work?

"Why not" Clyde said. "After all the enemy has no idea that we are waiting for him with arms wide open.

Redneck didn't ask any other question and continued to brief the dwarves, while Clyde and his mages casted the spells necessary for their plan.

Taking one last look at the tunnels from the mine that led to the grove, Redneck smiled sheepishly, glad as he imagined the look of surprise on whoever was going to come out of those tunnels.

"Mind you though" Clyde said suddenly, mostly to the dwarves than the mages.

"What might come through those tunnels could very well be a demon or worst a devil". Clause noticing the look of surprise on the dwarves faces, frowned for he had expected Klaus to tell them about what happened in the earlier meeting with the Sun.

"Regardless of what it might be" Redneck smiled. "An army of two hundred dwarves and a hundred mages is more than enough to tackle a demon".

"Let's hope so" was the only thing Clyde could say.

(In one of the many underground mines)

"These tunnels are a lot bigger than I expected" The crimson haired elf sighed, stopping for a brief moment to wipe the crimson stains on his blade. "And those stupid dwarves had only made me waste even more time".

With an even greater sigh the elf continued through the tunnels; occasionally stooping or squatting in order to walk through many mines that were no doubt meant to be trod by dwarves alone.

Every now and then his eyes also scoured the mines for any signs of a light azure ore that would mean the presence of the rare and powerful Antium.

But the only thing he could see was greyish Dwarvium the ore of Dwarvenstone which was actually a weird metal that could assume the look of stone when polished enough(A fact that only dwarves and fairies knew).

The elf couldn't be more annoyed for even the miners from earlier refused to say even a word no matter the torture he meted out unto them and to his surprise a few had ended their misery themselves by bashing their head on whatever tool laid nearby.

And there was still the matter of the scouts who were anything but inconspicuous to him, which was why he relished their dying screams though their refusal to reveal who sent them was simply infuriating.

"Still I hope those bast*rs above are doing a good job in keeping those short stacks busy" the elf smirked, though personally he would have loved to take all those dwarves on his own but alas Draghyr seemed to want the sword to be retrieved as discreetly as possible.


The elf grinned when the distant and (to him) melodious sounds of clashing swords and dying groans reached his ears from a couple of tunnels.

"So those cannon fodder really have their uses after all"

Taking another right that ended in an opening that revealed a brightening sky, the elf threw his head back and laughed for he knew that he was still sure to receive some form of punishment for allowing the mission to reach dawn.

Bending a little, the elf crawled through the opening and slowly drew the longswords strapped to his back before he took a fresh breath of air.

"Let's get this over with? The elf asked himself in shock on seeing what the newly awakened day had revealed.

Standing in coordinated long lines was an army of golden robed mages and armored dwarves; each armed with deadly axes and bows that were no doubt Dwarvenstone.

"Welcome" a red haired dwarf said with a smirk.

"It's my pleasure" the elf smiled, mouth twisting and skin tearing to reveal the grotesque figure beneath.

Pushing off with two upsides down crimson wings, the devil stared at them mouth open in a scary grin that showed rows and rows of serrated teeth.

"Sh*t" Redneck cursed, shivering like the rest of the dwarves as they looked upwards.

The crimson haired devil above gave a wider grin; relishing the look on their faces while his triangle tipped tail swayed back and forth.

The mages on the other hand had trained all their lives in case of an incident like this and with surprising confidence they set into motion Clyde's plan.

"Now! A female mage shouted.


Barrages of flames, fireballs water ice and projectiles of all the elements flew upwards at the airborne target .

Their target on the other hand smiled sinisterly; the smile shining even more in the light of the purple bolts that gathered at the tip of his curved crimson horns.

"Dwarves, SHIELD! Redneck shouted, raising his shield in a clanging noise that was followed by that of a hundred and ninety-nine.

The ball of purple lightning in an instant crashed into the barrages of projectiles; bathing the area in a bright light and generating a gust of wind that threw the first line of mages and dwarves away.

Redneck peeked from his large shield, getting up from a bended knee and like a general barked orders to the dwarves behind him.

A short battle cry rang out from the dwarves followed by arrows that shot upwards.

"Pathetic" the devil mocked, throwing all the projectiles back with a wave of a crimson hand.

"Dumb f*ck" Redneck smiled. "That was just a signal".

The demon noticed the danger a bit too late and was struck by a massive flaming boulder that squashed him against the valley walls.

More boulders followed, raising up clouds of dust from the rubble that had descended from the mountains.

"Did we get him? Redneck asked a nearby mage.

"I think so".

But in order to be sure, more boulders and spells crashed against the mountain; chipping away some of the ancient stone and unintentionally blocking the entrance to the mines.

"That should have been enough" Redneck thought, having the vain hope that maybe they didn't have to go through with Clyde's plan.

Unfortunately, a loud cackle echoing across the valley made his mind to differ.

"That was quite painful" the devil smiled; emerging from the rubble and looking generally unscathed, much to the annoyance of all gathered in front of the lush grove.

Still he didn't take to the skies and continued to walk through the approaching spells, not smiling this time but looking rather frustrated when the sun's ray landed on his ugly face.