They made love several more times that night, and even more the next day. That weekend they did not leave Vorden's lodgings, not even once. They made love, in every position, in every way possible. They were devastatingly ravenous for one another, and their hunger was insatiable. It was like a fever dream, only broken by gentle kisses and snuggling before falling asleep, and steamy joint showers in between.
When Sunday arrived by lunchtime they were broken and blissfully sore. The two were very strong, and full of vitality. Vorden himself was the definition of verility. So needless to say, they put their mortal bodies through the ringer, and had no problem with stamina. However there were still limitations to what one's body could reasonably take, and they definitely pushed themselves past all reason.
They were laying in bed together, Vorden on his side with his head propped up with his arm. The blanket only pulled up to his waist so that his chiseled chest was exposed. Jade, who had been in the kitchen, had simply laid down across the bed midway on her stomach. She was resting on her elbows, lightly tracing the muscles on Vorden's chest with her fingers lazily while he had the perfect view of her bottom and was quite enjoying it.
They spend long periods of time like that, just naked, together, talking about ideas, and passions, their interests, and their upbringing. There were a few heavy moments when Vorden opened up finally about some of the more intricate aspects of his childhood and the strange life he had lead.
Jade explained her ability in more depth. An original ability and quite a powerful one from what Vorden could sense through the many moments they had touched and he had the chance to copy it. However, he was very unsure about how to actually use it, and he dared not experiment with such a strong power, especially not in doors.
She told him that she was a twin, her brother however had been missing for some years and both of her parents had now passed. She did have an uncle the still remained, and was an elder of their community. Vorden thought it was kind of a coincidence that she was a twin, now that he himself, for all intents and purposes could very well be considered a twin as well. He and Raten that is.
As fate would have it she too grew up on an island. They differred greatly however in their experiences on those islands. Vorden had never really gone into great detail about his childhood, or all of the extreme abuse he had to endure while both a small child as well as later while in control of Sil's body. It was difficult, more so than he had expected. At the same time, it felt rather liberating.
Jade was wide eyed and hanging in his every word when he recounted some of the adventures he had with Quinn, and living through the second Dalki War. It was easy to see that she was a historian, but she was a truly sublime audience to say the least. Once again asking all the right questions at the right times, making the right faces, gasps and laughter in perfect timing.
Vorden had always been nervous about what would happen, if he were to ever devuldge his full story, the complete and honest version of it. At least to anybody that hadn't been a part of it. Especially to a woman he took an interest in. For some reason he always just assumed that most would think he was making it up, if not then they might find it too strange and look at him differently. He never imagined he would be laying in bed, with a stunningly beautiful woman, and that she would be looking up at him with the look of complete enamorment, not scared of by the gravity of his past, not intimidated, or looking like she didn't believe him. Jade was completely enthralled and at the same time enthralling. They were both smitten, and Vorden knew it.
However, he didn't mind. After waiting a lifetime for the experience, it suited him just fine. In fact, the weekend had been the happiest couple of days, he had ever experienced in all of his over one thousand years of living. This single perfect weekend, was like a dream come true. Vorden was, happy. He was at peace. He allowed himself for once to think about the future, about what possibilities the future could have in store, he had never let himself think hopefully about the future, mostly because his own fate was so uncertain. He finally felt like things were settling.
After another round of showering, they put on the most comfortable clothes they had, which meant Jade was once again wearing one of Vorden's shirts as an overshirt, and decided that they simply had to get food. They had exhausted every last scrap of food, what little there was, in Vorden's kitchen and the situation was dire. So off to the canteen they went. Hand in hand, not concerned in the slightest about who could see. They were two consenting adults, and Vorden was so very glad of that.