Chapter 1. Prologue.

Location : New Earth - Eloria. North America. Mexico. Guerrero Negro. Sector 54. Hidden Secret Laboratory.

Year : 3929.

Date : Feburary 25th.

Time : 9:45pm.



Pov : 3rd Person.



??? " *haa* *haa* *haa* haa.... " ' I don't have much time left.... '.

In a hallway one could see a young man that looked to be eighteen years old walking slowly along the halls while leaning on the wall for support, looking at the boy at first glance one would say he was heavily malnourished, with a body so thin you could see every single out line of bones in his body, he was short of breath and was very pale, he was bald with white sclera eyes that has lost their glow with a barely noticeable will to live in them, if anyone were to look at his eyes their first thought will be " He's Blind " but he wasn't and there was something strange about his face.... he had no facial hair as in no eyebrows or eyelashes, everywhere was skin smooth.

He wore a white sleeveless shirt and white pants that looked baggy on him because of his physique so did the shirt, the clothes he wore where stained with blood on several places as if he was splashed with it.

??? *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* " Ugk Haa haa haa n-not yet haa haa haa haa I'm.... almost there " The young man spoke weakly with his mouth stained with blood.

He continued to walk for what he thought where ages with him hearing multiple voices screaming in agony from inside the lab, he walked until he got to a high density door made of a very durable alloy that he didn't know which of but he didn't care for that because the has been blown apart by the attackers.

As he walked out of the laboratory that held him prisoner for who knows how long, he staggered and fell on all fours with blood gently dripping from his mouth. he crawled to a nearby tree and laid his back on it as his breath slowed down.

??? ' The moons are so beautiful... how long has it been since I last saw the night sky '. The young man laid there as he admired the beauty of the multiple moons that hung on the night, they are so beautiful covered in frozen crystals.

??? ' Haa Is this what death feels like? It's so quiet ' The young man laid there as his he felt his heart beat slowed down.

??? ' Is this how it ends? at least i am at peace ' That was his thoughts before his whole life flashed before his soulless eyes.




Pov : Narrator Mc.




My name is Gideon Ellandor.... or was.... and this is my story of how i grew from the bottom of the food chain to become a being of Absolute terror, My life has been anything but great, i was born in the age of war well that was in my previous life, It may sound strange to you but sit tight and you'll understand in a few minutes.

I was born in the year 3900 April 18th on the planet Earth and why i said i was born the age of war was that 1400 years before i was born, our world underwent a massive change when out of nowhere the earth's satellites detected a planet that looked and was 100% identical to our earth which suddenly appeared in our solar system and was moving closer well more like both earths were moving closer to each other as if there was strange magnetic force that was attracting both planets to themselves.

This went on for nine days, during this time the entire globe was in panic, all presidents of each and every country had holographic meetings to discourse their move on the current situation and several experts on different fields of study made their speculations but none of them helped in that current situation, on the sixth day all the presidents decided to take drastic measures and sent thousands of missiles with each of them carrying enough explosive power to level an entire continent the size of Australia to intercept the incoming planet, These missiles were called DEVASTATORS and as for the remnants of the planet that would collide with earth will be dealt with by PROJECT HAVEN.

PROJECT HAVEN was a construct made years ago by a huge group of the world smartest individuals, it was originally made to prevent invasions from other lifeforms in the galaxy. Now what exactly does PROJECT HAVEN do? it projects a constantly solar powered shield that full encompasses the entire Earth with enough defensive capabilities to withstand an attack from a little over 69 thousand DEVASTATORS, So if PROJECT HAVEN was made to protect, The DEVASTATOR were made to attack and both of which has never been used due to their lack of cause.

Now one will wonder why they didn't rely solely on PROJECT HAVEN to protect them from the eminent contact of both planets because if PROJECT HAVEN can protect the planet from over 69 thousand DEVASTATORS it can obviously protect them from the contact, you could say they were paranoid and for a good reason because with satellites that had enough power to scan the entire galaxy in seconds not being able to probe the mysterious planet is saying something and for the said satellite not being able to tell how it came to be calls for paranoia, it had been checked again and again but the results were the same there was nothing there and then there was, it was like a sick magic joke one second there was nothing and the next second there was.

A few seconds after the DEVASTATORS were launched they made contact with the in coming planet due to their great speed and at the same time PROJECT HAVEN was activated, but something strange happened when the DEVASTATORS made contact, The DEVASTATORS flew right through the said planet as if the planet itself was intangible which was not right because said planet was very tangible, why so sure? because on the first day the planet appeared a random not so small meteor made contact with the planet which caused an explosion and could theoretically reshape of an entire continent, but the thing is it didn't the planet remained the same as if the explosion didn't even happen in the first place, it was like the planet was reinforced to an unimaginable degree.

The DEVASTATORS flew into the distance and completely Obliterated it from existence, Poor thing.... Seeing the result the world leaders did the next best thing.... they ran away with their families and the people and by people i mean all wealthy citizens that had enough connections, also various people that specialized in certain fields, so over night 17% of the worlds population disappeared off the surface of the earth.

How did they do it? well it wasn't hard with their technology that had advanced enough for spatial replacement, yeah that's right, Teleportation! And as for where the went.... the central space station. They got to the space station and left the solar system to return in a few months hoping that PROJECT HAVEN would be able to protect the remaining people.

When the remaining people found out what had happened mayhem ensued, the next two day was otter chaos, violence, deaths, rape, robbery etc. This caused the loss of the of millions of people coming up to 1.3% of the remaining population. There wasn't anything bad that didn't happen in those two days and on Tuesday 5th August, Year 2500 at exactly 12:00pm, The ninth day since the appearance of the mysterious planet every living thing fell asleep, be it Humans, Mammals, Fishes, Insects, bugs, organisms you name it all fell asleep, there's a chance the trees fell asleep too.... maybe..... dunno. Anyways they remained so even until the tenth day when both planets became close enough to touch each other. But they didn't, the same thing that happened when the DEVASTATORS made contact the mysterious planet a few days ago took place again, The mysterious planet phased and overlapped and fused perfectly with Earth.


[ A/n : The earth's entire population are up to 23 billion, including the animals, aquatic animals not included ]


After the fusion something unforeseen occurred, Earth began to grow in size and mass, the process went on for a week with the still asleep, earth grew to Four Thousand ( 4000 ) times it's original size and The Earth's gravitational pull multiplied a few times over, after the seventh day the earth's core expelled a mass energy in the form of a shock wave the size of a massive supernova, this energy expelled reinforced Earth's density to an unimaginable degree and as for every living thing on the planet they went through mysterious transformations.

The strange energy that was expelled from the earth in the form of a shock wave enveloped every thing within and only Earth's particular solar system and then later into the Milky way galaxy, Which caused another change mostly in the Sun and Moon.

With the strange Energy wave hit the sun it became thrice hotter and four ( 4 ) times it original size duplicated into three.

The moon had the greatest change, it grew thrice it original size and completely froze over with huge multicolored crystals growing from them and duplicated itself into seven.


[ A/n : The Same Crystals were later discovered in multiple places on the earth, the energy way only in the milky-way galaxy it didn't go any further]


The other planets and stars in Earth's solar system had various changes, some grew in size, others started producing precious minerals, some unique metals never seen before, some changed totally like a completely barren planet suddenly became made of nothing but water, some evolved and became capable of housing lifeforms etc.

Earth had the most change starting with the living beings in it, Multiple people changed races, Became races like Elves, Dwarves, Winged Humans { The Celestials }, Fairies, Vampires, Mermen, Werewolfs, Devils [ Djinns ] and as for those that remained human were later known as High Humans due to their naturally large Mana Pool.

Some Land Animals evolved into beast men while the unlucky ones remain the same but grew almost a hundred times more stronger and became known as { Mana Beasts }.


[ A/n : They kept growing in strength due to Mana and also if everything evolves where will they get meat?. ]


As for Trees some became sentient, some crystallized, some grew precious fruits, others became hazardous etc.

The sea had great changes and let me say it now the sea became quadruple times more dangerous than the new earth, Mystical Sea horses, Krakens, megalodon, huge sea serpents, Capricorns, The Terrible Dogfish, Charybdis, Sirens, Leviathans. It was like they went back to Mythological times and thank their lucky stars not all Mythology sea creature appeared or they would have been { TOAST } literally, there were also no Dragons or Phoenix, not even variations of them.


[ A/n : If you know what all these sea monsters are or look like ( except for the Mystical Sea Horse which is the sea horse from Percy Jackson only much more bigger and scary looking ) without goggling it..... you seriously need to go out and touch some grass ( Even though i won't listen to my own advice ). Oh and yeah all this was captured by the Earth's Satellites, Just saying ]






To Be Continued.....