Kalisto, officially registered as a local Walker under the city's investigative network, walked down Wrenwood Street, a neglected part of town infamous for its rowdy gambling scene.
The street was lined with worn brick buildings, their once-bright facades now dulled by years of grime and neglect.
Faded signs hung crookedly above heavy wooden doors, advertising establishments like "The Lucky Ace" or "Jack's Table."
The air smelled of stale beer, cheap tobacco, and the faint metallic tang of coins constantly exchanging hands.
The occasional shout or cheer spilled out from open doorways, mixing with the sound of footsteps on the cracked pavement and the distant rattle of a trolley rolling past the far end of the street.
The streetlights above flickered inconsistently, their weak glow struggling to cut through the mist rolling in from the nearby river, giving the entire area a damp, cold feel.