Chapter 106: The city of good food!

"Aria! Aria, wake up! We're here!"

Serena's voice yanked me out of my sleep after ordering my clones to go to where we were now. I blinked against the sunlight and sat up, groaning. "Already?"

"Yes, already. You've been out like a rock," Serena said, leaning into the wagon.

"And drooling," Leah added, flicking my forehead with a smirk. "Gross."

I rubbed my forehead, glaring at her. "Efficiency. That's what it's called. Sleeping while others work is a ski⁠—"

I gasped, before rubbing my eyes as I looked at Leah (°0°⁠)

And again, I looked at her and then rubbed my eyes thinking I may be dreaming or still asleep.

"What are you doing?" Leah asked with an eyebrow raised.

"You're human!" I said pointing a finger at her.

"Not exactly, but close enough. I mean I had to change, I can't just barge in there as a kobold, you know?" She stated matter of factly.

How is she a beauty!?

As if knowing what I was thinking Leah rolled her eyes and hopped off the wagon. Mika on the other hand was in her arms, touching Leah's wolf ears. "Mika, seriously, let go!"

"Fluffy!" Mika squealed, clutching tighter.

My surprise was taken away by Mika's voice, I sighed and thought to myself 'she's growing on her, huh? That's good. Atleast Leah's gloomy aura from before disappeared whenever she's with Mika.'

I heard Leah groan. "This kid is going to pull my ears off!"


The bustling gates of the kingdom came into view as I scrambled down from the wagon, excitement bubbling up.

The gates were enormous, towering stone monuments etched with some carvings, the air buzzed with the chatter of travelers, adventurers who came back from their quests, merchants, demi humans and guards checking them.

"We made it," I said, grinning. "Civilization!"

Finally! A real city!

The others didn't seem nearly as impressed. Serena was busy talking with the guards about what was inside the wagon, Leah was trying to stop Mika from hurting herself, and Titan was... well, Titan, he stood silently, unbothered by the noise or the attention he was drawing.

"Still not much of a talker, huh?" Serena remarked, glancing at Titan.

"He speaks through action," I said with mock seriousness, patting his stony side. "Right, buddy?"

Titan didn't respond, of course, but I liked to imagine he would've agreed.

We entered the city when Serena finally finished talking with the guards, and the chaos enveloped us instantly.

Colorful market stalls lined the streets, selling everything from fresh fruit to shiny trinkets. Street performers juggled flaming torches, and the smell of baked bread and roasted meats made my stomach growl.

"Food," I said, eyes wide.

"Later," Leah snapped, grabbing the back of my cloak before I could make a beeline for a bakery. "We're getting rooms first."

"But bread!" I whined. "Sweet, fluffy bread!"

"You can have all the bread you want after we find a place to sleep AND meet my sister, got it?" Serena said, shaking her head.

"Fine." I muttered, letting myself be dragged along.

Rea, Io, Levy, and Jin were waiting for us at the inn they'd scouted earlier. Rea who's now acting like a professional greeted us with a slight nod. Her hair was tied neatly, and her calm demeanor made her seem unbothered by the bustling city.

Okay... Weird.

"I see you've made it," Rea said. "Rooms are secured, and the innkeeper's been informed. Dinner will be ready in an hour."

"See? This is why we need her," Serena said, giving Rea a grateful smile.

"Professionalism," I said, crossing my arms. "I have that too, you know."

Levy laughed, a lighthearted sound that contrasted with the whole adventurer get up of sword and armor. "Professionalism? You? Aria, the day you take anything seriously is the day I retire."

"Harsh," I said, clutching my chest dramatically.

Jin who was fiddling with a dagger on her waist, smirked. "She's got a point."

Io, meanwhile, was flipping through a small book, her glasses perched precariously on her nose. "Honestly, I'm just surprised you're awake. I was starting to think we'd have to carry you inside."

I scowled. "Can't you guys start being nice?"

"Sorry, sorry, you're just so fun to bully." Levy said, ruffling my hair before ducking out of reach when I tried punching her.

So close...


The inn, The Restful Wanderer, was cozy and welcoming, with polished wooden floors and flower boxes on the windows. There were adventurers of all races around, humans talking with a dwarf about their next quest, elves elegantly eating their dish and side eyeing Rea who, by the way, ignored them.

I noticed that Jin frowned when she saw those elves who 'subtly' glared at Rea who ignored them.

Before I could start imagining what sort of past Rea had with those elves, the innkeeper told us to follow him as he showed us to our rooms, promising hot meals and comfortable beds on the way.

"Finally," I said, flopping onto a bed.

"We should discuss plans for tomorrow," Rea said, taking a seat at the small table in the corner. Her professionalism seems different from before we entered the inn, I guess it's because of those guys.

"Can't it wait until after food?" I asked, muffled by the pillow.

"Aria," Serena said sternly.

"Fine, fine," I said, sitting up. "What's the plan?"

Rea outlined the situation with unusual efficiency. "From what I heard downstairs, seems like Serena's sister is bound to arrive a few days from now. I suggest we look around the library for information about that mist."

Io adjusted her glasses. "The city's busy right now because the empress decided to reduce tax for the year, even so, we'll need to keep an eye out for pickpockets and potential troublemakers."

"The duke's daughter is on her way here as well, my clones told me they'd be here by tomorrow." I said turning over on the bed to see Mika who Titan laid down on the bed.

Levy leaned back in her chair, balancing it on two legs. "Rea, you know anything about Serena's sister? Personality? Preferences?"

"She's apparently... unique," Rea said, choosing her words carefully.

"Unique how?" Jin asked, raising an eyebrow.

Serena sighed answering before Rea could. "Let's just say she's not your typical adventurer."

"Great," Leah muttered. "Another headache waiting to happen."

"So," Levy said, turning to me. "What's our fearless leader planning for tomorrow?"

"Fearless leader?" I repeated, smirking. "I like the sound of that."

"She means you," Io said dryly.

"Oh. Right," I said, pretending to think. "I say we play it by ear. Maybe visit the market, eat some bread—"

"Aria," Serena interrupted.

'I'm just trying to lighten the mood...' I thought mentally, though I guess lightening the mood isn't needed.

"Okay, fine," I said finally turning serious. "Tomorrow, me, Leah, Mika and Titan will go to the library. Rea, Io, Levy, Jin, go to the adventurers guild and see if there's been a report on anything off about dungeons, forests, or villages. Serena, you go to the Merchant's guild and see if they've seen anything suspicious as well."

And then after that, we eat!

Little theater:

Aria: "Is me running away cowardly? Yep. Was it worth it? For now, definitely."

Author *the one who wrote Aria like this*: "Just think of Aria as a kid who wasn't able to be one in her previous life."