Clara's Adventure Camp

Clara's POV- four years later...

Outside of The abandoned building of Ivo Laboratories 

"Mr. Svarog can you lend me the other parts for Pascal." I said while using a wrench and a screwdriver to fix Pascal who was patrolling the area of the building in the morning but he was shut down due to a malfunction.

"Understood. Here you go, Clara," Mr. Svarog said as he handed Clara the mechanical parts needed to fix Pascal so he could return to monitoring the building as usual.

I replaced the parts that were no longer needed and put in the newer ones, using the toolbox I had taken from a store when I once got the courage to explore outside my hideout. I didn't know why, but there were numbers on them, and when I left the store with the toolbox, people started yelling for me to come back, which scared me and made me run back to my camp.


"There you go, Pascal. You should be all fixed up and ready to work," I said as I closed the metal hatch on his back, using a screwdriver to secure it completely. I then took out my laptop from the red rabbit backpack I had gotten during my adventures gathering supplies for the camp. After opening my laptop, I quickly accessed my database and switched Pascal back on. He reacted happily, jumping around, which made me smile. I then put my laptop away and slung my backpack over my shoulders.

I heard a notification from the system and saw the blue screen in front of me. I smiled at the thought of earning more rewards.


Quest: Fix Pascal!

Pascal has had a malfunction during his morning routine. Fix him immediately to get him back on track! - Completed

Rewards: Mechanical Parts (50), Kryptonite Mechanical parts, Money


Name: Clara

Age: 9

Parents: ??, ??

Powers: None

Faction: Clara's Adventure Camp

Companions: Svarog, Pascal, Automaton Spider (3), Automaton Grizzly (7)

Mechanical Parts: Kryptonite Mechanical Parts, Mechanical Parts (400)

Energy: 50/100

Hunger: 70/100

Stamina: 50/100

I redeemed the parts and became interested in the Kryptonite mechanical components, which I had never seen before. I wonder if Mr. Svarog is familiar with them; I'll have to ask him about it. If the parts are useful, I could install them in Mr. Svarog. 

Additionally, there has been news that a project called the Particle Accelerator is set to launch soon at night. I wanted to go, but Mr. Svarog advised against it, saying it would be dangerous for some reason. Instead, he asked me to stay by his side for the night, which I didn't mind, as I usually sleep on his arm.

So far what I learned from Mr. Svarog a couple of months ago was that there was a person named Oliver Queen who was presumed dead and was found on an island and what I learned from Mr. Svarog also is that that island is dangerous and wouldn't tell me what was so dangerous about it.

Hence, I just had to listen to Mr. Svarog and not ask again since he wouldn't tell me. Another thing that Mr. Svarog also said to me was about superheroes which I was so fascinated when he told me about superheroes since my mom and dad never told me about them when I was in the hospital. 

I may have gotten a bit carried away and asked a fellow camper about how to sew, and she agreed to teach me! I want to make little sewing dolls to create superhero dolls that I can hug or give to people when they're feeling down...It's a work in progress. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Mr. Svarog started speaking.

"Clara It will be raining with lightning in the night it will be best not to activate any electronics during that time." Mr. Svarog said as I nodded with what he said since If he says there is lightning and I don't like lightning it scares me.

"I understand, Mr. Svarog, but what about the people outside in the rain? Will they be okay with what I gave them?" I said, a hint of worry in my voice. For the past four years, I've done my best to help those in need, providing them with food and shelter. I even had some of the other robots I made use of leftover parts from Ivo Laboratories to build them shelters. I just hope it's enough to keep them safe.

"According to observational results, they should be fine Clara they won't be hurt since the shelter has been made for them." Mr. Svarog said and I just nodded trusting Mr. Svarog since he and the rest of the robots are my family.

I looked up at the sky and noticed dark clouds rolling in, which made me frown. However, when I glanced around my camp, I saw the people chatting happily, smiling, and waving at me. I smiled and waved back as I followed Mr. Svarog to my hideout, which was located inside the laboratory where everything was organized.

A few hours had gone by and it had gotten dark, when that happened I reprogrammed all the robots to go back inside the laboratories except the ones that guard the people in the camp all day which got attention but thankfully I was able to handle that carefully without any trouble. Mr. Svarog also said to not go outside or use any electronics during the incoming thunderstorm which I still hate to this day luckily Mr. Svarog let me see this Particle Accelerator turning on with a function on his arm that acts like a TV while I lay on his arm watching it with him in my room that I made.

"I'm Linda Park and we are live outside Star Labs despite the unexpected weather which is only about to get worse the torrential downpour has in no way affected The Particle Accelerator which is up and running smoothly according to Star Labs CEO Harrison Wells." The reporter said while I was watching with Mr. Svarog.

"Mr. Svarog who is Harrison Wells? I never heard of him before is he important?" I asked while Mr. Svarog looked at me while calculating the response.

"Correct Clara, Harrison Wells is a brilliant scientist, He and his wife had an accident when his wife passed away Harrison Wells survived but became a different person. Based on calculations I suggest not trusting Harrison Wells if he comes in contact with you Clara." Mr. Svarog said while I was confused about why he didn't want me to trust him I could understand why he was a stranger to me and could kidnap me and take me away from Mr. Svarog and Pascal.

"Okay, Mr. Svarog I trust you I won't meet him nor come in contact with him." I responded with a confident gaze but then the reporter was yelling something important.

"Wait we are being told to evacuate the facility, the storm may have caused a malfunction in the primary cooling system, and officials are now trying to shout out-" The reporter was cut off as a loud explosion was made as I screamed in fear while Mr. Svarog covered me with his arms and the electricity in the Laboratory was luckily off so no explosions happened then a wave of orange hit Mr. Svarog and I and were thrown into a wall hard and causing me to hit my head on the wall while Mr. Svarog tried his best to cover as much as my body as he could.

Clara! After multiple calculations, Clara you have sustained a concussion, and Dark Matter has entered your body I will disperse it but you will be in a coma for 9 months due to the stress of absorbing this. Mr. Svarog said while all I saw was blurry things while patting Mr. Svarog's metal hand and just nodded.

"Approved- Clara you will be awake sooner than you think since I will be out of commission due to the Dark Matter that I will absorb from your body so, I will order Pascal and the rest to take care of this Camp and monitor you." Mr. Svarog informed then he hovered his other metal hand over my stomach and started absorbing waves of orange and black into his robotic body.



Host! The System has sensed something being taken out of the [Player] this will cause the [Player] to be in a coma and not be able to move. The system will keep the [Player] alive but will not receive rewards when incapacitated. 

"I'm getting sleepy — time for a nap on Mr. Svarog's arm..." I said tiredly and finally closed my eyes and saw black.


Svarog POV

"Dark Matter retrieved from Clara completed, and into my system...Calculating, Dark Matter has accepted my body." I said while holding Clara close while she was unconscious and now in a coma.

"Searching database...Access accepted. Informing Pascal, and all other Machines...New Order: Protect The Camp and Monitor Clara and her health...PROTOCAL PRESERVATION ACTIVE." I said while sending orders to the database and through the robots.

"System...Rebooting...Failed...System Rebooting...Failed...System Rebooting...Success...Rebooting completion...9 Months now starting in approximately 3 seconds. I said while gently patting Clara's hair softly.


I remember the day a little girl created me. She was so excited about all the ideas she had and the programs she wanted to develop—ideas that were quite advanced for someone her age. I recall the four years she spent creating other robots, and her excitement about making Pascal and the others. Clara then helped people who were homeless or in need of food; she provided them with meals and directed the robots to build shelters for them.


Clara didn't like seeing people get hurt, so she went to nearby stores to gather medical supplies and resources that they needed to help them out. I may not understand human emotions very well, but if it makes Clara happy, then it's worth going the extra mile.


I remember in the winter Clara wanted to go and see the snow for the first time in a flower garden and wanted to be on top of my shoulder for a better view, on that day Clara enjoyed it and took an image called a photo and saved it to her workshop inside the laboratory even she uploaded it to my database and in her words "For fun memories." I decided to see what she meant and projected it in front of both of us










"Family....So this is what she meant...I see after the reboot I will protect you...Clara

"Reboot commencing..."


Svarog's single glowing pink cyclopean eye had turned off, no longer shining in the dark. He was still holding Clara tightly when Pascal opened the door to their room. Upon seeing both Svarog and Clara on the floor, along with various items scattered around, he quickly rushed to their side, ready to assist with the tasks he had been assigned in his database, following Svarog's orders.