Title: Rise of the Iron Wing
In a gritty neighborhood in Buenos Aires, 17-year-old Santiago "Santi" Delgado is a raw, unpolished football talent whose dreams are bigger than the dirt pitches he’s played on all his life. When a chance encounter with a scout earns him a spot in the academy of a mid-tier professional club, he’s thrust into a world where skill isn’t the only thing that matters. Rivalries burn hot, politics run deep, and everyone is fighting for a professional contract.
But Santi is different. Blessed with unparalleled agility, relentless drive, and a signature move—an unpredictable outside-wing flick—the boy from the slums becomes a force to be reckoned with. Yet, his journey is riddled with challenges: jealousy from teammates, clashes with arrogant opponents, and sacrifices that test his love for the game.
With every dribble, every assist, and every goal, Santi edges closer to fulfilling his dream of wearing his nation’s jersey. But can a boy with nothing to lose rise above a system designed to break those like him?