At that moment, the two of them were deep in conversation, their laughter booming joyously from the floor below to the one above.
Hearing Betty's unrestrained, hearty laughter, a twinge of jealousy surged through me.
It wasn't just about anything trivial; ever since Michael had returned, Betty seemed almost fearful around me, her words cautious, even her smiles restrained.
It had been ages since I'd heard her laugh so freely, and now, finally hearing it, it belonged to someone else.
Without a second thought, I was cornered, with no option but to move forward.
I swiftly pulled out my keys and unlocked the door to my house, my movements fluid like a well-rehearsed dance.
Once inside, I kicked off my shoes and, as usual, dashed to the back balcony of my home.
After reaching the balcony, I steadied my breathing.
The sequence of unlocking the door, closing it, removing my shoes, and reaching the balcony had taken mere seconds.