Bright White Light

Vorden watched Cassidy and Raten set out on their rounds. Walking together, neither of them said anything. After a little bit of time had passed, he could see them walking together on a feed from further down on the string of camera feeds that coincided with their route.

"Hmmm. Still not talking? What happened to the guy that used to use the earth ability to raise up the ground under a girl's foot, just so he could catch her when she lost her balance?" Vorden spoke aloud to himself in the tiny security office. He leaned back in the chair and recalled that story in particular. It was such a long time ago, but it was still fresh in his memory. He couldn't help but to smile to himself, and indulged in a bit of reminiscing. "Man I am going to miss your crazy ass while I'm gone". He spoke to the image on the video feed of Raten, who thankfully had finally started talking to the girl. "Finally, thank goodness. That's my guy, go get em". Vorden had almost started to worry.

The video feeds were visual only, so he couldn't hear what was being said, but honestly felt it was better this way. He didn't want to be a creep. Vorden scanned the rest of the feeds and noticed somebody wandering around on the other side of the building, he immediately jumped up and headed off to check on the individual. He ventured out of the tower, ensuring that both the office door and tower door locked completely behind him as he went.

He paused for a split second, orienting himself in space trying to remember exactly where that particular feed was located. With a quick search of his memory, he thought he had it right and started to walk briskly in that direction.

Vorden wasn't concerned, as there were many people, residents of the Blade Building, that were working nightshifts, like Raten, Cassie, and him. Not to mention that it's not like anybody was held prisoner. These were all adult men and women, strong ones at that. They were free to come and go as they pleased. It could have just been a random resident out for an evening stroll. The point was, just because there was a person doesn't mean they are an intruder, at the same time it was still Vorden's duty to look into it.

Vorden passed by the front entrance, grand and impressive. Shiro felt that first impressions were important. He continued around the far side of the building until he could see the area a little bit further up ahead. Scanning the space as he grew closer in an attempt to spot the individual in question.

A person started to come into view as he approached, and he gave a small wave to the guy. "Hi there sir! Just checking in, making sure you are good and not in need of assistance?" Vorden started saying loudly when he was close enough for the person to hear him. The man that had been lurking somewhat in the shadows, stood straight upright upon hearing Vorden's words.

He spun around and smiled sort of awkwardly as Vorden finally got close enough to make out his features. "Shiro?" Vorden was in complete shock. "What are you doing? Is something wrong?" Shiro looked painfully embarrassed. He scratched the back of his head and smiled apprehensively.

"I was just, you know, trying to check in" at first this was confusing. Didn't Shiro trust him to keep it all running smoothly?

"Wait, you could have just sent me a message" he said pointing at his wristwatch. "Or called me?" Shiro smiled.

"Vorden, you should know by now, I trust you explicitly. I didn't mean, check on guard duty. I meant check on them". Shiro nodded towards the building, possibly guessing that they would be on the other side by now. Instantly it all clicked inside Vorden's head.

Shiro was trying to pry into Cassie and Raten. Vorden laughed and threw an arm around Shiro's shoulders. "Well, let's go back and check in on the two love birds. I gotta be honest though, it wasn't looking too great when I left the office". Vorden shook his head as they began walking back towards the tower.

"Seriously? You mean I nearly got my nose washed in by bookends and coasters for nothing?" Pained, Shiro simply hung his head.

"I don't know, but perhaps this particular brand of fire may just very well be a Slow burn". They both smiled, letting out a slight laugh, as they pressed on trudging through the smaller, side courtyard, around to the front of the building, then on again across the larger front courtyard. Again he unlocked the tower door, which he then held open for Shiro. And lastly, the inner office door, also locked, for which he did the same. They both walked around the desk and looked for the two on the various feeds.

"There they are!" Shiro pointed excitedly. "Wait, what are they..."Without warning all the color drained from his face.

"What... What is it?" Vorden was concerned upon seeing him react like that. Hee moved closer to the screen, slightly past Shiro, to get a better view. Virden scanned the boxes for a second, looking for the two and when his eyes finally crossed the camera feeds that captured Raten and Cassidy, his mouth nearly hit the floor. Now one could see exactly what shiro had seen. "Oh... OH MY. Well... That, that's not what I expected".

Vorden figured they would be talking and laughing, or maybe Raten would find a reason to show off his ability, maybe steal a kiss or two if he was anything like the Raten he had grown up with. However, the scene on the screen was enough to make anybody blush. Cassie had her arms and legs wrapped tightly around Raten. The two were exchanging kisses feverishly, and Raten had begun to kiss down her neck at which point he instantly turned about face to stop the images entering his head, and prevent himself from seeing anything more.... Eh.... Private.

Shiro put his arm around Vorden's shoulders and calmly said, with a tone that suggested he was rather pleased with himself. "It looks like our work here is done! We should give them some privacy". Shiro pointed a thumb at the door, and Vorden couldn't have agreed more. So he walked back around the desk and then they decided to do a quick half route of patrol, to give them some time before he would have to check in on them, you know, just to make sure that they were pausing and taking breaks, remembering to come up for air.

Vorden and Shiro having left the tower, were not present at the security desk when something other than the heated make-out session had been visible from another camera view. A few boxes away from Raten's, a feed that corresponded to a camera just on the opposite side of the large facility building but still technically behind it displayed another individual. The area of empty yard behind the building was just an open plot, with the property being smack dab in the middle of a lunsh green forest the edge of the forest could be seen, in full view of the camera's angle. Just beyond the tree line a bright white light would have been visible if not for the trees blocking any prying eyes from view. Although there was nobody around to notice it, the camera did in fact register a bright flash seemingly from just inside the forest.

Although they did not know it, Raten and Cassie had an audience. A single pair of bright yellow eyes watched them intently from across the yard. A mix of confusion and frustration emmiting from their gaze. They watched the couple for a few minutes, until Raten and Cassie began to move again. Suddenly, the bright flash of pure white light could be seen on the video feed again. Just like that, the eyes and the one they belonged to had vanished.

Nobody had seen the anomaly occur. Not in person, nor in the security footage. So nobody was any the wiser.