Eyes Widen

The night wind howled through the battlefield, now left in ruins. Aris stood with labored breaths, his sword raised, his gaze filled with both confusion and rage. Before him, his opponent stood unwavering, a dark shadow unaffected despite the fierce battle.

The enemy smirked slightly, his eyes gleaming in the darkness. "Right and wrong… you're still trapped in the narrow boundaries your kingdom taught you, aren't you?" His voice was calm yet carried a heavy weight. "You believe you stand on the side of justice simply because that's what you were taught. But… what if I told you that the kingdom you fight for is not the pillar of righteousness you think it is? That the world is far more tangled than just black and white?"

Aris frowned, his heart in turmoil. "What do you mean? What are you trying to say?"

His opponent chuckled softly, as if amused by Aris' confusion. "The Sylas family… they are not what you think they are. And the head of their household, the one I'm after—do you really believe he's innocent? Or is he merely a victim of a much greater corruption? You won't understand now… but one day, when the illusion you defend crumbles, you will remember my words."

Aris gripped his sword tighter, unable to accept the reality being thrown at him. But before he could respond, his opponent stepped forward, gazing into his eyes as if reading every doubt within him.

"I can sense it… you and that girl, you are not part of this corruption. You are merely pawns, dragged into the chaos caused by your kingdom. Hmm, I won't kill you today."

With impossible speed, the enemy lunged. Aris tried to raise his sword in defense, but before he could react, a devastating blow struck his body. Pain surged through him instantly, and within moments, his consciousness faded.

"Goodbye, boy," his enemy's voice echoed faintly before everything turned to darkness.

In the distance, Lysandra ran toward him, screaming in panic. But before she could reach Aris, the enemy had already vanished, leaving them with more questions than answers.

Lysandra fell to her knees beside Aris' wounded body. His breathing grew heavier, his body weaker. With trembling hands, she pressed against his wounds, trying to heal him with the magic she had left. But exhaustion from days of captivity and confinement had left her drained. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she whispered, "Hold on, Aris… please, hold on…"

She glanced at her father's lifeless body not far from them, the pain of loss stabbing her heart. But she could not afford to sink into sorrow. She refocused on Aris, attempting to channel her last bit of strength. However, as time passed, her own body weakened, her vision blurred, and her consciousness nearly faded.

Hurried footsteps echoed nearby. Soldiers and healers finally arrived. One of the healers knelt beside Lysandra and Aris, placing his hands over Aris' wounded body. A soft glow enveloped him, stabilizing his condition.

Lysandra sobbed, finally losing the strength to remain upright and collapsing beside him.

When Aris awoke, the room was silent. The soft glow of candles illuminated the walls of the Cean family residence. His body felt heavy, wrapped in bandages. As he tried to move, sharp pain shot through his body.

Beside his bed, his mother slept with her head resting on the edge of the mattress. Her face looked weary, as if she had been watching over him for days. Aris wanted to speak, but his throat was dry. Before he could say anything, the door opened slowly, revealing a few servants and a healer who immediately stepped inside.

"Young Master Aris… you're awake!" the healer said with relief. Soon after, hurried footsteps filled the corridor outside. Various members of the Cean family and their attendants gathered at the doorway, murmuring with a mix of concern and relief. But amidst it all, Aris remained still, his mind returning to his enemy's words.

The next night, Aris still could not sleep. His opponent's words echoed in his thoughts, disturbing his peace. Was it true that the kingdom he had fought for was corrupt? Was his own family merely a tool in a greater system? And more importantly—what was the Sylas family really hiding?

Despite his weakened body, Aris could not sit idly by. With burning resolve, he rose from bed, ignoring the pain that gnawed at his body. Slowly, he donned his cloak and slipped out of his room.

He decided to investigate for himself. Starting with seeking information from royal documents and listening to whispers long ignored among the nobility. Night after night, he infiltrated secret archives, eavesdropping on conversations between officials behind closed doors.

Until one night, he found something far more horrifying than he had imagined—a document detailing human experimentation conducted by the Sylas family under direct orders from the kingdom. Prisoners and the poor were sacrificed for experiments involving magical forces, all to fulfill a certain ritual.

The name "Goddess Aqua" was inscribed on every page of the report. Aris felt his throat tighten. Goddess Aqua was worshiped by the kingdom as a source of blessings and power. But why did her name appear in such a horrific experiment?

At that moment, Aris realized something. The kingdom was not just corrupt—they were hiding a far deeper truth, one that entwined gods and humans in an unseen cycle of darkness. And the Sylas family… they were merely pawns in a much greater evil.

Aris' mind spun wildly. What should he do with this truth? And more importantly—was he ready to face its consequences?