Some time later, at a small table for two in the back of a dimly lit, elegant, high class establishment, the couple were just starting to dig into their visually appealing, and mouthwatering dishes. They had been talking casually per usual. Natural and comfortable, the conversation simply flowed effortlessly.
Jade twirled a fork in her pasta as she enjoyed the lighthearted conversation that had been going on at their table while they got to know each other better. "You know, if you'd asked little me what I wanted to be when I grew up, 'combat strategy teacher' wouldn't even have been in the top ten."
Vorden raised an eyebrow as he cut into his steak, "Oh? So, what was at the top?".
She mulled it over briefly while taking a bite of her food. She finished chewing and swallowed before she answered. "A ballerina. Or maybe an archaeologist. I had this whole phase where I was obsessed with the idea of uncovering lost civilizations. Thought I'd be the one to find Atlantis."
Vorden studied her face for a moment and then replied thoughtfully "I can actually picture that. You, in some grand library, solving ancient puzzles, or an archaeological site looking way too pretty for being covered in all the dust."
"Exactly! And what about you, Mr. Blade? Did you always dream of being a teacher?"
Vorden leaned back in his chair, a short laugh escaping his lips "Not even close. Honestly I fully expected to be long dead by now". His smile faded "Before that though, I used to think I'd be a high ranked traveler, traversing planets, seeing the universe, fighting off dangerous foes… turns out that would be Sil's destiny. Anyway, I still ended up getting more of that than I bargained for".
"Yeah… life definitely didn't go as planned." there was a wistful tint to her expression as her unfocused eyes stared blankly into the distance as if she was lost in thought.
Vorden reached across the table for her hand and just held it, gently caressing the top with his thumb, back and forth. "No, but it brought us here. And honestly? I like where I've ended up."
Jade squeezed his hand gently, "Me too. Even if teaching wasn't what I imagined, I like that we get to help shape the next generation. Maybe we can help them to figure out their paths a little easier than we did."
"You mean scare them into making better choices?" Vorden smirked.
"Exactly. 'Learn from your teacher's questionable life choices, kids!' It's gotta work right?" Jade's melodious giggle was so alluring and inviting.
Vorden stifled a chuckle while trying not to cringe at the corny words he was about to say, "Well, they have two pretty awesome role models, at least".
A sudden mischievously playful smirk turned the corners of her mouth up. She raised her chin slightly and puffed out her chest as well. "Oh? I know I'm awesome, but what makes you think you qualify?"
Vorden scoffed with a mocked offense, "Excuse me, I'm very cool. Ask anyone. Except Raten, he's biased."
Jade and Vorden shared a genuine laugh. "Alright, alright. You're cool. But more importantly, you care. And that's what really makes a difference." she couldn't help it, whenever she looked at Vorden her eyes would glint with a spark of something very intense.
Vorden looked up at Jade with a contemplative gaze. "I have hope, I suppose. That's why I care at all. I mean, if there's no hope... Then, there's no point right?"
"I guess that's the main reason I have hope though. I was able to find my way, even after all the crap I went through. I know now, looking back, I owe it all to My schooling. If I hadn't attended school at the academy, I never would have escaped my true prison, I never would have been able to escape my father".
"My time at the academy was a reprieve for me, however to many, including my friends, it was like a prison sentence. It felt like a place of torture, one where your tormentors are imprisoned alongside you. Caged inside of four impossible to scale walls,".
Jade proceeded to poke at her meal for a moment with her brow furrowed. "I Hope, for the new generation of warriors, that when they leave the academy I have helped to create a solid foundation, taught them some skills, gave them knowledge and tools to rise higher than the walls that have confined them". She paused and Vorden saw her thoughtful expression turn to stone. "That much at least, before they leave it, and the politicians send them, mere teenagers, off to possibly die in senseless wars" she finished, her solemn face unwavering.
Vorden shuddered at the sudden severity and weight of the atmosphere that had settled over them both. "Well..." Vorden grasped the stem of his wine glass and held it up. "May they have the strength to scale the walls that confine them, the courage to tear down the walls they can't, and the self awareness to know the difference!" Jade's scrutinizing gaze studied Vorden's face for a brief moment, and then her expression softened. She smiled slightly as she picked up her own glass, and proceeded to tap it against Vorden's. They both drank deeply from their wine glasses and continued to eat somewhat lost in thought. There was relative silence for a moment or two before the conversation continued normally. After dinner they had some time before they had to return to the island, so they decided to go for a relaxing stroll, not wanting to waste the beautiful evening and vibrant moon.
The rhythmic crash of the waves filled the quiet night as Vorden and Jade strolled along the moonlit shore, their fingers loosely intertwined. Their shoes dangled from their free hands, forgotten trophies from the upscale dinner they had just shared. The warm breeze carried the scent of salt and the distant laughter of partygoers, but here, in this secluded stretch of sand, it felt like they were the only two people in the world.
Neither spoke very much while they walked, but the silence was not awkward. The crashing of waves breaking in the distance was a soothing sound to them both, having grown up on islands. As the moon shone high in the sky Vorden saw its soft glow reflected off of Jades bare shoulders through the darkness. It almost looked as if she herself was glowing instead of it just being the moon. Feeling his intense gaze she looked up and met his eyes.
"What?" She smiled timidly and turned to face him a bit. "What is it?".
Vorden shook his head and smiled "No, it's nothing, I just was thinking you look beautiful,". Jade blushed slightly and looked away until she felt something touching her hand. Vorden placed his fingers through hers and pulled her slightly so she turned back to face him. They stopped walking and Vorden leaned in to kiss her full lips passionately. She happily accepted his kiss and pressed herself into his chest. They continued to walk for a while when Vorden finally broke the silence.
"Jade... Can I ask you something?" He was watching the waves foam up and beat at the sand at the waters edge as he spoke, a deep contemplative look in his eyes.
With a gentle smile Jade gave him an amused grin and nodded her head. "Yes, of course," she looked at him intently.
Vorden nodded and with a slightly confused expression clenched his jaw momentarily before asking. "I have been wanting to ask you for some time now, I know that you are extremely powerful, a level 8 ability user at least if I'm not mistaken, yet I never see you use your ability, at least I don't think I have," he paused briefly, gathering his thoughts.
Jade's face sank a bit and she started to open her mouth uncomfortably. However before she could say anything Vorden finished asking his question. "I was hoping you might be able to explain to me how your ability works?" Vorden exhaled audibly as if he had just removed a huge weight from his chest.
His question left Jade in a momentary shock. "Oh... OH! Is... Is that ALL? You just want to understand my ability? Is that so you can copy it?" Suddenly Vorden felt a bit tense.
"Well, I mean, sort of. I have already copied it. Not that I do so with any intent... It's just that I can't really help it, I kind of copy automatically whenever I touch somebody. I can either choose to leave it be, or overwrite it with another later after I run out of room with 6 total. However copying the ability and activating the cells are two different things. Unless I have at least a vague understanding as to how exactly I use the ability, it's worth no more than the amount of mutant cells I am able to utilize with another ability."
Vorden scratched the back of his head awkwardly. Jade however was frozen in shock. "You can tell a person's ability level just by making contact with them? Vorden that in and of itself is a pretty amazing and useful ability!"
"More or less, it's not that cut and dry but yes, I guess. Especially after so many years of experience with various types of abilities and the feeling that comes with copying them versus the resulting power," he shrugged nonchalantly.
Jade glanced up at him, a playful smirk curving her lips. Jade hummed, tilting her head as if considering. Then, with a grin, she let go of his hand and stepped a few paces away. "Alright, let me show you."
She lifted her hand, and the air around her shimmered. A soft golden glow radiated from her entire body, anywhere skin was visible she emitted a soft focus glow of soft radiance which culminated with a bright focus of light at her fingertips, casting warm light across the sand. "Light manipulation isn't just about making things bright," she explained. "It's about bending perception, controlling what people see and don't see. Since eyes use light to give a being its vision, being able to manipulate light is a very potent tool for those who devote the necessary time and effort to mastering it. It is truly limited only by the limitations of one's own imagination".
She flicked her fingers, and the glow burst outward in tiny motes, swirling around her like fireflies. "This is just ambient light—basic control. It's like painting with energy."
Vorden watched, fascinated, as the motes flickered and converged into a soft, glowing sphere hovering above her palm. "And this?" she continued, tightening her fingers. The orb flashed brilliantly, flooding the beach with an intense, sudden flare before vanishing.
He blinked, rubbing his eyes. "Okay, that was bright."
Jade laughed. "It's a flash attack—short but disorienting. I am able to create a much brighter version but I don't want to cause permanent damage or blindness for you".
Then, she shifted her stance, focusing. The glow around her shifted and wavered, and in the space of a breath, she was gone.
Vorden's brows furrowed. "Jade?"
"I'm right here," came her voice, but he could see nothing but open sand. A moment later, the air shimmered again, and she reappeared, standing exactly where she had been. "Refraction," she said with a wink. "I bent the light around me to become nearly invisible. It's tricky, but when done right, I can move unseen for a few seconds at least."
Vorden let out a low whistle. "That's... actually, really cool."
She sauntered back over to him, reaching for his hand again. "Glad you think so, it's an original ability, but there aren't many of us left these days. I admit I am probably one of the strongest left. I wish you could see my brother at work though, he is truly worthy of the title. Kade Brightmoor. Master of Light". Her sad eyes didn't quite match her smiling face. She quickly shook off her negative thoughts before they could creep in too much. She smiled wide again at Vorden.
Jade laughed, leaning into his side as they continued their moonlit walk. He wrapped his arms around her and lovingly kissed her forehead. After the short ferry trip back to the base, Vorden did in fact whisk her away to bed, and did indeed get to remove that little cocktale dress. He also got to satiate their most primal urges, and to him, it was absolutely perfect.