After retreating back to their base, now along their titan mecha, Mark leaded his group, and the titan mecha, in search for survivors.
They did walk for much time, but all the bases did seem destroyed, and filled with blood, and empty of corpses. One thing was clear, those arachnid bugs were taking the corpses.
As Mark, Sophie, Jonathan, and the towering titan mecha trudged through the desolate Martian terrain, a grim silence enveloped them. The bases they passed, once bustling with activity, were now lifeless ruins. Blood splattered across the shattered structures told stories of fierce battles lost, but the absence of bodies left an unsettling mystery.
After hours of searching, the team reached a partially intact base nestled against a cluster of rocky outcroppings. Smoke curled from its broken walls, and faint movement flickered within. The team approached cautiously, Mark ordering the titan mecha to stand guard at the perimeter while Jonathan scanned for traps or ambushes.