
Vorden settled in to his role as an instructor much easier than expected. Days were finally starting to flow a little faster and winter break was a little less out of reach. The first couple of weeks were pretty much more of the same. He continued to teach the students various types of martial styles. Not in depth of course, just a brief example of some simple moves with each, trying to see if any of it speaks to them, or if they notice any that enhance their ability. Overall the class was progressing well. No huge breakthroughs had been made yet, but the kids were improving marginally.

There also was some growth in another area of Vorden's life. He had taken to spending most meals eating with Jade. As it turns out, despite their incredible age gap, they had many common interests and plenty of topics to discuss. They very seldom disagreed in most topics of importance, and the rare occasion that they did disagree it was usually on the approach to the issue, not the end goal, on which they tended to be much more aligned. Things with Jade had been so pleasant in fact, that Vorden had been contemplating the nature of their friendship.

He couldn't deny that he found her to be breathtaking. Physically fit, nimble and lythe. She spent time in the gym daily, and could often be found in the training room perfecting her martial style. They were in the habit of meeting up for dinner, and her hair was always wet as she was usually training up until then and had freshly showered before they would meet. Last night was no different.

However there was a slight alteration to their usual routine. On any other typical night they would just meet in the canteen at the same time. At first it didn't matter if they arrived at the exact same time, whoever got there first would just get their own food, and find an empty table. Then the person who arrived last could just join them. Merely choosing to sit together. As it became a regular occurrence, they started to wait for the other to arrive, and then heading over to get their food together. So it wasn't unusual for there to be a message sent between them if one was running late.

Last night that is exactly what happened. Vorden looked down at his communicator after he heard the notification. It was from Jade.

Hey, I'll be late to dinner! I forgot my gym bag back in my room, so I'll need to run there so I can shower and change before we eat. Shouldn't take me too long.

He let out a big sigh, slightly deflated. He had been looking forward to seeing her, but a few minutes was not a big deal. He looked around the room. He had just finished putting everything away and making sure his room was all in order for lessons the next day. So he had nothing to do and hated the idea of just aimlessly sitting around. So he had the idea to go and meet her. The gym wasn't too far away after all, maybe if he left now he could catch her before she left for her room.

With that he shut off the lights and locked his classroom door. It didn't take him but a few minutes to find his way to the other side of the inner circle of buildings and find the gym. He couldn't have planned the timing better. Just as Vorden rounded the corner he was surprised to see just a little ways down the hall was Jade. She had seemed to have just emerged from the training facilities. Drenched in sweat and her cheeks flushed. She was wearing a loose fitting grey tank top, the kind that had rather stretched out arm openings. Allowing her black sports bra to be visible from the side. Her military jumpsuit was undone and pulled off half way, the arms tied around her waist acting as a makeshift belt for the rest which she wore as pants. Her head rose to see Vorden walking towards her, and she waved with a confused expression on her face.

"Vorden? Why are you here?" She asked in a light hearted tone.

"Well, I got your message, and had nothing else to do," he smiled softly, pretending to not be hurt by her greeting. "So I figured, it's still nice out, fresh air wouldn't hurt. Why not walk with you back to the dorms? I wouldn't mind changing myself if I'm being honest". He looked down at his own uniform, and boots. The clothing was fine enough for all day use but nobody would say they were comfortable by any stretch of the word.

Her face suddenly brightened. "Oh, ok! That's wonderful, thank you". She actually seemed rather pleased with his decision. "Shall we then?" With a nod towards the door she lifted an eyebrow.

"Let's," Vorden nodded in agreement and they headed off.

They walked slowly, meandering through the gardens in between buildings enjoying the cool breeze on the skin. Per usual the conversation between them flowed naturally and before they knew it, they were already at the door of her apartment.

"Want to come in?" She asked while she unlocked the door with a wave of her wrist. "I should only be a few minutes and then we can go grab some grub,". She wiggled her eyebrows at him when she spoke of food, and without waiting for his reply pushed open the door.

Vorden hesitated for a split second, and then thought,

What am I apprehensive for? She invited me in to her place, not her bedroom, I must be losing it.

He followed behind her before the door could shut and closed it behind him.

"Make yourself at home, I'll be right back". She was already reaching up to the pins holding her hair back removing them one by one as she smiled and shot a glance at the couch, clearing telling him to have a seat. Then she turned and disappeared into the bedroom. He sat down on the couch and looked around. Her place was identical to his, except it was on the floor just below. She hadn't done much in the way of decorating or personal touches, which was surprisingly considering how much she had done to her classroom.

Perhaps that is why her apartment looked untouched, like she was never even here. Her class had become her home away from home instead. Of course he hadn't yet seen the bedroom.

Not too long after she had entered the other room the sound of the shower turning on could be heard and the delicious scent amber and vanilla danced out from the direction of the bathroom. The entire room became infused with rich notes of patchouli and Ylang Ylang. It was positively intoxicating. Vorden felt like he was enveloped in the warm embrace of a botanical garden. He instantly felt stress start to shed from his outer shell layer by layer. Tension released from his shoulders and neck. It was like an aromatherapy enchantment. He hadn't felt so at ease in ages. As he sunk back into the couch, after a few minutes the shower was off again. Vorden heard the bathroom door inside her room open, and then he heard a few dresser doors as she rummaged around for clothes. At least that's what he assumed.

"Just another second, almost ready" he heard her voice from the other side of the wall. Her bedroom door was cracked slightly and while he hadn't looked before, and hadn't necessarily done so now, he couldn't help the instant reaction to lift his gaze in the direction of a voice when it spoke to him. Just as he did he caught a glimpse of Jade in the next room. She had already donned her pants thankfully, and was sliding a shirt down over her head. All he managed to see was her toned stomach as the fabric of her shirt slid down across it. He quickly averted his eyes as she then turned and came walking back out the door, turning off the light behind her.

"Ready?" She asked as she was rubbing her wet hair between a towel with two hands. Vorden hadn't realized it was so long. Her damp hair was easily down to her mid back, and a beautiful rich chestnut brown. She had dressed in a simple blouse that was loose fitting and somewhat see through. It barely hung on her, slipping off of one shoulder. Vorden could make out the curves of her supple yet lean body through the thin fabric. Her tight fitting lounge pants hugged the curves of her modest figure. She wore no makeup but didn't need to in his opinion. She had a natural beauty that radiated from within.

When Jade swept her hair back and gathered it with two hands stretched above her head to bring it into her usual tight ponytail and wrapped an elastic band around it, Vorden suddenly couldn't catch his breath. Her elongated body caused her shirt to ride up just slightly, exposing her silly smooth midriff. He was face to face with her hip bones and his heart suddenly skipped a beat. He felt something shift inside himself. A tightness clenched his chest out of nowhere.

Her eyes were closed as she pulled the ponytail to make sure it was taught and then looked his way while she grabbed another rubber band from her wrist and began to twist it around her long chestnut locks, twisting it all up into a simple bun. Wen she looked at him however he had been lost in thought staring at her almost gawking which quickly shifted into a serious expression that caused her to pause. "Something wrong?" She looked around her as if looking for whatever he was looking at.

Vorden quickly regained his composure, and cleared his throat as he adjust in his seat, sitting more upright. "No, nothing, I'm good. It's just... I..." Vorden's brow furrowed as he tried to think of what he wanted to say.

Now is not the time to be timid. You have waited over a thousand years for a chance like this, who knows when it will come around again.

Vorden looked into Jade's confused eyes. He stood up and smoothed the front of his shirt with his hands. He took a step towards Jade standing across the room. Then he hardened his resolve and opened his mouth. "I was just thinking, you are one of the most beautiful women I've met. I also like spending time with you. I haven't had anybody that I can enjoy a conversation with in a long time either... Other than my brothers," Vorden felt nerves twist his stomach slightly as he thought to himself about just how long he had been without genuine companionship.

Jade's eyes widend slightly and she stood frozen, no emotions betrayed by her face. His anxiety only grew in the silence. "What I am saying is... That I would like to know, if I can take you out on a date?" He gulped at how childish the question felt for some reason. Was he, a man that has lived over a thousand years, going to be somebody's boyfriend? The thought was almost laughable. Yet somehow he didn't really care.

He had lived a millennium, traveled the cosmos. Caught in several battles, won a war, faced enemies that were far stronger, and saved the life of a man that even the gods themselves were frightened of. Yet here he stood, trying not to think about the butterflies in his stomach, and ignoring the pressure on his chest that tightened when he thought about her declining. He was thoroughly confused, stressed out, not to mention the fact that technically, he has never even been with a women, in any capacity. He started to feel dizzy.

Jade's shock subsided. Her eyes went back to normal. A soft smile returned to her lips and she smiled even more with her eyes. She calmly walked over to Vorden and placed one delicate hand on his shoulder. Slowly she slid her hand up his neck and down around it as she pressed her body into his. His heart was racing. Her freshly showered scent intoxicated him and whipped his hormones into a frenzy. As she leaned in her other hand landed on his chest and also began slowly, and softly sliding it's way up to wrap around his neck.

At this point, Vorden's heart was pounding wildly in his chest, and he felt like he might have a heart attack. He felt the warmth of her slender body pressing into his. He hesitantly placed his hands on her hips, sliding them to her lower back. He looked down at her, just slightly shorter than him. A height difference of just enough to force her to reach up on her toes just barely to reach his lips.

However just before her lips reached his she paused, looking deeply into his eyes, with a serious expression she examined his face for a moment. Continuing to slide one of her hands up the back of his neck and laced with the soft hairs at the nape of his neck. "I thought you would never ask," she said with a grin.

Then she closed her eyes and reached her face up, Vorden saw her soft and full lips getting close and his cheeks flushed because his heart was pounding so loudly he was almost sure that she could feel it thumping against her chest. He couldn't help but notice the sensation of her full and supple breasts pressed so tight against his solid, muscular chest. The sight drove him wild with desire. He met her lips with his, kissing her deeply. He had to hold himself back from losing control. He had never felt longing like this in his life. His hands crept up her back and he reached as he wrapped both arms tightly around her body, lifting her slightly even closer to him. Their feverish bodies slowly released the tension they had both been grasping onto only a moment prior.

Their kiss lingered, as Vorden tilted his head the opposite direction and slowly left her lips as he nuzzled her neck and then pulled her in tightly once more for a lasting embrace. She softly stroked the back of his neck with her dexterous fingers, drawing her hands back down to his shoulders. Pulling back they looked each other in the eyes. Her smirk grew wider and she covered her mouth as a giggle escaped her lips.

"I'm sorry," her cheeks were suddenly bright red with the flush of embarrassment. "I don't know what came over me, it's just... I had been wanting to do that," she averted her eyes and continued to blush.

Vorden pulled her in close once more lifted her chin with his fingers and caught her lips in another passionate kiss. He stroked her cheek and grasped her face with his other hand before he pulled back and said "Don't apologize, I want you too. Just to be clear, you can show me what you want to do any time, whatever came over you is more than welcome," he chuckled a little and kissed her again. Much softer this time before pulling back completely.

Just then Jade's stomach growled, and in the silence that had settled over her quarters it echoed loudly between them. Their eyes met and all the tension was gone as they both dissolved into laughter. "I guess I'm famished," she shrugged as her cheeks returned to the pink shade another time.

Vorden reached down and caught her hand in his, he brought it up to his lips, pulling a page from Raten's book, and softly kissed it. Then he replied "Well then, let's go eat,". She nodded with another giggle and they made their way back out into the hall and returned to the canteen, arriving just in time before they were getting ready to close it up for the night.