Vague Emptiness

After realizing Darian had no intentions of cooperating... and was, in fact, willing to accept the curse that would bring forth the birth of the Master of Cruelty—both Ivaim and the Black Veil Master wasted no time.

They sprinted back toward Elthram, urgency coursing through every step as they sought out Nathan.

Nathan, ever composed but visibly wary after hearing their hurried report, stood by a large map sprawled across a wooden table.

"The Coliseum of Chosens..."

Nathan muttered, tracing his gloved finger along the ancient parchment.

"It won't be an easy place to break into unnoticed, especially with their security tightening for the competition."

Ivaim replied.

"We don't have to sneak in. We'll just have to hit hard and fast before Darian has a chance to accept that damn curse."

The Black Veil Master's voice was measured, calm despite the gravity of the situation.