The Beginning of the End - Part 2

The room had a heavy atmosphere, nothing had anything to say, watching the confrontation between Kairo and Typhon left them with a bad taste in their mouths, even Zeus had that bad taste, it is true that he does not appreciate Kairo, but he recognizes that the He is a very powerful God and losing him before the attack of that monster did not bode well for Olympus.

Nevem: I see that your spirits are very low. 

Clarisse: How do you want us to feel? 

Nevem: I'm not judging your emotions, I'm just stating a fact. 

Annabeth: We have to read again, right?

Nevem: No... today we are going to do it differently - Snapping his fingers, the book disappearing 

Percy: Why?

Nevem: Today I want to do something special, we are going to listen to 3 songs, but first a little context to understand the songs

Olympus - Olympic Room

The room was in a tense silence, everyone had worried looks, some looked at the floor, others looked at the expressions of the others, hoping to find answers, the goddesses who looked the most affected were Athena and Aphrodite, the two of them were the closest to Kairo

But Zeus was the most serious, someone attacked Kairo. Who? Because? What were you looking for? What were your intentions?

Zeus: Hades, before he fainted, did he say anything else?

Hades only frowned before answering - Typhoon just wrote.

Apollo: Wait, Typhoon?

Zeus: Do you have any idea who Apollo could be?

Apollo: Maybe, I remember that Ephialtes mocked before dying, saying that Typhon would avenge them... maybe Typhoon is another giant, son of Gaea

The gods did not like that information at all, although Apollo's information is very important, it is imprecise and they were still just as lost, because having a suspect is not the same as having a culprit.

Zeus, seeing that spirits were failing, took his master bolt and summoned a bolt of lightning, which he threw against the ground, drawing the attention of the others.

Zeus: Listen to me very well, you do not know the enemy who attacked us, but we cannot let that stop us, from today you are prohibited from leaving Olympus, prepare your weapons and be ready, because at any moment the enemy can arrive and we will give him his respective welcome - That speech served to raise spirits a little

Hades and Poseidon stood up from their seats, preparing to leave.

Zeus: You two, where are you going?

Hades: You said it yourself brother, we do not know the enemy, nor when he can attack, I am going to the underworld to take care of my wife and son and prepare for battle... We do not know what our enemy's first objective may be, so it's better to be prepared

Poseidon: I have the same thoughts brother, I have to prepare the army of Atlantis, I am not going to let my kingdom fall without a fight

Nevem: Okay, now let's go to the first song.

Grover: What first? How many are there going to be? 

My name: 3


I have imprisoned him

I have adapted and I have been able to fool him

I have already arrived

I'm going to have plenty of time

Take out what you have saved


It has finally arrived

What I've been waiting for so long!

Hera: Why does Zeus say those words?

Nevem: He has been waiting for a long time to prove that he is superior to Kairo, he believes that there is no better way than this. Furthermore, it took 14 days for the Typhoon to reach Olympus.

Athena: Hadn't they said that it would take 15 days to attack?

Nevem: Yes, but 15 days from that date, if you want to explain the dates, it would be that Typhon attacked Kairo in the morning, in the afternoon he began to recover, the next day Hades notified Olympus of the imminent attack


Where were you all this time

take out

Like in the old days

I kill gods with one touch

Annabeth: Why does he say he kills gods with one touch? And what do you mean about the old days?

Nevem: Kairo was not the first person Typhon attacked, in fact he was the murderer of many gods of the pantheon

Hermes: Why did we never notice?

Nevem: For the same reason that you didn't realize here either, despite ruling Olympus, you are not part of Olympus. 

Artemis: What does that mean? - Not liking what Nevem is saying means

Nevem: I'll answer you with a better question. When was the last time any of you spoke to a minor god? And I don't mean because of a duty, I mean that it was just for the pleasure of sitting and talking with them - Apollo and Hermes were about to raise their hands - Nor is it worth it to sleep with that minor God - Just as they raised her they turned her back to go down

Sagebrush: *Sigh* Ya entendi 


I will win the strongest


Show that you are a man



I'll make sure you never

Forget my name!

Mythical Beast

Eagle Born


¿What are you doing?




If you get tired when you attack

You already know the outcome

Recovery my energy

Without regeneration

And so you see reborn

my final form

Everyone was amazed by the combat skill that Zeus was displaying and the techniques displayed.

Zeus: That version of me is amazing

No one could deny that.



of my rays

I can see the situation

I'm facing

To a beauty without equal


I was counting on you knowing


I am pure perfection


His blows

I can avoid them

But they are so beautiful

that I am fascinated

by looking at them

Thanks to the skills

Hera: That Zeus is very warlike.

Ares: Nah, he just enjoys a good fight, that's all. 

Athena: Of course you would say that.

Ares: I'm just telling the truth.

Hades: And thanks to that truth that version of Zeus is going to lose

Zeus: How do you know that?

Hades: Because that version of you, as Ares rightly says, is thinking more about how to enjoy the fight than about finishing it or even winning it. 

Zeus didn't like what Hades said, but he couldn't deny it either, what he was saying was true.


We live with ease


Is there a reason

Behind from this?



I just do

what i want


All against one!


All against one!

And always commanding

Your father couldn't

Let those who want come

who won half naked


All against one!


All against one!

If you want to have fun

We will make it hard for them

The gods will win

In the final fight


Landing from the sky

Two gods arrive




in my place


We will have a fight

Domain Expansion

Millennium war

my soldiers

Makes me not run away

Typhoon is guilty

Of my brother's fall!


Ha ha ha

I sweat it

Zeus: Shit - He was angry when he saw that despite being stronger he lost

Grover: Are you really just doing it because you want to?

Nevem: Yeah, he doesn't care about the defeat of the giants, he just wants to prove that he is the strongest

Annabeth: Isn't he supposed to do it for Gaea?

Nevem: That was said by herself, that is her reason, but Typhon's reason is simply because he wants

Aphrodite: What is Harmony doing there? And why do you encourage her, Ares?

Ares: I don't know, I don't know what that version of me thinks.

Nevem: Harmonía found out with Umbra about what happened to Kairo and wants justice, because they beat her father in such a low way

Aphrodite: For the last time, she is a lover not a warrior

Nevem: Decided by who? You? Have you ever asked him what he really wanted? Or did you just assume he would be the same as you? 

Aphrodite had to keep quiet, it was true she never asked or gave Harmony the opportunity to do whatever she wanted, but she wanted to take care of her baby.

Ares: What the fuck is that?!!! It's incredible

Nevem: Domain expansion is a technique created by the gods of that reality, it is the literal physical representation of the god's domains

Ares: What's mine doing?

Nevem: Well to explain it better, there are two types of domains, closed or marble domain and personal or open domain. The closed domain creates a sphere of reality around the caster, enclosing themselves in a pocket dimension. On the other hand, the personal domain is one that mainly affects the user, giving him an advantage during combat - It would explain how domains work in that reality - Now, Ares' domain expansion is a closed one, where Ares summons all the warriors he They served under his name to go to war

Ares: Could I do it?

Nevem: I don't know the answer, they are different dimensions, with different laws, they could very well do the same thing, something different or never be able to do anything

Ares was only discouraged by what was said. 

Hephaestus: That Ares is very different from ours, he is still just as warlike, but he is more attached to us as a family.


Your luck ran out

they attack

And they opened a hole

It's time for your death!


Against the ropes

They will know my Yugo!


If I reach you

I kill you!

Warrior Sword!


The opening

It didn't work


We take away the talisman


But not my destruction


Don't leave Ares alone!


You seemed interesting

Or are you from the crowd?


My skill is enough

I don't need help

If I'm going to die

¡It will be fulfilling my role!


I was counting on you knowing


I am pure perfection


I thought I had gone through

and it was divided


I would have given him

I leave the rest to you


¡Post with your will!


Not even in your best dreams

you will be able to touch me

you are useless

Since always


But we will find 

A way to defeat you


All against one!


All against one!

And always commanding

Your father couldn't

Let those who want come

who won half naked


All against one!


All against one!

If you want to have fun

We will make it hard for them

The gods will win

In the final fight

Ares: Shit, I failed.

Aphrodite: But you gave it your all and that's what matters.

Ares: Of course not, let Harmony alone with this monster

Aphrodite understood Ares' thoughts better, despite his very rude attitude, he was a good father, in his own way.


a thousand years ago

They were all different

And you, brat

You turned out interesting

Because you are not strong

you are pitiful

but you have

An unbreakable soul


sorry for the delay

Gaea went too far

and now I want

my revenge






We have our brotherhood


I want action

No more trailers

The King

With your desire to start the dance


If I want to correct my mistake

Enough of putting more buts

Domain Expansion

gloomy knowledge

Aphrodite: How dare that bastard call my Harmonia weak?

Nevem: He compares her to Kairo and obviously falls short

Aphrodite: Why?

Athena: Aphrodite, in that dimension Harmony and Umbra are daughters of Kairo, obviously they have the weight of knowing that their father is the strongest

Aphrodite: Did you and Artemis suffer that weight?

Athena: No, our situation is completely different, whether we like to accept it or not Zeus is king, he is expected to be the strongest or close to it. On the other hand, Kairo is another God, the weight is greater... - And he was going to continue talking until he heard what Umbra said - Wait, what mistake?

Nevem: Umbra feels guilty for abandoning her father and before you ask your question I plan to answer, okay? - Athena nodded - Well, what happened was the following, the day Kairo was attacked, if you remember what he read, he was taking a walk through the Underworld and he invited Umbra to spend a Father/Daughter moment, but She refused so she feels guilty believing that if she had accompanied Kairo nothing would have happened.

Athena had a bad taste in her mouth, she didn't like that her daughter blamed herself for something where she had no control and even less that she was carrying that blame alone.



Hollow Wicker Basket


my blows

They touch your soul

Megumi hears the doorbell


Being in my domain

We will find results

I can use the techniques

What I copied in the past

Don't move!


my mother is afraid


Take, vacuum cut


The damn thing has that technique

I see

I will destroy you both!

Athena: Can you explain my daughter's domain to me?

Nevem: Of course, Umbra's domain expansion is open as you saw, it only affects herself and gives her an advantage, being able to use any technique she has ever seen in her life.

Hera: Incredible, it is a very powerful ability

Nevem: Yes, but it has its own limitations, first you have to have a good glimpse of the technique, not just have seen it in passing. Second, you have to understand the technique you are performing and third, if it is the first time you use it, the technique will not have, at best, 15% of the original strength.

Athena: But that doesn't take away from how useful and versatile it is.

Nevem: I'm not going to deny that.

Aphrodite: Why do you say I'm afraid?

Nevem: You are scared by all the events, Kairo's fall into a coma, Typhon's attack and the fact that your daughter went to fight him - Aphrodite nodded understanding the phrase

Athena: What is the void cut?

Nevem: It is a tu technique of that dimension, as the name says it is a cut, what makes the technique so special is that it is invisible and can overcome any barrier. It does not destroy barriers, it passes through them like a simple wind

Athena: Incredible


Let my blood burst!


Stairway to heaven!


For a long time

Let them try

They will never defeat me

This battle is

In my total control

I will govern

to the world

From the King


look behind you


All against one!


All against one!

And always commanding

Your father couldn't

Let those who want come

who won half naked


All against one!


All against one!

If you want to have fun

We will make it hard for them

The gods will win

In the final fight

Aphrodite: What is that Harmony technique?

Nevem: Blood control, it is simple, it allows you to control the blood at will

Athena: And that Last of Umbra?

Nevem: It is a Kairo technique, which he learned from an angel

Aphrodite: Is that me?

Nevem: Si...

Aphrodite: What the hell am I doing there?

Nevem: Face Typhoon one, one for one without a shirt

Aphrodite: What comes next?

Nevem: Calm down, I'm starting the next one

Aphrodite: I want to see why I entered the fight.

Nevem would just roll his eyes - Fine, but I don't want any complaints afterwards. 

Hades Castle Underworld - Kairo's Room 

There was a feeling of melancholy in the room, Aphrodite and Hera were there, but the most surprising thing was that the latter was pregnant.

Aphrodite: Why does all this have to happen now? It is assumed that Nyxiria would be born soon and everything would be pure happiness

Hera: I don't know the answer, Aphrodite. Why does what happens in the universe happen? Not even we who are gods know the answer, but like mortals, we can only adapt and try to cope.

Aphrodite would have tears in her eyes - Everything would be easier if we had him - While caressing Kairo's face

Hera: Maybe, we don't know if that statement would be true, we are not goddesses of divination, we just have to fulfill our role

Aphrodite: What role is Hera? You can't go to combat, especially now in the advanced state that the baby is in, almost everyone is outside facing that monster, the only ones who are not in that combat are preparing for it - Aphrodite will begin to shed tears of helplessness - However, I am here, being a coward, useless because I am afraid - While saying that she put her knees together and hugged them, turning into a ball.

Hera only caressed her back, she understood Aphrodite's feeling, she herself was feeling it now, so she only managed to say words of comfort - You are not a coward Aphrodite, it is okay to be afraid. 

Even in a ball - How can I not be a coward? If while I'm here even my daughter is fighting, I'm supposed to be the daughter of Uranus, but I can't do anything

Hera: Then do something about it, Aphrodite.

Aphrodite: But what? What do I have to do?

Hera: That is an answer that only you can answer.

Hera. Am I going to have another child?

Nevem: Si

Hera: Is that all? Not an explanation

Nevem: And what am I going to explain? Are you pregnant? Or do you want me to show you how you ended up like this? I say for me there is no problem, but I highly doubt that you like others watching you have sex with Hades

Hera: No, no, no, I understood but why? I agreed with Zeus not to have more children

Nevem: Did you agree on it together or was it just imposed that you would not have more children? - Hera remained silent - That's what I thought.

Percy: No offense to you, Lady Hera, but that version of you looks more motherly. 

Nevem: It's normal, she is pregnant and close to her due date

Nico: They always trust Kairo a lot 

Nevem: Yes, but believe me demigod, that seems like an advantage, but in reality it is a great disadvantage.

Nicos would just look at Nevem weird - Why?

Hades: Because of the burden and weight that always falls on the strongest, one thinks that having that title is the best, but it is the opposite, because whenever there is a problem and the one who has the title does not solve it, he will be judged more. harder than any other

Nico nodded at his father's words, understanding the situation better.

Aphrodite felt bad about that version of her and the helplessness she felt - That was what prompted me to go, right?

Nevem: More than anything it was your daughter, what inspired you, Hera It was just the last push you needed and without further ado, let's get started, there's still a long way to go.



Casualties increase

Ey, ey

I killed so many gods

I've already lost count


But you didn't count on me

so hurt

That looks like a zombie

Stabbed the strongest

From behind

I have the blood of Uranus


What are you going to do against me?


make my wish

and give you an end


Your friends are not here


But you don't have a first aid kit


Are you afraid of my figure


Ready for adventure


You will have the hardest death!


You can't cure yourself

My sword does not touch your body

Cut your soul

You're going to pay to kill them



You challenge the monster king

With your unparalleled body

Let's see if your heavenly power

Hold my Rumble 

The gods were angry when they saw that Typhon murdered several 

Athena: That version of Aphrodite knew how to take advantage of the moment

Aphrodite: But why do I emphasize that I am of the blood of Uranus?

Nevem: It is to tell Typhon that they are not so different and not to underestimate you, because he was born from the earth, but you from the heavens.

Aphrodite: Why do I wear those clothes? I say they look divine to me, but because that outfit - 

Well, Aphrodite on the screen wore a blue dress where the skirt barely covered her thighs, with long white gloves and parts of real armor, such as shoulder pads, gauntlets that covered almost up to the elbow, mesh stockings and scarves that almost reached her knees and her hair tied up in a giant ponytail. 

Athena: It is actually a good Aphrodite set, it gives you protection but without sacrificing the natural agility of your body, just like your body, it is better trained, with more muscles

Aphrodite: Wait, those are muscles? Why don't I have a more masculine body?

Nevem: That is a very naive popular belief, not that a woman develops muscles means that she has the same body as a man, because a woman's body develops muscles according to her body, unless that woman consciously makes an effort to develop the same body as a man

Aphrodite nodded in understanding.


Where have they all gone...?

Why have they left me alone?



What's your name?




Before it's all over 

I will send you to Sherme


They say I am

The fastest god

bad business

Someone explain to me

Why do we never go together?

If you didn't cut your course

They will kill the others

And as I am aware

I will face it as an adult

Hermes: That version of mine is right, even here. Why did we never all go together to face Typhon? - The room remained in an uncomfortable silence - Is anyone seriously going to give me an answer? - Hermes was offended when Typhon made fun of his name

Apollo: Why does Hermes say he will do it like an adult?

Nevem: Because it's time for him to stop acting like an immature teenager and act like one of the 12 Olympians.


You, you, hey

Kairo made him suffer



How big!

Before leaving


He left us a souvenir


I control soul and mind


physically hard


Techniques so current


They won't be enough!

Hades: What are those two doing there?

Pre - gun - ta - te

Who goes


All Against One

It's all against one

None will resist

In front of number one

Nevem: It was because of the respect they have for Kairo and for the girls 

Hera: Wait, this last one was Kairo?

My name: Esperen y veran


Search in the dictionary

The word foolish

And you will get these

Two fools fighting






we make him




can't fight anymore




To the rhythm of the dance


threw my water


Why don't you look up



Persephone: They fought well, although I find the combat style of the two funny.

Apollo: Wait and the rest of us.

Nevem: In his own war with all the monsters of his pantheon

Artemis: Wait, what?

Nevem: Typhoon in that world did not go alone, he went with an army with all the monsters against Olympus, to be able to defeat them more easily.

Apollo: And what am I doing?

Nevem: You are the area doctor, all the injured will go to you to prevent you from dying.

Poseidon: What is Pallas doing there?

Nevem: Support in combat 

Poseidon: And now

Nevem: Not everything needs an ultra-complicated explanation


you never get tired

to bother




a past life

full of lies

I was looking for a way out

And he pulled me out of the well

My sister


Together we give


A beating that

will not forget


We're leaving the party




I just arrived


How many questions


I take away your hunger

Typhon has that power

Because he is Kairo's son

Poseidon: YOU SAID IT WAS NOTHING COMPLICATED! - Poseidon would shout irritably. 

Nevem: Hahaha You thought I would tell you the truth, but no, it's me Nevem - He would say it with a smile and pointing his thumb at his face

Joak: Hey, you didn't tell me you'd make a reference.

Nevem: What the hell are you doing here?

Joak: I found out that they are doing a reaction with PJ's Greek gods and I came to ask Hestia for an autograph

Nevem: Same Gelato, why not go with it?

Joak: Because you would give me permission to be your best friend.

Nevem: Equal Gelato

Joak: I've been asking him for a favor for a while but he doesn't want to do it. Happy?

Nevem: Good, but you stay until the end of the reaction 

Joak: Sounds good to me - So heading towards Hestia to ask for an autograph

Poseidon: Explain to me what Pallas means! - He would say it irritated that they ignore him, since he ignores the newcomer who looks like a horse in human form

Nevem: What do I know? How about the fact that all her life she was told that she was the daughter of Triton, only to hide that she was actually born from your infidelity? How about the fact that she was almost murdered just because she didn't care? Do I continue? - Poseidon just shook his head - Well, keep listening...

Hera: Like Kairo's son? Aren't their only daughters supposed to be Harmonia and Umbra? When did he sleep with Gaea?

Nevem: Calm down first.


Joak: Shit, I think I went deaf.

Nevem: Well you already explained the situation, that attitude. No, Kairo did not sleep with Gaea, the latter stole Kairo's divine essence over time.

Athena: But why didn't he notice that? 

Nevem: Because Gaia did not steal it directly, that's why she delayed, she stole the remains of energy that she left around her, until she was able to gather enough to create Typhon - Athena nodded understanding, the gods being very beings. powerful leaves a trail of energy everywhere they go, that is why they normally spend it in their divine realm, if they spent a lot of time on the mortal plane it could cause catastrophes, in reality the first Nuclear bomb was Susanoo's fault and it touched use the fog to create the nuclear bomb and well... we already know how that ended


It's okay what you do


Where am I going? 

I know that you go


¡Black Flash!

¡Black Flash!

¡Black Flash!



Domain Expansion

Temple of Evil

In 99 seconds it will act

Who is inside

will die

will die

will die

will die




you won't



I will give my life

To save you

At the worst moment

you were by my side

And it's more than enough


Thank you for being my sister!

Pre - gun - ta - te

Who goes


All Against One

It's all against one

None will resist

In front of number one

Athena: What is the Black Flash?

Nevem: Well, to understand the technique, you have to understand its creation. It was first created by Harmonía for a need. What do you need? Increase the damage of his blows, as he does, charging his blows with energy and when it hits he makes it explode, generating not only external damage, but also internal damage to the person who receives the blow.

Aphrodite: Why did she develop such a technique?

Joak: The physique he has and before you ask I'm going to answer, Harmony in pure energy production is a beast, only compared to the most powerful gods of any pantheon and surpassed by few, but he does not have very advanced physical attitudes, on the other hand Umbra It has the opposite problem, its physical abilities are surpassed by very few beings, but in energy production they are not very advanced.

Athena: Why does that happen to them?

Nevem: It was a curse imposed by Chaos, Kairo alone is powerful enough to almost unbalance the balance of power of the pantheons, now imagine his daughters having the same level...

Apollo: The Olympic pantheon would be the most powerful

Zeus: And what's wrong with it?

Nevem and Joak just stared at Zeus in silence and preferred to change the subject.

Nevem: Why do you still stand by Hestia? - Addressing Joak

Joak: Oh, sorry, I didn't know I had to stand like an asshole. 

Nevem: You will be a son of a bitch

Hera: Well, now I'm sure that was Kairo. What is he doing there?

Nevem: It will be explained later, why don't they worry about the fact that Pallas died?

Artemis: It may sound cruel, but in our world he still died, so it doesn't affect us too much, but the difference is that in that world he died happy.


Of all against one

You have been left very alone


But don't worry

She is

Mother has arrived!

There is no more

¡Clap! ¡Clap!

Now it is

Blade! ¡Sound!

Launch Destiny



How is the rest?


They will be fine

let's win


Suddenly it has changed

The environment

And the ghost appears

The stronger, the stronger

You surprised me Kairo!


It's your extermination 


We meet again

Domain Expansion!

Athena: Why did I appear until now?

Nevem: The spear you named is a special one made to ultimately kill an immortal.

Athena: Wow - But when she heard what Typhon said she became discouraged - I took too long and now I won't have the opportunity to show off.

Nevem: Yes... it hurts... Well, who is hungry?

Joak: Hahahahaha

Nevem: No lie, it's time to start with the last song to finish 

Hera: Wait, you said we were going to see how my son woke up.

Nevem: That happens last, first is the combat

Hera: Why?

Nevem: Because it was after their fight that Kairo explains how he gets up. Or do you think he was going to waste his time knowing that his brothers, lovers and daughters were in danger? - Hera just blushed for not thinking about that - Without further ado, play - Giving a remote control created out of nothing to Joak to play the video


After a bloodbath

I'm in my fucking prime

Bet on me, you'll do well

Because there are no more chances of him losing.



Like a relaxed boxer entering the ring

With all the boys behind me

I did a training

To win the match

And I can give my all!

Looks like you haven't gotten it yet

You are the challenger and I am the challenged


You are just another god

Being alone when fighting

When it comes to fighting

They all look the same!


The strongest God



The dumbest God


That you are my son I don't care

Let the dance begin

Be careful, Typhoon, you're flying in the air!


Domain expansion

It will be your worst punishment!


Your neck cracked


Instinctive regeneration


you are down



I have stopped healing to give you a surprise

Everything you do comes back to you by force

Never underestimate the most powerful god

Weak technique


Wow, that was exhausting.


You will sleep better today


Endless fights of gods and monsters


It is the destiny that my mother has granted

Because no matter what happens


If you lose


I will return


And we will meet again, see, see, see

With my triumphal entry

We will meet again, see, see, see

And Infinity touch!

Be careful, you are in danger!

From my domain expansion!

We will meet again, see, see, see, eeeeeeh

Ares: What kind of training did he do if he was knocked out?

Nevem: Mental and spiritual, explained later - Ares nodded.

Hera: How does Kairo's domain work?

Nevem: I can't tell you much at the moment, but it is a closed domain that works like an open one

Hera: What?

Persephone:: What?

Hermes: What?

Hades: How?

Apollo: Pretty?

Joak: What the hell?

Nevem: Why did you continue with the meme?

Joak: I wanted to feel part of something - Nevem just sighed at his friend's antics

Hera: *Toss Toss* Can you explain the situation to me well, please?

Nevem: Oh right, well the shape is like a closed domain, creating a marble of reality, but the operation is like an open one, it serves more for the user's own benefit - Hera nodded understanding.

Apollo: Why do you call your technique weak?

Nevem: It's because of his dominance

Athena: But Kairo does not have a weak domain, the closest thing is his domain of power.

Nevem: It's explained later - Everyone rolled their eyes, they were thinking he was lazy.




Infinite Control!


If I am in contact I


It makes it finite!


Because everything that is next to you can harm you

And this is how your domain

Collapse again!


I use it again

This time the size of a cocoon

To make you bleed and yours to collapse!


If I use my domain


I'll take it out too


And will I lose?


You'll see it!


Python finishes him off!

Every blow of expansion is received by Olympus

Athena: You can't or don't want to explain Kairo's domain to us, but you can do it with Typhoon, since you never explained it.

Nevem: I will be surprised that you are asking about him until now, Typhon's temple of evil is a closed domain, which allows Typhon to summon a more powerful version of any monster, with a minimum of x2 and a maximum of x10. What does that decide? multiple, the number of summoned monsters, you can only summon 10, but the closer you are to 10...

Artemis:The multiple is smaller

Nevem: Exactly, that's why Typhon summoned Python, being a powerful monster in his own right, capable of standing up to a god alone...

Apollo: Would you be able to defeat me?

Nevem: It depends on the situation they are in, if you know about their increased power and have a plan or idea, no, but if it is just with pure brute force, yes.

Zeus: Why do you say that Olympus receives it?

Nevem just put his hand covering his face

Joak: I'll explain it and put that weapon away - He would talk while he stops Nevem from killing Zeus, not because he cares about him in particular, but he wanted to help Nevem with his anger problems - Well, if you forget, they are fighting on Olympus , then every attack they launch, it is Olympus itself who receives greater damage - He frowned, not liking what happens to Olympus.


Well then I will win in one fell swoop

Up to you!


monstrous rumble 


Infinite Control!



Are we exhausted?


There will be no more domains!

I play with your body

I make you swallow dirt

I divide myself, who will I be?


It's you!


Very smart, bitch!

Because you are strong, they don't understand you?

Me neither

The boys are watching

You have to show off a little


Ha, three more minutes, and with that

You will exhaust yourself

And the environment you have

Without mercy it will kill you


I smile, calm

Well I will win

Before I get

time runs out


Just two more!


Hey chicken!

Stop running away!


Just one more!

Hermes: Wait, how do you only have 3 minutes left of Kairo?

Nevem: Well, as I explained to Hera, as soon as Kairo gained consciousness he went straight into combat, there was no time for him to recover his powers or domains.

Hera: Do you expect domains? Did he lose his dominions?

Nevem: Something like that, but he didn't lose them, let's finish please, I swear the book has explanations

Thalia: But how much time did Kairo have to fight?

Nevem: Very good question, daughter of Zeus, he had 10 minutes to fight.

Nico: And how did Typhon realize that?

Nevem: His energy, he felt how it was quickly running out due to the combat so he predicted the time Kairo had left

Percy: Wow, that's smart.

Nevem: Perseus Jackson, remember that he holds the title of the king of monsters and not only because of his power.


I have to finish it here!




What is this?


Eeehh, I have


As Typhoon runs away

I have this monster attached to my body

Weren't you the strongest?

What do you mean two against one?


Well yes, I am the strongest

But it's three against one


I go and dodge the attacks of the two

I have learned your pattern!




good boy



The only one who is not at the level is you

You are going to see what is born from a Black and White!




divine weapon




My true weapon will give you your end


you are late

You're going to lose!



Sword of 


that weapon


Last Judgment: Logos

Destruction of the Arche!


What happened?

How did the Typhoon lose?


It wasn't bad at all, right?

It was all improvised

The final battle had a great result

Kairo has won

Endless fights of gods and monsters


It is the destiny that my mother has granted

Because no matter what happens


If you lose


I will return


And we will meet again, see, see, see

With my triumphal entry

We will meet again, see, see, see

And Infinity touch!

Be careful, you are in danger!

From my domain expansion!

We will meet again, see, see, see, eeeeeeh

Hades: What the fuck? What is that sword? Where did it come from?

Persephone: And more importantly, how did Typhon resist the destruction of his Arche? or better yet, how can Kairo destroy the arche?

Percy: What is the Arche?

Annabeth: Percy Arkhé (arjé or arché) is a Greek term that means etymologically principle, foundation or beginning. This term was used by the first philosophers in Ancient Greece and meant the primordial element from which all material reality is composed and derived.

Athena: You are partly right, my daughter, but not only that. Although the Olympian is not the most powerful Pantheon, we are the second in terms of techniques, only surpassed by Buddha, by Arkhé himself because he is not only the origin of the material, but of all the existence itself, if they destroy your Arkhé it is worse than a conceptual erasure even

Nico: What?

Nevem: Son of Hades, let me and I explain it in the following way, if they destroy you conceptually, it is how you will delete a file from your computer, it can be recovered in an infinite number of ways. Do you understand? - Nico nodded - Well, if they destroy your Arkhé, it is like they destroy the entire computer itself, there is no way to return, because it goes further, it destroys the memory that if you want you existed, there is no way to recover, even It goes further and erases the original thought that gave rise to you - That left everyone pale, including gods, they themselves will be surprised at how powerful the Arkhé is - 

Persephone: That doesn't answer my question. How did Typhon survive the last attack?

Nevem: Oh, that... it's actually very simple, Kairo didn't want to kill Typhon.

Zeus: WHAT?! 

My name is Calmate…


Nevem: No… he's just a father.

Hera: Wait, you're telling me...

Nevem: That he accepts Typhon as his son… … … Keep watching 

_ One hour later - Olympic Hall

The Olympic hall was destroyed and could barely be called a hall, but even so everyone was gathered. The 12 Olympians, the kings of the Underworld, Amphitrite and Triton, Hestia and Rhea, Umbra and Harmonia, the most powerful gods were in this room.

Nobody said anything, they didn't know how to start the conversation and discuss what happened, until Hera, tired of that silence, was the first to speak.

Hera: Son... - Everyone turned their gaze towards Hera - How did you wake up from your deep sleep? - Kairo remained silent, thinking about how to answer the question, after about 5 minutes he finally decided to speak 

Kairo: That... is a false statement, mother, I wasn't asleep... I think...

Poseidon: What do you mean by "do you believe not having been asleep"?

Kairo: It's... complicated to explain man, while my body was at rest, my mind was not, as soon as I fainted, I was transported, I wouldn't know how to describe it man. But I'll do my best, imagine a space

Poseidon raised an eyebrow and then asked - A Space?

Kario: Yes, I say again, it is difficult to find a way to explain it, nothing existed and at the same time everything existed, you could not orient yourself, up was the same as down, there were walls and they were never in the same place - Poseidon nodded understanding. how difficult it would be to explain a place like that in words

Umbra: But what were you doing in that mental space, father? I know you said train, but how?

Kairo: Facing formless beasts, I tried many times to use my domains but because of the crystal I couldn't do it, I almost died countless times - Harmonia went directly to her father to hug him - *Sigh* Now, now, I'm fine and that's the only thing that matters

Harmony: NO! That is not the important thing, the truly important thing is that you suffered and while you were suffering, we also suffered - Now she would say it with tears coming down from her eyes and hugging her father tighter - Promise me that this will never happen again

Kairo only sighed at his daughter's attitude, she was just like her mother, she liked drama, so making a decision, he transformed her into a 5-year-old girl to carry her in his arms and comfort her, turning his gaze to Umbra raising a eyebrow, Umbra sighed understanding what her father wanted, so also transforming into a 5 year old girl, she let them carry her like her sister.

Hades: Ok... that place is certainly strange

Athena: It doesn't respect any logical law of the universe, I think that's strange, uncle - Hades nodded at Athena's words - Can you explain to us what that place was?

My name: Well

Zeus: Why not? - He would speak angrily, but his head exploded from a gunshot.

Nevem: Because I said so, you damn bastard. 

Joak: You've been wanting to do that for a while, right?

Nevem: Since I brought them - Joak nodded at his words - Does anyone else want to ask? - Everyone shook their heads - Well, let's continue with this.

Hades: Were you there all this time? facing those monsters?

Kairo: No father, that only lasted the first 5 days, at the end of the 5th day I had a visitor

Athena raised an eyebrow - Please explain.

Flash Back

I was tired, I had already had 5 days of hard confrontations with these creatures.

Kairo: *Sigh* This is bullshit, where the hell am I?

Chaos: You are in chaos - Kairo just turned his gaze so fast, that if there was a mortal he would break his neck - Hello Kairo

Kairo: Lady Chaos... it's not that your visit bothers me, but what am I doing here? 

Chaos: You are in your unconscious 

Kairo: Really? - He asked, very surprised.

Chaos: Why would I lie?

Kairo: It's not that I think you're lying to me, Lady, but that doesn't answer my question: What am I doing here?

Chaos: Oh, that's easy... I'll keep you here

Kairo: What? Because?

Chaos: It's been millennia since our first talk and you still didn't understand the message I gave you.

Kairo: "Balance is achieved when two parts converge into one" it is not very easy to understand Lady, try to understand it, I thought that being with my loved ones I would find that "balance" but nothing

Chaos: Why do you gods always complicate your lives? They always talk about how much humans are auto saboteurs, but they never look in a mirror - Kairo blushed, because it was true, even he had sinned from that - tell me Kairo, why did you believe that the other part came from a person?

Kairo: Because… … … 

Chaos: That is another of the many problems that the gods have, they judge mortals for overthinking a lot, but you never think what is necessary, you only stay with your first thought, without truly having critical thinking.

Kairo: Ok, I understand, we need to stop judging mortals if we ourselves are not better.

Chaos: Well, at least you got it the right way.

Kairo: But you still haven't given me a concise answer.

Chaos: *Sigh* Kairo, which represents Yin and Yang

Kairo: Balance, it is up to each person to decide what balance they are talking about

Chaos: And one of your domains is balance, correct?

Kairo: … … … Fuck

Chaos: You finally caught them huh

Kairo: I have twice as many domains, right?

Chaos: *Thing Thing Thing* we have a winner

Flash Back

Hera: Wait, you're telling me you have 40 domains?

Kairo: You could say it one way, but no.

Hades: Explicate

Kairo: Well, I'm going to explain it with just one domain. As you know, one of my domains is darkness - Everyone nodded - Well, its counterpart is light, does that mean I can use both at the same time? No

Demeter: Why not? 

Kairo: Because it works like an exchange, aunt, if I use the shadows I can't use the light.

Apollo: But could you?

Kairo: That's what my domain extension is for, it allows me to use both domains at the same time, but it wears me out very quickly these days 

Amphitrite: Not that I want to intrude, but what would your domains be like?

Kairo: And you don't Amphitrite, if I could say it it would be this way

1.Death and Life: Eternal Cycle

Darkness and Light: Astral Duality

Soul and Body: Ethereal Link

Fortune and Misfortune: Wheel of Destiny

Time and Timelessness: Cosmic Clock

Destruction and Creation: Canvas of Creation

Reality and Illusion: Mirror of the Cosmos

Mind and Unconscious: Mental Labyrinth

Divine Justice and Divine Revenge: Final Judgment

Transcendence and Immanence: Cosmic Union

Loyalty and Betrayal: Eternal Oath

Infinity and Finite: Eternal Cycle

Lost Knowledge and Revealed Wisdom: Ancestral Knowledge 

Balance and Imbalance: Universal Harmony

Chaos and Order: Weave of Chaos

Dreams and Wakefulness: Dream Kingdom

Absolute and Variable: Mutable Reality

Fragmentation and Unification: Cosmic Mosaic

Nothing and Everything: Arché of existence 

Power and Weakness:??? 

Hades: Wait, what do you call the last one?

Kairo: I haven't found a name for the last father.

Zeus didn't like his explanation, that means that Kairo is now much more powerful than before, this was bullshit, so he could never take control of Olympus again, but he could wait, he wasn't an idiot and when the time was right Right, he would eliminate Kairo forever

Annabeth: Incredible, if there were doubts before, now there are none, without a doubt Kairo is the strongest god

Percy: Yes, but with limitations.

Annabeth: Yes, but that does not mean that you can use 60 domains, 20 originals, 20 counterparts and 20 fusions, even if the latter are only in your domain

Hera: But that doesn't explain why he spoke to Chaos on the fifth day? Didn't he wake up before?

Nevem: That was Chaos's own fault, she wanted Kairo to train his domains on his mental plane, that's why I say that he trained spiritually and mentally.

Poseidon: Of course Zeus wants to kill him, why not?

Zeus: You, because it doesn't threaten your throne, but how would you feel if they tried to take your throne from you? 

Poseidon: We have already talked about this before, Zeus. If you were a better king, no one would try anything against your reign. Besides, I don't mind giving up my kingdom. The day Triton says he wants to become king, believe me, Zeus. I will only delay handing over the throne, until the people gather to give the information.

Zeus: And why haven't you done it, eh?

Poseidon: Because Triton is not an idiot and he knows that ruling Atlantis is not easy and he is preparing for that, at his request, I have given him power little by little. For when you feel ready, hand him the throne with full confidence that he will do it well. 

Joak: That's a smart move, people always think that being a king, president, leader or whatever you want to call it is easy, but they never stop to think about the political, social, military, international, national, etc. dilemmas.

Zeus: Well, thank you for your explanation Kairo, now we have to move on to a more pressing topic. What to do with Typhon?

Kairo: I want to set him free - Everyone turned to see him, even his daughters, they saw him as if he were crazy - Look, I understand that he attacked Olympus and because of him many lives were lost, but I can't kill him or imprison him, he was raised by Gaia to destroy Olympus, he was only the victim of a controlling mother 

Zeus: Are you sure it's just that? or it won't be. Why is he also your son? - Amphitrite, Triton, Umbra, Harmonia, Hades and Hera opened their eyes, amazed by that information

Kairo: I can't deny that that's true, Typhon whether I like it or not, he's my son and I don't want to punish my son for being raised to be what he became, a monster - Zeus just narrowed his eyes at Kairo - I want to propose a compromise, if we free Typhon and he attacks Olympus again, I will kill him myself and receive the punishment they impose on me - Everyone looked at each other, thinking about Kairo's words, until they made a decision.

_15 Days later _ 

Thalia: Wait, what did they do? with Typhoon?

Nevem: That is information for later.

Thalia: What later if this is the last chapter?

Nevem: What I said later

Thalia: But - He couldn't finish speaking because they played the video again.

Underworld Castle - Room of Hades and Hera

Outside the room were Kairo, Athena, Aphrodite, Umbra and Harmonia, all waiting for the birth of the new member of the family. Kairo was nervous about the birth of his new sister. Athena was curious to know what her domains would be. Aphrodite was Trying to reassure Kairo, Umbra and Harmonía were excited about the birth of their aunt, although they are still affected by knowing that Typhon was their brother, the most affected was Harmonía by the fact that her brother, murdered Pallas and almost murdered her

You could hear Hera's screams, because she was giving birth, until the scream stopped and the cry of a baby began to sound. One of the servants of the underworld, being a former handmaiden of Hera, opened the door, giving everyone permission to enter.

They could see Hades next to Hera, who was carrying a bundle in his arms.

Hera: Meet my new daughter, Nyxiria - Showing them a little girl, when she opened her eyes you could see that she had ruby ​​colored eyes, Kairo just approached her and extended his finger to her, which she gladly accepted.

Kairo: Hello little one, I'm Kairo and I'm an older brother.


Hera: The girl is very beautiful

Hades: Yes... that version of me is going to have to improve the security of the underworld, so nothing can happen to that girl.

Persephone: *Fu fu fu fu* It seems my husband that you fell in love with your daughter - Hades only nodded agreeing with his wife.

Nevem: Well, I hope you enjoyed reading.

Thalia: Wait, what happened to Typhoon?

Hestia: What will happen to Zeus? Still with a busted head

Nevem only saw Joak, and then spoke - Why didn't he? revivistes?

Joak: I didn't know I could

Nevem: Oh well - Just like that, snapping his fingers, reviving Zeus - Without further ado, see you later. 

Thalia: Wait - He couldn't finish, because he disappeared

Joak: Don't you think the ending was a bit rushed, you left a lot of unknowns

Nevem: Yes, but they will be resolved in part two, and I'm already tired of writing. 

Joak: So, going back to work?

Nevem: Yes - Taking out a lab coat, changing his blue vest for the coat - Besides, there are still many things to do, stories to read, and inventions to create - He would say while creating a portal, that the sign to a city is shown called Toonopolis - And I want to see, what will Detective's life be like? Well your story is just beginning 

Joak: Yes...


Shin: I finally arrived, sorry for being late, I got lost - He would look everywhere only to find an empty room, with the lights off - It's good that I arrived early - I would say that I'm happy to finally arrive early once




Okay, a few last words.

This was not my first fic created and this was not my first account either, but it is the first story that exceeds 3 chapters and the first that ended and I feel happy, I published it and I never expected many people to read this story, but we are already on 16k and we are close to 17k. Personally, I feel proud of it.

I also want to make it clear that this is not the last of Kairo, this was only its first season of two, another thing to make clear is that I have been making edits to the old chapters, improving and correcting errors, in case you read them again you will see the changes

I'm also going to correct What Lies Beyond, while I write a new chapter. Tell you that Kairo will not return for a while, because first I want to think carefully about what its second part will be like, what changes I want to make, although one thing I am going to make clear, the second part will not be a reading, it's going to be a normal story, and then I'll do the reading

But so that they don't run out of their third story, I'm going to start writing The Last Buddha

And as last important information is


You will say Nevem, did you become greedy? And I will tell you no, only that this is necessary. One has obligations and I do not currently have a job, nor am I studying, but next year I will start. So I want to ask for donations, if I don't get this I have to start looking for work and believe me, I don't mind working, but I want to start focusing on writing, well one of my wishes is to write my own story in the future

This is not mandatory, if you want to support me or can help me I will be very grateful. I also want to offer a deal, if we reach the goal of 150 on Paypal every two weeks, I will start to take this as a job and bring you at least 3 chapters per month, all well written, edited and revised, one last thing

Starting today we have an official YouTube channel, let's go, I'm going to upload all my fics and links to official accounts, although yes, for the new chapters it will take at least 1 month from their publication date to upload them to YouTube