Calyx, the celestial, wanted to kill Sil. His desire to do so had only grown increasingly more, nearly all consuming, with each passing day ever since he had reincarnated. With all of the previous life's memories still intact, the celestial vividly recalled the last thing he saw before the sweet embrace of death. The godslayer's face was it, and quickly became the only thing he could see. The stronger he became, the more the prospect of revenge occupied his thoughts, and the more intense the desire for retribution was as well. As he gathered more celestial energy by having his condition met, or gaining new dedicated followers who then did the same among his people, he began to formulate his vengeful plot.
Things only got worse after he received an anonymous message within the celestial space. It took him quite some time to come through the reincarnation cycle, and then even longer to amass enough energy to unlock entry in to the white space. Upon his very first visit to the celestial realm this cycle, it had already been there, waiting for him.
Sent anonymously the message was signed with only "a fellow celestial" which left him extremely confused. The message contained the exact coordinates and location of the godslayer responsible for his demise. As if whoever sent it knew somehow, that he would seek this information upon his return.
Indeed, the correspondence had lit a fire inside him, tempering his resolve, solidifying his ambition. He decided to investigate the claim made by the unknown ally. Transporting himself there alone, he chose an area hidden beneath cover of the lush green canopy of a forest, just beyond the treeline. To his great surprise, he had to look no further, as the exact face he had burned into the back of his mind was directly in front of him.
He could see his features clearly, though he was at a distance. The alleged godslayer was performing feets of martial arts combined with a fire ability. As if demonstrating this ability to a young female. He clearly was a being with above average capabilities, and strong, admittedly. However, something wasn't right.
The initial information Calyx gathered was the output of several scans done on the planet, with focus on the vicinity of this large structure. The structure of course being the Blade complex, which was the exact location that has been provided to him by the "fellow celestial" in the annonymous message.
Calyx did indeed locate the rouge's genetic signature, along with a wealth of power that seemed to concentrate within the building. It was difficult to know the exact source of the energy, as it was nearly impossible to differentiate powerful beings in such close proximity. However one thing was very clear, there was great power within this structure. That combined with the positive match of the godslayer's genetic signature, and the message he received, when stacked did make for a very compelling case.
With that confirmation attained, Calyx went ahead to take a look for himself and ended up incredibly lucky, when he materialized on the alien planet, the godslayer stood not more than 30 yards away. There was no need to disguise himself, or hide his presence. He could clearly see the very face that had haunted his memories. A sudden urge to strike began to well up in his chest.
It was too easy. Calyx had learned just how treacherous this particular godslayer could be, and it had cost him his life. Now he had no intentions of making the same mistake twice. Something was off. As strong as the urge to slay this mighty godslayer was, every ounce of his being was screaming not to engage. He trusted his instincts, and tried to quell his nascent desires.
This being in front of him was indeed strong but It was imposible to tell if he was actually the single source of energy Calyx could sense or the pair combined instead. Only one thing he could be certain of. This place contained a powerful presence. Impressive as the presence was, this being in particular was not like the one that took his life. Still, it wasn't what he expected... One word came to mind.
This being was weak, much weaker than the godslayer that took his life. Godslayer's did not reincarnate. So he wouldn't be rebuilding after having been killed. Unlike Calyx who was in the process of doing just that. There was no reason for this godslayer to be such a fraction of his former self. It also looked as if he hadn't aged a single day, in all these hundreds of years since the time of their conflict. How could this even be possible?
No, he could not take action. Not yet anyway. He continued to scan the surrounding area with a small device in his hand. After a few rows of data scrolled across his device, his brow furrowed beneath his mask. This needed to be investigated further. Calyx looked back at the godslayer who, at some point, had started to kiss the female he was with, and quite passionately. They were completely engrossed in their carnal fixations. Literally ablaze with passion and succumbing to lustful desires. Appearantly they could not control themselves, or their emotional connection to their abilities, as the sudden combustion of nearby foliage looked unintentional. Calyx shook his head.
My, oh my, how the mighty have fallen.
The words were a snear inside his mind, internally thought, while he smirked to himself. Without warning a bright white light suddenly enveloped his entire body and with a silent flash, he was gone. Calyx had vanished, and nobody was any the wiser.
Sometime many months later, the day arrived. The day on which he had decided to take action. Calyx watched the Blade complex from the celestial space. The godslayer was with a few more of his kind, greeting another two as they disembarked their transport vessel. Calyx nearly choked, his mouth became very dry. As he stared at the image before him, an icey cold washed over his entire body. Looking at the two that had emerged from the vessel, he was momentarily stopped in place by shock and horror, flooded with confusion and doubt, quickly replaced again by rage and fear.
There were two of them. Right there in front of him, he could see two godslayer's. Both beings looked exactly as his killer had. There was also little difference between the abundant level of power emitting from each. Also the very same DNA as the godslayer. How could it be possible though? Which one was the actual godslayer?
Calyx was suddenly gripped by doubt. His need for retribution, however, rapidly subdued any hesitation he had. The time to act had come. He couldn't ask for a better chance, especially now that there were two. When would he ever get such a chance to grab them both in one swoop? They were right here in front of him, out in the open, so vulnerable and unprotected.
The vengeful celestial readied himself. Breathing deeply, he focusedh and attempted to center himself. Then, with cold and calculated poise he raised a single hand and snapped his fingers. One moment he was there in the celestial realm, and the next he had vanished. A flash of white light and once again he was gone. Had anybody else been witnessing the Blade complex at that exact moment, they would have also noticed another set of flashes taking place. With that, there were two less beings at the scene playing out on earth.
Acting out of fear, and anger, instead of patience and clear headedness, he had made a grave mistake. If he had only realized that the actual subject of his ire has been woefully overlooked, even though he had been standing right there with the other two. Without powers, Sil was completely unnoticed. Though neither of them had any idea of that information at the time.