Vorden didn't take very long in the shower at all, he had a very efficient systematic routine. On top of that he did not want to keep her waiting for long. His nerves were running high, and he did not know what to expect. He was somewhat at odds with himself as well, about wanting to wait for their official date, and for their encounter to mean something. He had to remind himself, he was an adult. He was a single adult man. She was a single adult women. There weren't too many rules too this stuff. Consenting adults had little to no need to follow guidelines, or any type of societal standards. Vorden's entire life had been nothing if not a giant rebellion to the notion of societal standards.
He exited the shower, double checked his reflection, and put on a typical days outfit. He didn't want to just put on sweatpants or something low effort. When he was done he stood in front of the door, took a deep breath, and shakily reached out to open it. He steadied his breathing and tried to calm his heartbeat.
As he walked out into the living area he glanced around and saw Jade was leaned over the small table staring out the window. She looked at peace, clearly not filled with nerves or self doubt. She heard the door and looked up in his direction. As soon as she saw Vorden her whole face lit up, and it almost looked like she was actually glowing. She had an ethereal presence and radiated light. He had always thought she eminated energy, but tonight it actually was the brightest he had seen. Like she was the human embodiment of a star.
She slowly walked over to where he stood, coming right up to him, and put her arms around his neck. All of Vorden's nerves were for not it seemed. There was no need to worry about tact, or steps, to be concerned with moves or trying to maintain his cool. Jade had apparently decided that none of that was necessary, and skipped ahead. She wasted no time in getting straight to business. Before he could realize it she was kissing him, his shock only lasted a split second before surprise was completely replaced with pure, unfettered, lust, raw desire, and a thirst that Vorden had never felt before. Suddenly he wrapped his arms around her and leaned in to his kisses moving her back slightly.
He kissed her even more fiercely, her lips parted slightly beckoning him to kiss deeper. She teased his lips with her tongue, guiding his inexperienced mouth on what to do next. Their actions were seamless, she took the initiative and lead him the entire time, knowing most likely that he hadn't been in this situation before, for most of his years having been inside another being's body, and not alone for that matter.
Vorden hadn't ever been truly alone, not since he was around 8 years old. So there was never really the opportunity to form strong intimate relationships with women. At least... Not for Vorden, Raten may have felt entirely different about the situation, even though he still was never able to accomplish such a task with his limited windows of time actually in the driver's seat.
Jade was patient and knew just how to show him what to do without saying anything. She felt his desire rise and matched its intensity with her own impassioned kisses. She melted into him and he slowly stepped backwards towards the couch. He took a step or two, with his arms wrapped around her, he lifted her slightly. When he felt the couch touching his calves he sat down slowly pulling her down with him. As Vorden lowered himself down on the couch, he slid his hands down her back, over her hips and cupped her toned thighs. With a hand on each he lifted her up, guiding her legs to either side, so that she was straddling him. This seemed like the most obvious solution.
Thankfully, other than the momentary logistical situations to arise, Jade was there to walk hand in hand with him through it all. She reached for his hand which was now resting on her thigh. She kissed along his jawline, returning to his lips, with her tongue she explored his lips and mouth. She lead his hand, and with her guidance he slid it up her thigh, across her lean flat stomach and up her abdomen until he felt the silky fabric and lace, and rounded fullness of something weighty and malleable in his hand. Sliding his thumb across he felt a hard nodule protruding from the center. He shuddered again, it was her breast. She slid his hand up under her clothes to cup her breast while they were kissing. It was so warm, so soft, it felt so delicate. He was almost scared to be too rough with her angelic skin. He ran his thumb over the nipple once more and felt her shiver beneath his hand. The reaction it brought from her sent Vorden reeling. This was like a drug. He wanted to do that again. He wanted to make her quake and yearn for him the way he desired her.
He wrapped his arms around her once more pulling her body in, close to his and slid a hand up her back until he reached the base of her neck where he gently held her in his hand while continuing to follow her cues. Vorden slowly gained confidence, heeding the desire that was now a raging inferno. He wanted her. He had known that he wanted her, but now that she was in his arms, now that he was with her, he wanted more. He wanted everything. He felt insatiable.
He tried to slow his breathing, and steady his hands. He was aware that he needed to calm himself down, he didn't want his first experience being intimate to feel like a hormone fueled blur. He wanted to savor it. She pulled back softly, and looked down at him, her intense gaze looked directly into his eyes. She brought her hands to his cheeks and held his face for a moment while she leaned in to kiss him. She then pulled away once more.
Jade smiled mischievously. Reaching her arms across her body she grasped the edges of her overshirt, of Vorden's shirt actually, that she had put on and began to slide it up her body and pulled it off over her head. Vorden saw this and decided to assist her with the next layer placing his hands over hers when she went for the second shirt, stopping her. He gripped the thin fabric between his fingers and slowly lifted, he watched as the cotton fabric slid up her soft, glowing skin. He took his time, drinking in the beauty of her lythe figure sitting on top of him. With a soft tug, the shirt was off and tossed aside.
She kissed him again quickly while her arms reached around behind her and unclipped the latch of her bra. She cupped her now loose undergarment as she leaned back, intending to allow him to have the best possible view as she let the straps fall to the sides. He looked up at her with wide eyes, his heart thumping wildly. She slowly lowered her arms dropping the langere simultaneously. She closed her eyes as her plump, and perky breasts spilled out of her grasp. They fell into view with a soft bounce causing Vorden to have to catch his breath.
There, leaned back to give him the full view, was the vision of perfection. Her toned stomach and arms, her delicate dewey skin, the flush of her beautiful face, the supple roundness of her full breasts, her luscious locks of chestnut hair with loose tendrils draping her slender face. His heart stopped for a moment. Time seemed to stop.