Chapter 156 Unexpected Precursor 2

Chapter 156 Unexpected Precursor 2


"Right, hmm— maybe dark elf ... I don't know?"

Conquest of the Dark Elf Legion in Europe ... ... It is one of the great events to come.

However, Dark Elf is currently weak. Therefore, this is a period of calm setback in the eroded Berlin region while maintaining secret friendly relations with German forces.

At this time, strong Germans hid their existence in return for supplying valuable magical material items from the Dark Elves, and they had the ability to control a large group of monsters without seeing blood. Previously, he tried not to follow the path while watching the hordes of Red Drake or the kingdom of Black Orcs shake a country.

Later it became clear that such thoughts were nothing more than arrogance. The Dark Elf, which has been developing without any damage for years, has swallowed Europe in one bite ... ...

But all that will happen in the next few years.

'But what the heck is this ... ... Why is the Dark Elf Legion moving? '

Earlier, Donald Harris reported that his European spy network had captured the movement of the dark elf corps. After further investigation, it was revealed that the target was the Republic of Chad, and large-scale intercontinental portal magic was being prepared.

It is very clear who is responsible for such a large conspiracy.

' ... After all, criminals must work and control the Dark Elves. '

But still the question is unresolved. When the Dark Elves are not ready to fight, what's the point of starting a war now?

If he appears as a threat to the world in imperfect circumstances, he is better attacked — The kingdom of Dark Elf is now weaker than the Kingdom of the Black Orcs.

After the death of Donald Harris's envoy —Vedrepolnir, Hyunwook Lee felt uneasy.

'Obviously, there are certain reasons, so this is a bold step. What is that? '

However, the answer was found very quickly.

– ... ... Oh, this is the location of the gate explosion in Vienna, Austria!

Order Tower, the latest news on TV. That is to convey attacks that occur anywhere in the world. Lee Hyun-wook sank into his worries and only listened to his voice.

– Can you see me there? Super big monsters have emerged from the first eruption!

News like this is a daily occurrence in many parts of the world.

Therefore, as a Korean watching the news, it seems to pass without much excitement.

This will only feel like an incident or accident that happened in a distant foreign country.

Buk- Buk-

However, seeing a giant that fills the inside of the screen, Lee Hyun-wook frowns.

'Maybe it's ... ... '

It was a giant about five floors high — about 12 m tall, with one peculiarity: his clothes were similar to Greek warriors. He wore a Corinthian bronze helmet with red feathers, red robes, and held a spear and shield.

Then, the giant threw his iron spear somewhere —

bang–! bang–! bang–!

Three gothic buildings were stabbed in a row and collapsed.

It was not a boss monster, but an extraordinary destructive force for a normal monster theme.

There is only one monster of that type, as far as Lee Hyun-wook knows.

'That ... That's Titan Skirmisher?'

Titan Skirt, it's not an ordinary monster that appears at any time,

This can be seen as a sign of a named disaster that will occur in the future.

After appearing all over the world, the named Titan appeared in Europe.

In other words, it can be said that he is also an existence that cannot appear at this time.

'then ... ... has been moved forward.'

Perhaps because of Lee Hyun-wook's appearance, the Angra Mainyu Corps — Aji Dahaka also appeared a few years earlier. And even that was done ... ...

' ... ... The next scenario will start soon.'

And the criminals realize it and can guess that they are trying to use it.

When Titanomachia begins, the power of the whole world will be focused on the event, so that the Dark Elf Legion will advance to the Republic of Chad at that time.

'So ... ... This is a good opportunity to take over the Republic of Chad, right? '

From the point of view of criminals, the biggest obstacle is twofold.

The first is Lee Hyun-wook, who several times made his plans in vain.

And the second is Donald Harris, "World Tree Administrator " and Emilia Muller, "Saint", two prominent figures from the Republic of Chad, who have traditionally been the main targets of criminals to be eliminated.

Eliminating Lee Hyun-wook failed repeatedly, and he only provided nutrition for Lee Hyun-wook's growth. Then, this time, we are eyeing the Republic of Chad.

One of them must be addressed, but their future plans will be completed.

'But you can't leave it like that ... ... '

Lee Hyun-wook quickly realized their plan, and planned to take precautions.

'Usually a bold strategy is gambling. That bet, I'll turn it into crap ... ... '


Hyun-wook Lee offered to help Donald Harris in the war, and he gladly welcomed him.

The next day, Hyun-wook Lee decided to go to the Republic of Chad and immediately prepare to leave.

There he planned to discuss future steps with Donalds Harris and Emilia Muller.

'actually ... ... This will be persuasion rather than discussion. '

In Lee Hyun-wook's head, he had plans to deal with this situation.

Donald Harris's help is needed to make it happen.

Maybe that was the most difficult to convince the stubborn hermit.

'Still, because I showed you something, you will believe me. '

"Sir, Friedwen's departure preparations are complete! "

At that time, on Talos's report, Lee Hyun-wook left the Order Tower to the port of the plane.

"Boss, we are all ready. "

Once again, on this trip, Park Jun-mo and Kim Se-hee will be together.

"By the way, why did you take dangerous goods like that? "

Kim Se-hee pointed to Friedwen's light door. There is a box with a sticker on it, and it is nothing but a bomb with elements 'City Cleaner '.

"But on the day of the explosion, even his boss said he could not control it. "

When opened, he pulled all the stones, soil and metal in the area and unloaded them. It is a dangerous object among dangerous objects that can cause large-scale accidents that are unprecedented if done wrong.

"That's true, but when I arrived at Yggdrasil, I had something to write about. "

Last night, when I made plans for the future, I thought of a way to use that terrible thing.

After a while-

"Sir, portal creation begins in the nearest sky!"

"Yes, Donald Harris himself came to pick us up. "

About 20 meters above the roof of the Tower of Order, a large two-way portal opens.

Shortly afterwards came a white eagle, Vedrepolnir, owned by Donald Harris.

Reads —!

The man turned around the sky and began to cry loudly.

He seemed to be gesturing to Lee Hyun-wook to enter immediately.

"Let's go."

Lee Hyun-wook was the first to board Freedwen, followed by Park Jun-mo and Kim Se-hee. And in the cockpit, as usual, the alter ego Yeo Sang-min was sitting.

Then, let's go!

woo woo woo–

Fridwen took off and slowly began to rise to heights, and he could see the white god Yggdrasil hovering above his head, above the portal that opened into the sky. It feels strange, like watching a tree from a distance through a telescope hole.

"Wow— look through portals like this, the tree is huge!"

As if Park Jun-mo was riding a vehicle, he saw it with a blank expression on his face.

"I really didn't know that I myself would go to Yggdrasil."

Yggdrasil is the safest and most beautiful city today, and is the best tourist destination where you can receive a variety of 'blessings ' just by staying overnight.

"Hah— correct!"

At that moment, Junmo Park rose from his seat as if he was remembering something.

" ... ... He, come to think of it, I don't have that passport, so isn't that illegally entered? "

Hearing those words, Se-hee Kim tickled his tongue.

"Hey, Donald Harris himself came to pick us up, so what's the problem? "

"Ah ... Is that so? But if I get lost, what should I do? "

The words seemed sincere, and Lee Hyun-wook and Kim Se-hee shook their heads at the same time.

"Come on, we'll pass the portal in 10 seconds!"

Suddenly, the Fridwen player (宜克) approached the White Hall, and at that moment, Vedrepolnir who flew in front, turned and fired something like a blue marble at Fridwen. When touching the bow, the translucent membrane encloses the entire hull of the ship.


"Uh ... what did you just do? "

"Maybe magic 'covers '."

Lee Hyun-wook answered Kim Se-hee's question.

"Ah, are we hiding ourselves? "

"Yes. No need to expose it. "

Of course, it is not good for Steel-rain to tell the world about Yggdrasil's visit. If the world's attention is on him, there will be unnecessary noise and fatigue, and most importantly, it will be valuable strategic information for someone.

"— Pass through the portal!"

As he passed the White Hall, the view on the ground changed in an instant.

"Wow ... ... "

The first thing that caught my attention was the holy tree of Yggdrasil, which was several hundred meters high.

"Bird, this is much bigger than I thought. "

The white trunk, thicker than most skyscrapers, stretches endlessly, even penetrates the clouds, and lifts its green and majestic branches over the bright blue sky. So that when viewed from a distance gives rise to the illusion of forest above the clouds.

"Hah— looks like you covered the city with a dome."

Not a handful of sunlight entered because the several kilometers long branches covered the sky completely. It will feel scary just by saying this, but the leaves of the world tree emit dim light, and ironically, 'shade ' it is covered in light.

And just below the Yggdrasil stem — near the open root, there is a white wall as a restricted area, the only building there is the largest shrine in the world, St. Dome, where Saint Emilia Muller lives.

Then, on its outskirts, skyscrapers in the city center are neatly lined, and magic laboratories, often called 'Matowers', rise above the height of the building and shine like a lighthouse. When viewed further, it appears that what is there is not black smoke, but a mysterious beam of light from the chimneys of various factories installed in the suburbs.

This is the youngest city born in the world and the most magical city ...

" ... ... That is ."

Everyone is fascinated by the look of a city that is truly unrealistic and ideal.

At that time, a white eagle 'Vedrepolnir' flew over the Fridwen cockpit window.

bang! bang!

Then, rather nervously, he pecked at the window and opened his beak.

"— What are you doing? You won't let this old man fly, right? "

Because of this, he turned and flew back to the shadow of the World Tree.

"The owner doesn't seem friendly, so I'll catch up with you soon. "

Saying that, Yeo Sang-min launched Friedwen, and immediately entered the shadows.

"Wow ... tastes like a little bird."

As we approached Yggdrasil, this giant plane felt very small.

As Park Jun-mo said, it tastes like a bird and flies through a tree.

"Come on — we will land soon, so hold on tight. "

After about three minutes of flying, Vedrepolnir landed on a large branch.

Its branches are as wide as a runway, apparently used as a kind of aircraft port.

woo woo woo–

When Friedwen landed on a branch, a large door opened at the end of the branch, 'stalk '.

From there came Donald Harris, an old man in a white shirt and jeans.

And after that stand up the head of St. Dome, St. Emilia Muller.

In this way, the three people who most want to be killed by criminals are gathered in one place.


" ... We must attack first. "

Donald Harris, who followed Lee Hyun-wook's words, raised his head.

He tilted his head, wondering if he heard something wrong.

"Uh, what, did you say the first attack? "

Buried on the sofa, Emilia Muller asked while scratching her curly blonde hair.

I met her after all this time, and she was hiccuping drunk.

Still, I'm just grateful to be able to come out with an empty mind for important events.

"Hiccups — I'm not drunk ... sounds a bit strange. "

No — Donald Harris put the mysterious thing on a wooden table.

– Absorb unknown forces to slightly increase the speed of recovery. (+10%)

Just touching incense is already a big thing that increases the speed of recovery.

"If you talk about the first attack, you will hit Berlin's green hell, right? "

"Yes, isn't that dark elf hometown? It is impossible. "

"Well, do you have the strength to do that? It's far underground, so you know it's impossible to carry out a preemptive strike like that, like you bombed Shanghai, right? "

"This will be difficult for myself, but if Mr. Harris and I work together, it will be possible. "

Hearing those words, a little anger spread on Donald Harris's face.

'Donald Harris is still very reluctant to leave Yggdrasil.'

Like Hyunwook Lee, Donald Harris must have experienced countless conspiracies and threats targeting Yggdrasil, so he was very reluctant to go out. If he leaves, Yggdrasil's defense will be very weak.

In other words, he was always worried that someone would steal this treasure called Yggdrasil.

He enjoyed tea for a long time without answering, then looked into the air and opened his mouth.

"Well, don't you think if I leave, there's most likely someone who will use it? How many bad guys are there in this world, and that only gives me a chance. "

"Yes, I'm also considering it. In this case ... "

Lee Hyun-wook paused, and both looked at Lee Hyun-wook.

" ... ... I convinced 'King of the Water Spirit ' on Lake Chad. "

Donald Harris's eyebrows twitched at the words.

On the other hand, Emilia Muller's expression cannot be recognized.

"How about now — King of the Spirit of Water? What is that? "

When Yggdrasil was born here and 'mana ecosystem ' was created in the area, the spirits migrated beyond the dimensions. And on Lake Chad, right next to Yggdrasil, there is a strong water spirit.

" ... how do you know that naughty bastard?"

The existence of the Spirit King is not yet known to the public.

"True, just as Mr. Harris sees things that cannot be seen by others through the World Tree, like the impending disaster, I also see many things through Laputa. "

Donald Harris still seemed to disagree, but nodded.

" ... ... But it will be troublesome, because I lost him and Chuck. "

Lee Hyun-wook doesn't know exactly, but at first glance, it is said that Donald Harris, an S-class animism, and King Elemental ... ... Ironically, the two have never had a good relationship.

Should we say that they reject each other like the same magnetic pole?

And because the aim of the spirits to migrate to Lake Chad is to receive benefits from which enormous source called Yggdrasil, they will hold fast to Yggdrasil's roots and absorb wherever they have the chance, but Donald Harris's personality cannot tolerate that. .

Donald Harris was reluctant to do so, and finally shed blood with the spirit of Lake Chad, he said. In other words, instead of a proper relationship entrusted to the main bedroom, it is more like an enemy.

"Mr. Harris, you cannot make everyone your enemy just because you are out of control. "

" ..."

"The Spirit King of Lake Chad is a neutral monster, called the NPC, so isn't that something you can control?

Hearing that, Donald Harris snorted.

"Hah— will you convince him? Are you talking about meeting that naughty boss? That's because he is a one-sided person and feels right on his own, so that doesn't make sense, right? "

Yes, we both faced each other and growled, so we had no choice but to be hostile ...

'But the clearer their needs are, the easier it is to convince them. '

First of all, the existence of 'Raja Roh' is an attackable boss monster and a cooperative NPC, and Lee Hyun-wook remembers some of the 'cooperation routes '.

'And in such a spirit king scenario, there is a key NPC called the daughter of the spirit king. '

Out of curiosity, he turned into a human being and went out into the human world, and after falling in love with humans, she was a character who became a bridge between spirit and human.

If you find it that way and build good closeness with it, there will be a number of advantages ... ...

'You don't know where she is right now, and it takes a long time to build a relationship. '

So, it seems like I have no choice but to find the next best solution that is rather difficult.

"Mr. Harris, if you are the Elemental King of Lake Chad, can you block the troops from attacking here for a long time? Even if the party wants it too much, it will be positive for Yggdrasil to maintain it. " long-term alliance through reconciliation. "

Hyun-wook Lee persuaded Donald Harris for several other reasons.

In the end, Donald Harris, the most important thing for this one-eyed man is Yggdrasil himself.

Therefore, when we tried to emphasize the importance of 'the first attack ' in waging war, it was finally ratified.

"Ha- yes, I think you are right. If they surprise before they are ready to fight ... ... I'm sure you can lower your war ability ... ... "

Donald Harris, who had admitted it, suddenly shook his head again.

"But there is one problem, and there is no way to contact the spirits ...."


"When we met last time, he stole mana from the roots of the World Tree, so I drove him rather rudely ... But, he hasn't been out of the physical world since then, right? "

Lee Hyun-wook calmly nodded as if he had suspected this.

"Then we have no choice but to visit there. "

But again Donald Harris made a negative comment.

"No, that's impossible. There, the Spirit is a place that humans cannot enter carelessly. "

He scratched his chin in shame, then continued.

" ... The spirit world is a strange space separate from the physical world in which normal living things live, so this is a strange space where the general senses cannot find direction. So, even if level A enemies or higher spirits need to guide you, you will not get lost ... ... "

"If you look at what you say, is there a reason why you cannot be Mr. Harris? "

"Yes, even though I kicked them out, they had completely blocked my access, so I couldn't bring them to the spirit world with which pattern I had. "

This is usually referred to as 'ban'.

"I can't enter directly, so I need a class A guiding spirit ... "

'Kim Se-hee is also a spirit wizard, but Hani hasn't reached Class A.'

A player must have a level of 85 or higher to become A.

It's hard to find a reliable spirit mage at that level.

'By the way, there is one way. '

For now, Hyunwook Lee has prepared something.

' ... ... I use a city vacuum cleaner.'

The earth element colonies contained therein, if normalized, they will become class A.

'I tame them and use them as a guide.'

However, as I have said several times before, this is the worst kind of madness.

Because he was forcibly locked in a spirit prison, he went wild when opened, unpacking all the stones, soil and metal in the area, eventually becoming bored with the grass and being destroyed. And it can be said that there is almost no place in the human world that is free of stone, earth and metal.

'But there is only one.'

That's right ... ... here in the World Tree.

A large building made entirely of wood ...

'If it's not here, even if you take it out, he can't do anything. '

In this place, their actions were unsuccessful, so we could have a serious conversation.

And if the conversation doesn't work, you can tame it by force, in the traditional way.
