Chapter 185: whispers of the shadow king

Chapter 175: Whispers of the Shadow King

Weak flames from the campfire lit the space only enough to hold back the approaching night. Anita watched the dancing flames as she mentally revisited the strange warning from the stranger while sitting with her legs crossed on the ground.

"Shadow King," she whispered to herself, tasting the weight of the name. This supernatural entity belonged to an ancient foretelling which humans cannot comprehend.

Jace focused his energy on carefully sharpening his blade across from Anita by the fire. The rhythmic noise of blade striking stone stone provided a sense of calm to him despite the tension showing on his face.

Anita spoke up to note his quietness.

The golden eyes of Jace quickly shifted toward her before he went back to sharpening his blade. A brief moment of uncertainty moved across his features. "I’m thinking."

"About him?" The question came from her with a gentler tone.