the toy graveyard and safe haven

Max slowly lowered the group down and he had his guard up in case the cat tries to attack.

But he sensed the prototype's presence but it was for a breef moment.

When they got down the cat was nowhere to be found.

Marie: what the? Where is he? shouldn't he down here?

Max: I sensed the prototype's presence for a brief moment I guess that he dragged his body away. Probably for experimentation

Dogday: isn't that bad?

Max: nah I don't think the prototype is a spirit so unless he has some sort of ability already he have some idea on spirits and. I think catnap isn't going to be happy to see his owner again.

Kissy: why do you say that?

Max: because catnap is a lost soul and that means that he is currently overwhelmed by negative emotions so I think he currently in a blind rage.

Poppy: let's go I want to get to the save haven quickly.

Kissy: wait poppy did you forget!? Down here Harley is actually active and we will stick out if we are together.

Max: who is Harley?

Marie: he was the lead scientist on the bigger bodies initiative in other words he was in charge of creating us.

Max: so basically he is the bastard that started everything. Great I'll make sure to torture him real good.

Poppy: there's no point in that he is no longer human.

Max: oh let me guess he turned himself into a toy to become immortal?

Kissy: actually no he was turned in a computer program and he had a role to play in the hour of joy. He tricked the warden of the prison to give him the Omni hand to let loose all the experiments.

Max: so he is a living computer program? Great and here I was about to enjoy making one of those scientists suffer.

Dogday: back to the matter kissy is right Harley has access to all the cameras down here and if we stick together he can track us easily but if we split up he might not be able to track us all at once.

Poppy: alright then Marie kissy are coming with me Dogday you go with max.

Dogday: got it.

The group separated and while Dogday and max were making their way around the place max decided to on what exactly is this part of the facility.

And the only response he got from was


He got some ideas on what does that mean but when they got to the entrance Dogday and max were welcomed by a pile of corpses of toys.

Max sensed that some were alive but suffering and some are just dead.

Max was used to corpses thanks to his encounters with lost souls but these toys were children turned into monsters by humans.

This is why the spiritual community is hidden by the public and government because human nature can result into this mess and the world is better off without knowing.

But while they were making there way max found letters and it was wrote by a girl named Riley.

When he found all of them he found out that Riley was orphaned because her parents died and she was up for adoption but in reality it was her being turned into a toy.

She described that the process was mentally and physically painful but fortunately Riley kept her mind in one piece but she was traumatized by the whole thing and she was deemed a failure and was thrown in her.

So the scientist used this place as garbage dump for failed test subjects and this just pissed off max more and more.

When he was done reading these notes Dogday and him tried to get into the entrance but lights quickly flashed blinding them.

But that got the attention of toys that were still alive which were mini Huggies.

Max gave Dogday his grabpack that had a flare gun to defend himself against the Huggies.

Meanwhile max took out his small blade and cut down the Huggies

Despite these things being kids max didn't show mercy because to him killing these toys was like putting them out of their misery.

After a while of defending themselves from the Huggies they scurried back to the mountains of corpses.

But now the main entrance was closed.

luckily for them there was another entrance by the mountain of corpses.

After getting in they were in a small train station.

But max was caught off guard on seeing a corpse but it was a human corpse but he realized that this level might have human bodies that would explain why he didn't see any in the upper levels.

While Dogday was connecting the power max went on the upper level of the station because he felt like something was up there.

And there was something a corpse but it was a toy it looked like a pink teddy bear with ribs and a skull on display.

He remembered something and got out the letters of Riley and reread the last few.

It said that she found a key that led to the prison and she said that she didn't want anyone to go through her painful experience.

So she kept the key which max could assume she swallowed and starved to death.

Max looked at what remained of Riley's body and he put the letters on the ground below her corpse and put his hands together to pray that her spirit where ever it is to be alive and safe.

Dogday called out for him and max looked at Riley's corpse one more time and he swore to clean this mess.

He got down and the two went inside the train but the place looked like a mini cell.

While the train was starting heading towards the prison the tv suddenly turned on and max thought that it was going to be an introduction or something but no.

Instead there was only an eye on the screen.

Harley: looks like my special test subject has come and looks like one of poppy's allies are still alive I knew catnap liked to play with his pray but looks like he kept you Dogday for a special case.

Max: so I'm guessing this is Harley?

Dogday: yes it is.

Harley: looks like poppy told you about me I'm gonna assume that-

He didn't get to finish because max got out a gun from moline and shot at the screen to shut Harley up.

The moment he started talking max sensed a monologue and he wasn't in the mood to hear a psychopath talk.

Dogday: was that necessary?

Max: do you want to hear this asshole talk?

Dogday: good point.

The speakers blurred to life and Harley's voice came out of them.

Harley: looks you are a rowdy one but I like an experiment with-

Max once again interrupted Harley by shouting at the speaker.

But the next moment the train was getting intense but max made black arms and stuck himself and Dogday to the wall.

It took a while but the ride over and it looks like the Harley tried to kill them by crashing the train which failed.

Max pushed giant hatch open and it was revealed that they were in a prison.

Dogday felt a massive amount of ptsd just from being here.

Max: so. This is the place huh? You went kidding about this place being hell.

Dogday: yeah and playtime wanted it like that.

Max: come on let's go and see if we can get out of here.

Dogday nodded and they got to it.

And after a while they found a way to get out but it closed off.

Harley: I suggest you listen before you-

But once again max shot at the speakers.

Max: this guy either doesn't get the hint or he just loves hearing his own voice.

Dogday: max we got company!

He turned and saw toys that looked like the smiling critters and some Huggies coming out of their cells.

Max and Dogday got to ready for them.

But max can easily kill these things easily but he wanted Dogday to have some experience when he gets the chance he will teach him some hand to hand combat skills.

The two took care of the hoard some coward in fear while some were blinded by hunger.

Harley's voice came through another speaker and they stopped and scattered away.

He then opened the door for the two.

Max: this guy doesn't take me seriously does he?

Dogday: nope he is stuck in his own world.

They kept going and Harley tried to slow them down by letting loose the red smoke but thanks to the masks they didn't have a problem.

After a while they made there way towards a room that covered in glass.

Harley's voice sounded out through the room and max was tempted to shut him up again but he decided to let the bastard ramble.

Harley: I've been watching you for a while now and I got to say I never was one to believe in ghosts but you really peak my interest. Once I get my hands on you. I will gain more knowledge.

Dogday: aren't you worried? He knows about "that"

Max: nope you said that he's stuck in here and besides I can easily kill him.

Harley: I doubt it unlike 1170 and 1188 I have a functioning brain.

Max: heh more like a rotten brain because if you think that you're the smartest man in the world then why trapped in a computer world?

Harley: insult me all you want. Your puny mind couldn't comprehend my accomplishments I-

Max: shut up. Are you going to keep talking or are you going to open the door for whatever is inside to get us?

Harley: mmm yes it's seems that I forgot about my little pet. Oh yarnaby.

The door opened and for a second there was nothing but then a lion looking toy covered in yarn was banging and scratching at the glass.

But then its head split open and 2 sets of teeths were inside.

Max felt that this thing gave the vibes of a dog. Well it acts more like an actual dog than Dogday.

Harley: yarnaby you will play with them soon. As for you two please do entertain him I'll be taking notes.

Max: yeah I bet you see taking notes as some sort of masterbation ya creepy fuck.

Harley: (this kid has quite a mouth on him but when have him on my grasp he won't be cocky).

The two got out of the room but Dogday was worried about max being in the hands of Harley.

Dogday: hey max should you really irritate Harley?

Max: I'm not worried like I said unless he has some sort of ability he won't be a problem.

They got to a room filled with electronics but when they tried to get to the other side of the room yarnaby came through a vent and walked towards a wall.

Max got out his small blade to kill yarnaby but noise caught his attention and saw a yellow hand that looked like clay throw a flare to the ground distracting yarnaby.

Dogday recognized the hand and he had a small smile on his face but now wasn't the Time.

The two got on to the vents and ended up in another room but this time it was surrounded by more electronics and yarnaby was here

But thanks to max's senses they avoided yarnaby but during the whole thing max snatched a tape there wasn't time to play it because it could get the yarn toy's attention.

They got a path that was straight forward but the moment they took a step yarnaby appeared and started running at them.

Dogday was tempted to run but max wasn't moving.

The moment yarnaby got close he side stepped his swipe and put two fingers on yarnaby's neck and toy felt a shock and went limp but he was twitching.

Dogday looked at the twitching yarnaby with some surprise.

Dogday: what did you do?

Max just put up two fingers and a small spark of yellow electricity came out.

Max: i absorbed/borrowed one of my guy's lightning abilities and i sent a small jolt through its system to paralyze it.

After that little moment they continued their way and they ran into a room that ended up being a viewing room for a green dinosaur like toy that had colorful parts.

Dogday told him that this thing was named pianosaurus he was one of the early experiments and he was basically like a rabbit animal that eats anything in sight.

The two tried to shimmy there way to the other room but Dogday slipped and ended up below with the green dinosaur.

Max got down to defend Dogday but he noticed 3 presences behind the dinosaur.

As for the dinosaur in question he looked at the two but all it saw was food not noticing who was behind him.

It changed at the two but multiple grabbed it and smacked him around the place then it was dragged into the darkness and eaten leaving only his head.

Max: wow and I didn't even do anything.

Dogday: well good thing that he came in to kill that thing.

Max was about to ask who Dogday was talking about but a voice caught his attention.

Doey: mmm. Now that hit the spot I haven't eaten in weeks.

He then noticed Dogday and max he went for a closer look.

Doey: hiya there new pal. Don't worry I won't eat you. Heh heh heh. I'm doey you're max right? I don't think I recognize. Who's your friend?

Dogday: hey doey it's me Dogday.

Doey's sockets grew wide open.

Doey: Dogday? Why do you-

Dogday: it's a long story I'll explain once we get to save haven.

Doey: yeah your right this isn't a good place to talk come on you two follow me.

Dogday: sure.

Max didn't say anything because he was just focused on Doey's soul.

Actually no there was 3 souls in one body one of them felt like a young boy another felt a young teenager and another felt like someone with anger issues.

He has no idea how playtime put 3 kids in one body but he knows one thing if Marie who was originally a toy who had a poor state of mental health.

Doey might end up the same way he doesn't do something about it.

Speaking of of the doughman in question he led them to an interrogation room he responded by saying that he never gave them an answer they liked.

After getting through the interrogation room doey phase through the gate and max had to bend it to get through.

Doey then said that he will help them get across he demonstrated his shapeshifting ability by turning himself in a bridge of clay.

Max is getting more and more surprised by Doey more and more not only he has 3 souls in his body which wasn't good but that problem aside Doey can shift his body into anything if he was a spirit he would probably be a strong one but in his current state even if he is made of dough he can still damage the dough man if he tries anything.

Doey once again shifted his body to help them get across but this time he ask them something.

Doey: so. Have you two seen poppy anywhere? Ollie called and he said that she was around. Somewhere.

Dogday: we separated so that Harvey doesn't track us all at once.

Doey: I see.

Doey then looked at max who didn't say anything to him.

Doey: hey Dogday can we trust him? He might not be an employee but still.

Dogday: don't worry he is a friend and not to mention he saved me from catnap.

Doey: yeah about that I thought that you were dead. Like hoopy.

Dogday: yeah. her.

The made there way towards a place that looked like an fighting arena.

Doey felt uncomfortable in this place and he went on a rant on how the workers put them in this area to watch the toys kill each other for food just for misbehaving.

But max noticed that his voice was becoming distorted and he sounded more and more pissed off.

Dogday calmed him down and the doughman phased through a gap of area and opened the door for the two.

Doey: quick warning we might need to turn on the generator to make your way to the safe haven. We keep it off so that no one enters.

Dogday: got it

Max: I'm not a tech genius but I'll help

After getting the generator working Doey and them split up because Doey had to turn off the defenseses for them.

The two got out side and the two were snatched by a pair of energy hands.

They saw that it was the girls but max saw that kissy was in bad shape and it shows because she looked like she was in pain which she shouldn't feel since she is a spirit one of her arms were bandaged up that wasn't going to fix anything.

Poppy shush them and then a clanking noise sounded out and they saw a shadow of a spider like leg.

But max noticed that poppy looked more shaken that and he took a wild guess and assumed that it was the prototype.

But that wasn't it the moment his legs disappear someone else was following him and it was catnap who was still in his lost soul form but max was actually surprised that the prototype tamed him.

Since lost souls are aggressive and rarely keep their humanity but guess that the prototype probably killed catnap to even the odds of fire power.

Luckily catnap doesn't seem to have learned any sensory abilities.

Poppy then led the group through the tight space.

Poppy: let's go through the showers it's a shortcut to the save haven.

She looked outside and looked back at the group.

Poppy: when I say so we go.

They all nodded and poppy waited a moment and gave them the go ahead.

instead of running the walk fast to the safe haven Marie had to help kissy out since her foot was also injured.

Poppy: hurry close it.

Marie: that was too close.

Max: what the hell happened?

Kissy: we ran into catnap when we were making our way here Marie tried to kill him but he was too agile he caught me in a corner and he bit my arm and was about to rip it off but somehow we managed to get away.

Max: good thing you didn't lose your arm I can-

Doey: what's going on!? What's with the-

Doey saw the 3 girls but he recognized the pink one with red lips.

Doey: kissy? Kissy! Goodness what happened to you?

Kissy: I'm alright I just need-

Poppy: no you are not! Doey get her help now!

Doey didn't recognize the girl but the more he looked the more he realized who it was.

Doey: poppy? Why are you- never mind take her to one of the beds I'll check the defenseses in case if something is still outside.

Poppy: it isn't just something it's "him" he's out there!

Doey: and you brought him down-

Doey was mad for a mere second but he realized that now wasn't a good time to be mad he had to make sure that everyone in the safe haven is all right.

Doey: we will talk about this later. For right now I'll make sure out there is where he stays.

Doey ran to a part of the save haven mean while the toy with the controller locked down the safe haven.

Marie helped kissy to sit down in the beds

Poppy: get some rest alright?

Kissy: I'll try.

Max walked over to kissy's side and got down on one knee.

Max: give me your arm.

Kissy: why?

Max: just give it.

Poppy: can't you see that she's injured she needs to-

Max: I'm trying to heal her I'm not gonna do anything bad now come on.

Kissy decided to trust max she gave him her injured arm and max put his hand on her arm and green and black energy wrapped around kissy's injured body her arm and leg were healing fast

Everyone even the toys in the safe haven looked in shocked at the sight.

He stopped and kissy felt her arm and leg completely healed.

Kissy: I thought your ability was to summon those black things.

Max: yeah but the special effects of my black energy is that I can absorb other types of energies.

Poppy: why didn't you ever say anything?

Max: because one you guys had the grab packs and two you never asked me for details.

Dogday let out a sigh and he dropped on to the bed next to kissy.

Dogday: honestly I don't care how did it right now I want some shut eye.

Marie/max: me too.

Kissy: yeah I think I can use a nap.

Poppy: are you guys serious going to!?

But she didn't get to finish because the four of were already asleep.

Poppy let out a sigh and she decided to got and see how the generator is doing.

Toy 1: what's poppy doing here? And why does she look more human.

Toy 2: how am I supposed to know? They just let her in.

Toy 1: why!? That's a whole different type of trouble that we don't need! I mean how can we know we can trust her?

Toy 2: look I don't know okay and besides don't you think we should be paying more attention to her new friends?

Toy 1: yeah that black haired guy I don't think he is an employee and did you see how he healed kissy? What was that?

Toy 2: I don't know. magic maybe?