CHAPTER 45:The Search

"Anything? Alexandre asked, for what would probably be the third time in the space of just ten minutes.

"Nothing" Alicia replied with a sad shake of her head. "No mana signature and even my space spells can't seem to find anything except ashes and burnt books".

"And no signs of a body either" Vince added, making them know that there was probably a chance that Leo was still alive somewhere.

"Maybe he followed another exit? Cassandra said nervously while she ran her hands against the blackened dwarvenstone walls.

"That would be the only explanation, though it's also a bit sad that such a vast amount of resources and knowledge had gone up in flames just like that".

"Even I had no idea that Magnitia had a secret library" Vince said. "Which makes you wonder what other secrets this kingdom has hidden".

"The library wasn't really a secret" Alicia spoke up as she searched the floors for any mana trace that would reveal Leo's past movements. "We already knew of its existence and hadn't given it so much as a second glance for this library only contains chronological information relevant to Magnitia, much of it being historically inaccurate as they mostly focus on human achievement and heavily romanticized battles against other races".

"Wait I think I'm getting something" Alicia smiled; closing her eyes in order to focus on the faint mana trace that she had just picked up.

"Behind those shelves! Alicia shouted, her fingers pointing at a group of shelves that didn't seem to be attached to the main wall.

Alexandre on hearing this rushed over to the shelves and was pleased to find a small passage that revealed several stone steps that led downwards.

The Midnights and lastly Alicia followed behind him and were eventually lost for words because it was quite obvious that this place, judging by the cobwebs, smell and dust had been kept a secret for a pretty long time.

To the shock and surprise of the Midnights, even Alicia had no idea of there being a secret passageway in the tower.

"Maybe it leads to an ancient meeting room that ancient Magnitian generals used for reconnaissance" Vince suggested.

"Highly unlikely" Cassandra argued while looking behind her, hoping that Bethran who was left behind in the library would be okay.

"She's right" Alicia sighed as she withdrew her previously outstretched wand. "This must have been some high ranking mage's hideout".

"And how do you know that? Vince asked.

Alicia continued walking down for some time before she replied "I doubt your normal eyes would notice, but the walls surrounding us is covered with dead ancient runes".

"Which by the looks of it were meant to seal the place unless the necessary rune was drawn to open the passageway".

"And they died because they are old? Alexandre asked quietly as he used his right hand to feel the walls.

"No, runes can't 'die' unless their mana source is disrupted" Alicia replied before continuing with a serious tone.

"Somebody came here much, much later and destroyed the source perhaps the owner himself or a thief in a hurry who hadn't the time to put back the original safety measures".

"Be on your guard" Alicia further warned as they approached the tunnel below that glowed with a strange blue light. "Ancient mages are known for putting all kinds of security measures to stop thieves".

"I don't think that will be the case" Alexandre hollered out as he stood at the entrance of the tunnel.

The rest eventually stood by his side, in awe (except Alicia) as they observed the bright torches but their fascination ended there for the tunnel was in a bad state itself but at least it seemed their search had come to an end.


Cassandra called out, but not receiving no answer from the battered ebony assassin leaning against the walls.

"Is he all right? Vince asked Alexandre who had walked up to check Leo's state.

"He is fine" Alexandre replied. "He is only sleeping but his injuries are quite severe".

Hearing this, all of the Midnights heaved a sigh of relief.

"But how is he alive? Alicia asked herself for she had only joined them to help recover a body and not to find an injured assassin.

"He survived a Supreme, a demon and a whole lot of brotherhood members" She frowned.

"That's not supposed to be possible for an assassin even if he possesses the fabled 'devourer' attribute.

Alicia was so deep in thought that she had not even noticed that the Midnights were calling her to see if she could help with Leo's injuries.

"Alicia? Cassandra tapped her on the shoulder.

"What was it you all were saying? She asked while scratching her head.

"We were wondering if you could help heal some of his injuries" Alexandre replied.

"I will try my best".

"Something seems fishy" Alicia thought as she placed her two hands unto Leo's chest.

The injuries beneath were severe like Alexandre had said but strangely none were fatal or life-threatening; something that would be expected of someone who had just gone through such hell.

Alicia continued to heal the wounds while at the back of her mind she promised to look into this assassin's past for it seemed like the time had come for the Sun to keep a close eye on the Night.

But then in a split second, a huge amount of mana was released.

"F*ck! Alicia exclaimed, falling back unto her butt as she stared into the azure eye that had just opened.

"Impossible" was the only word that formed on her trembling lips.

The rest of the Midnights didn't understand the reason for Alicia's reaction, though they too could feel a slight pressure coming from the azure eye that had opened.

"Good to see you're alive and well" Alexandre smiled.

Leo's eye blinked; changing back to normal.

"It is such an honor" Leo bowed. "For elders as yourselves to search for someone like me".

"The honor is ours" Cassandra smiled.

"Now that you are alive" Vince frowned, trying to look as though he wasn't relieved to find Leo in one piece.

"Why don't we find out what's in the rest of this strange tunnel?

"I don't see why not" Alexandre shrugged, throwing a questioning glance at Alicia who simply nodded.

"Very well".


Hi dear readers, this is the first of the three chapters that will mark the end of the 'Brotherhood wars'.

Don't forget to vote and comment for only through that can I get the motivation for me to better my work.