Third POV
S.T.A.R Labs
Clara and Svarog followed Barry and Caitlin through the halls of S.T.A.R. Labs, the hum of the facility's machinery filling the air. Clara's reddish-pink eyes darted around curiously, taking in the technological marvels surrounding her.
Meanwhile, Svarog remained silent, his pink cyclopean eye scanning for threats. So far, nothing alarming... yet.
Cisco was already at his station, typing furiously on the Cortex's control panel. The instant he heard their footsteps, he spun around in his chair, his signature grin lighting up his face as he caught sight of Barry and Caitlin. "Hey, guys! So, how'd it go—"
His words cut off as his eyes widened in shock. He pointed a shaky finger behind them, his voice hitting a whole new level. "Dude, why is there a freaking Terminator robot right behind you?!"
Before Barry or Caitlin could respond, a small voice piped up, drawing Cisco's attention downward.
Clara stood there with her arms crossed, her white hair catching the overhead lights as she pouted. "Hey! That's mean! Don't call Mr. Svarog that!"
Cisco blinked at her, then slowly raised his hands in surrender. "Alright, my bad!" He then looked at Svarog "No offense, big guy."
Svarog didn't respond, only tilting his head, the soft glow of his eye flickering in thought. Caitlin chuckled at Cisco's reaction while Barry allowed a small smile to tug at his lips.
Shaking his head, Cisco exhaled. "Okay, so who exactly is the kid, and why does she have her own personal tank?"
"Barry will explain everything," Caitlin assured him. "Right now, I have to take Clara to the med bay for a check-up."
Caitlin then extended her arm for Clara to grab. "Come on, sweetie. Let's check your vitals. It won't take long."
Clara hesitated for a moment before nodding. As she grabbed one of Caitlin's fingers with her hand, she cast a wary glance at the medical bay ahead. Svarog silently followed her, but before stepping through the doorway, he turned his singular pink cyclopean eye toward Cisco, sending a chill down the Mechanical engineer's spine.
Then, without another word, the towering automaton followed Clara inside.
Cisco swallowed hard. ''Yep. That thing is 100% sentient, and I can't decide if that's awesome or terrifying."
Barry chuckled softly. "Probably both and you won't believe it—it actually talks too."
"A talking robot? That's pretty cool. A potentially deadly robot? Not so much. Barry, please tell me you at least ran a background check on our new buddy, Terminator 3.0 here?" Cisco shot Barry a skeptical look, raising an eyebrow for emphasis.
Before Barry could say anything, Cisco smacked his forehead, a look of realization dawning on him. "Hold up! Caitlin said her name was Clara. That means—you already found the kid?! But I was in the middle of—" He spun around to the control panel screen, fingers flying over the keyboard.
Barry sighed, rubbing his neck. "Yeah, it's... a long story."
"Come on, try me," Cisco said, only half-paying attention to the screen. "I've been sifting through databases, avoiding the same old ones, and guess what? I got zip—just that birth certificate I told you about. Everything else? Nothing. No school records, no medical history under her name, and no social security info. Just her birth certificate, and then—boom—it's like she just poofed out of existence after age four. It's seriously like she vanished into thin air!"
Barry frowned, stepping closer. "Nothing at all?"
Cisco leaned closer to the screen. "Nothing, man! Either a hacker god wiped her records, or we're dealing with a digital ghost. I almost cracked something in her medical history—then, dead end. Like she never existed."
Barry ran a hand through his hair. "This is insane. I mean, how does a kid just disappear off the records then someone had to have erased her records, right?"
Cisco threw his hands up and turned to Barry. "Bingo. And whoever pulled this off? Pro level. "I've seen data wipes, but this? This is pro-level, Barry. Someone wanted this kid erased—like, government-classified erased." He spun back to the screen, his fingers moving furiously across the keyboard. "I could dig deeper, but let's be real—this is some next-level erasure. I mean, I've seen wiped files before, but this? It's like someone deleted her existence after age four. If I push too hard, I might trip some nasty alarms, and after the Particle Accelerator fiasco? Yeah, we don't need more eyes on us."
Barry paced, rubbing his temples. "So what do we do? How do we keep her safe? Pretend none of this is weird?"
Cisco shot him a look. "Barry, my dude, this is peak weird—even for us. A Meta-Human kid with no history and her own personal Terminator? Come on!"
Barry folded his arms, his gaze drifting to the med bay. "I don't know, Cisco. Clara—she's just a kid. And Svarog… he's definitely not a normal robot, but he's not giving off 'kill-all-humans' vibes."
Cisco scoffed. "Yeah, well, tell that to my nightmares. That thing gave me the same look my abuela used to give me before smacking me with a chancla. Pure judgment, dude."
Barry smirked. "Yeah, well, maybe it just didn't like the Terminator comment."
Cisco threw up his hands. "Oh, c'mon! He totally looks like a Terminator! I mean, if he wasn't designed to look so human and was more, like, metallic and stuff. But still!"
Barry then let out a frustrated sigh as he looked at Cisco, who raised an eyebrow, confused by the sudden shift in mood. "You good, man?"
Barry shook his head, a look of concern crossing his face. "Clara could end up with a record—or worse, find herself on a police wanted list. Remember that drugstore robbery? The pill bottle I gave you guys with the fingerprint on it? They've got the security footage, they might have circulated it to keep an eye out for criminals. If Joe sees her, he'll try to bring her in. I can't let that happen. We have no idea what might go down. Caitlin and I were fortunate to convince Svarog to let us meet with Clara and talk things through at their camp."
Cisco's eyes widened as the weight of the situation hit him. He had been wrapped up in his own research, trying to find information on Clara, but he forgot about the robbery. He quickly scanned the monitor, and his heart sank when he saw it: she was officially on the watch list now. "This is bad, Barry. We need to figure out a way to help her."
Cisco clicked on the security footage, and there she was—Clara, standing outside the store in her red rabbit hood and coat, The footage showed a 10-year-old girl wearing a large red overcoat with a large, braided tassel attached at the front and a white fur hem at the bottom. A large, white pompom dangles from the top strap. On the back a hood is attached to the coat with pointed ends, resembling cat ears. Underneath the overcoat, she wears a beige sweater and white clothing.
The girl had her hood up, which covered her hair and face, and the back of the coat had pointed ends that resembled cat ears. While walking, she wore shoes and walked weirdly, almost tripping like she didn't know how to walk in shoes.
As the girl was near the store she took off her shoes and sighed in relief as she entered the store barefoot only for the camera screen to turn black.
"Oh, man…" He exhaled, shaking his head. "Barry, this is bad. Really bad."
Barry felt a pit form in his stomach. "How bad?"
Cisco clicked something, pulling up a grainy security still. Clara's small figure, hood up, face hidden, stepped into the store barefoot.
"They used the robbery footage," Cisco said, voice tight. "She's flagged. Barry, if CCPD gets their hands on her…" He hesitated. "Best case? Juvie. Worst case? They dig deeper, and someone way above our pay grade starts asking questions."
Barry pinched the bridge of his nose, already feeling a headache forming. "So, what do we do?"
Cisco shrugged dramatically. "I don't know, man! We can't exactly waltz into CCPD and be like, 'Hey, that kid you're looking for? She's totally not suspicious at all, so just, y'know, forget about it.
Barry crossed his arms, deep in thought. "Dude, we can't let Joe find out about her."
Cisco raised an eyebrow, eyes wide. "Barry, come on! You realize that's basically impossible, right? He's a cop. The second he sees her hanging around you, he's going to start asking a million questions."
"I get that," Barry replied, his frustration showing. "But if Joe figures it out, he'll want to take her in. And if that happens..." He trailed off, shaking his head like he couldn't even bear to finish the thought.
Cisco groaned dramatically and dragged a hand down his face. "And then, bam! Next thing we know, some Men in Black show up, and Clara disappears for good—like, Area 51 level of real."
Barry shot him a look.
Cisco raised his hands. "Hey, tell me I'm wrong! That girl has robbed multiple stores for the past four years getting supplies and food the reason I have no idea why she did."
Barry sighed, looking at the ceiling. "If Joe spots her, he's going to stick to protocol, and then who knows what'll happen? And Svarog? No way he's going to let that slide."
Barry knew that if Svarog were to fight, it wouldn't be pretty. If he had to fight Svarog, he felt he would lose quickly even if he used his speed.
Cisco shuddered. "Yeah, no kidding. That thing gives off 'Will murder for child' energy, and I am not about to be on its bad side."
After a long pause, Cisco exhaled. "Alright. Let's break it down. Number one: we keep Clara off CCPD's radar. Number two: we figure out who the heck erased her records and why. And number three—" He gestured vaguely. "I dunno, man. Figure out what Svarog actually is before he decides to go full Ultron on us?"
Barry looked at the Flash suit that was displayed. "Yeah. Great. No pressure or anything."
Cisco smirked. "Hey, welcome to another day at S.T.A.R. Labs," he said, then sighed. "Now we have to deal with Danton Black as well...Unless you're still out?"
Barry let out a dry chuckle, but his hands were clenched. His mind raced. How was he supposed to keep her safe when the whole system was stacked against her? Clara's past was a mystery. Svarog was something he never thought he would see. Now, CCPD was trying to find Clara. Then there was Danton Black… and Barry wasn't sure if he even wanted to put the suit back on.
"Bringing Clara here was the right thing to do… right? Was I protecting her? Or pulling her into something even worse?" Barry thought as he was now feeling confused since he didn't want to be involved in this anymore...
But the girl reminded him of his childhood with his parents he may not be a warrior but that didn't mean he could just abandon a girl who was a Meta-Human like him. She was like him—a lost Meta-Human. But had he just made her life even more dangerous?
All that Barry knew was that he was running out of time.
S.T.A.R. Labs Med-Bay
Clara's POV
I didn't like this place. It smelled weird, like too much soap. The walls were super white, the lights were way too bright, and everything made these funny beeping and humming sounds, It reminded me of my room in the hospital...I didn't like the room anyway it was too bright.
I held onto Caitlin's hand tight while she showed me to the bed. I took off my favorite red coat and then my shoes, and my bare feet made little tapping sounds on the cold floor. It felt like I was back in my base at camp!
Mr. Svarog followed along with us. He was always near. That made me feel a little better. As long as Mr. Svarog was near, I felt like I could do anything. That made me happy."
I saw Caitlin smile, all warm and soft, like hot chocolate on a cold day… like Mommy used to make and give me. "Alright, sweetie, let's do a quick check-up, okay?"
I nodded, even though I really didn't like check-ups. But Caitlin wasn't a doctor like the others. I still remember that my check-ups were always because I was sick, and I never breathed well during those visits.
She picked up a weird round thing with two tubes. "This is called a stethoscope," she explained as she put it in her ears. "I just need to listen to your heartbeat. Is that okay?"
I hesitated but nodded again.
She pressed the cold circle against my chest. I shivered but stayed still. Svarog stood at my side, his big pink eye watching closely making sure nothing bad was happening.
"Hmm," Caitlin hummed. "A little fast, but that's normal." She pulled it away and gave me another smile. "Do you ever get sick, Clara?"
I thought for a moment, tilting my head.
"Mhm. A lot. Too much." I said remembering all the doctor visits I had gone to.
I always had check-ups because I was sick a lot, especially with breathing problems.
"How often?" Caitlin asked me.
I frowned. "I don't know."
"Analyzing. Data indicates Clara has suffered illness 300 times in four years. This frequency is… unsettling" Mr. Svarog informed which made me remember I did get sick a lot of times during the winter so easily.
That's...A lot of times...I used to get sick all the time. Every winter, I'd catch something, and Pascal and Mr. Svarog would make me soup. I didn't like the medicine, but it helped.
Caitlin blinked. "Three hundred?"
"Affirmative. Calculating. Clara has experienced various infections, malnutrition-related illnesses, prolonged exposure to cold, respiratory distress, fever-induced hallucinations, and organ inflammation. I have documented all occurrences." Mr. Svarog Informed making me embarrassed for getting sick so much.
"Three hundred times...But… I'm still here. So, I guess it's fine." I thought, as Mr. Svarog and Pascal had always taken care of me when I got sick, and I always got better anyways.
Caitlin typed something on her tablet, her eyebrows pulling together. "That's impossible. Even children with severe immune deficiencies don't get sick that often.," she muttered. "And no medical records to back it up. But It has to be a Weak immune system."
She sighed, then smiled at me again. "Okay, just a few more things. I'm going to check your reflexes."
That wasn't so bad. She tapped my knee with a small hammer, and my leg jumped. That made me giggle a little. She checked my temperature, looked in my ears, and even shined a light in my eyes.
Then she reached for something else. I saw her pick up a familiar object with something sharp I felt my ears start to ring.
A needle. The sharp glint. The rubber gloves. The cold hands.
"No—" My breath came too fast. Too shallow. My chest hurt.
No, no, no, no—
"Clara, are you alright? Is something troubling you?" Mr. Svarog inquired, his voice filled with concern as he noticed my heart rate spiked and I was having trouble breathing.
The walls pressed in. I was back there. The hospital. The doctors. The pity in their voices. It was like I was trapped again in that sterile, too-bright room all over again!
'It's okay, sweetie.'
Then the needle. Always the needle.
I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to hold my body together.
Please… please. I don't want to... I don't want to!
My chest felt tight, like a rope getting pulled harder and harder. My hands started to tingle and felt all numb. The walls around me were fuzzy—way too white and super bright!
Caitlin frowned, noticing how Clara's breathing quickened at the sight of the needle. "Sweetheart? You okay?"
I didn't notice that Mr. Svarog's body shifted looking towards me in concern as his pink eyes glowed a bit in concern and shifted a bit closer to me.
Debuff acquired: [Panic Attack]
Stamina -8. Energy -9.
[Player] You are currently experiencing another [Panic Attack]. I suggest finding something or someone to help you calm down. Due to this incident, you will receive a debuff.
Name: Clara
Age: 10
Energy: 92/100
Hunger: 100/100
Stamina: 92/100
Debuff: Panic Attack (Stamina -8, Energy -9) every 5 seconds
No. No, no, no, no—
The walls closed in, too white, too bright. My chest felt tight—like I couldn't breathe.… Gloves, coats, cold metal, and needles—I hate it. I hate it. I HATE IT. Please, make it stop!
"Clara?" Caitlin's voice was soft, but I couldn't hear her.
I scrambled backward, my breath coming too fast and sharp. My chest ached. My head throbbed. My arms wrapped tightly around myself as I tried to make myself feel smaller.
The needles. The doctors, the nurses, the bed, The hands. The pity in their voices. Lies. Always lies. I want my mommy! I want my daddy!
The walls were too white. Too bright. It felt like the walls were closing in on me. The needle glinted, and suddenly, I was back in that hospital room—sick, weak, trapped. my lungs wouldn't work. my hands went numb. I couldn't move."
"No," I gasped, shaking my head, my body shaking too. "No—please, I—I don't want to! Don't make me!"
"Clara, it's okay, you're safe—" Caitlin spoke but I didn't want to hear it.
Then everything was warm.
My heart raced as Mr. Svarog moved swiftly and lifted me in his arms like he always does. I held on tightly to his coat, gripping the fabric. I felt that Caitlin was watching us, so I quickly glanced over. Caitlin's eyes widened, and momentarily, I saw her freeze, her hands raised as if she didn't know whether to jump in.
I noticed a change in Caitlin's expression; it softened when our eyes met. Taking a steadying breath, I felt the warmth of Svarog beside me. As Caitlin finally lowered her hands and exhaled, a sense of reassurance washed over me. I refocused on Svarog, finding comfort in his presence despite the lingering tension.
Strong metal arms cradling me close. A familiar grab surrounded me, like I have always been accustomed to. The panic didn't leave all at once, but it slowed. My heart wasn't trying to escape my chest anymore.
"Mr. Svarog." I spoke softly but I was interrupted by a hiccup.
"Clara. You are safe. I will protect you. You need to breathe slowly." Mr. Svarog said gently.
I tried. But my breaths were shaky and interrupted by hiccups.
He held me, rocking me back and forth just a little. Not moving away from Caitlin, but standing between me and the needle. Like a shield.
I was crying. I didn't mean to. I hated crying. But the tears wouldn't stop. "I'm sorry," I whispered. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't... I don't want to be here. I don't want the needles... I'm sorry..."
I saw Caitlin's face change. She looked sad, but also understanding. Her eyes showed that she really cared. It wasn't pity; it was more like she just got what I was feeling, and it made everything around us feel less scary.
She put the needle down and paid attention to me, like I was more than just someone at the doctor's office.
I didn't know what she typed, but I knew she wasn't mad.
"I won't use the needle," Caitlin promised. "Not today. Not unless you're ready. You're safe here, and we'll take this at your pace."
I sniffled. Svarog looked at Clara and hummed again, his voice calm and steady.
"You are safe, Clara." Mr. Svarog said calmly holding me closer.
I buried my face in his chest, nodding.
For now, I was safe.
[Player]! A New Debuff has been found!
[Player] A Debuff has evolved into passive debuffs that affect you in battle. They can be removed if you have an [Item] or have encountered and faced what is causing the harm.
Debuff [Weak Immune system] has been found!
Debuff [Panic Attack] has evolved into [PTSD]!
These two debuffs will negatively impact your battlefield skills. If you encounter an enemy, I suggest staying near your [Companions] until you have overcome the debuffs, or use a [Outfit] that can help mitigate their effects!
"Svarog, you can stay here and help Clara calm down. Once she's settled, there's a room nearby in the Cortex where she can rest. I need to talk to my team about the information I've gathered," Caitlin said, I heard her voice was calm but I could hear in her voice she was sorry.
"Affirmative, I will handle this as I always have." Mr. Svarog said calmly with a nod as
he hugged me more.
I didn't care what they said. I just wanted my mommy. My daddy. But they weren't here. They hadn't come for me.
Why haven't they come for me? Didn't they look? Didn't they care? Maybe they don't want me anymore…
…Did they even want to find me?