Chapter 192 It was as if he had disappeared from the world

Two years had flown by in the blink of an eye, and with them, a whirlwind of events, especially between Betty and me.

Our rift had finally healed over these two years, and our relationship was back to its old warmth.

We both managed to push aside those unhappy memories, truly embodying the saying that time is the ultimate healer.

Throughout these years, my relationship with Luna remained lukewarm.

I was the one keeping my distance, haunted by that one night with her, feeling a deep-seated debt towards her, a debt that seemed to grow with each passing day.

Luna had spent these years seeking help for my health issues.

My condition had improved, but because I refused to take a break from work for proper rest, my recovery was slow.

However, after two years, the doctors reported a significant improvement in my sperm viability, reaching a level sufficient for conception.

All it would take now was a bit of luck to start our own family.