Chapter 51- The rats in the cupboard
is the removal of masks.
~Thomas Ligotti
Medusa paused, staring at the shadow as it stared back at her, carving her figure wholly as though the darkness bored into her soul. It seemed like a different kind of darkness, but it was, with the difference that the shadow was her. Something in it reminded Medusa of those memories after Medyse’s disappearance, a true self absent.
Her eyes grew cold the longer she watched the empty darkness, seeping through her like a malevolent cover. With an inaudible sigh, her gaze moved away from the wall as she proceeded toward the laundry room.
The rain had long reduced, leaving a chilly breeze carrying the scent of earthy weather and the moon hiding behind the veil of thick clouds. A sharp cry of the night birds echoed outside the castle, passing into every window and door that led it through.