Chapter 6. The Return Of The Deserters [ Part 3 ].


?? " Vermin which star system do you originate from? ". When it was met with silence suddenly out of nowhere it started becoming difficult to breath for the humans in the space station control center.




Pov : Narrator Mc.




Location : Andromeda Galaxy. 

Year : ???.

Date : ???.

Time : ???.


?? " I won't ask again " It said with evident anger in it's voice but due to the shock of what was happening from the appearance of the creature to the difficulty in breathing all left the humans on board speechless and this all happened in seconds which gave the deserters little time to grasp the situation they were in.

Met with another silence the clearly annoyed creature moved it hand forward and pressed downwards as if pushing something down and said { Surge }, instantly the gigantic sized space station was thrown of into the distance as if it was hit by something heavy.

The space craft spinned as it was blasted into the distance, as for the humans on board were all in a sorry state and fortunately for them they were thrown in the direction of the Milky Way Galaxy, when the space station finally came stop which was caused by the strange creature which was holding the space station in place with it's hands that were glowing blue, they were close to the border between The Galaxy of the Milky way and The Andromeda Galaxy.

?? " Now are you ready to answer my question? " True to it's word the creature didn't repeat the same question, seeing the situation they were in a random quick witted president answered as soon as he gathered his bearings.

RD Guy 1 [ RD -> Random ] " W-w-we Are from the M-m-milky way S-s-so-solar system sir! " the man said while shaking from fear.

?? " Hmm I see.... a new star system that has not been conquered, the king will reward me gloriously if i were to conquer it for the empire " the strange creature said to it self, but it's words left the deserters shaking from fear of the repercussion of the words the strange creature said.

?? " Listen Primitive organisms, I am Ragnak Drake and you vermin have been given the glorious opportunity to serve under the Supreme Emperor of all Races, rejoice you primitive baffoons for your world shall be conquered and put under the rulership of The Progenitor Of Dragons, The Ancient Conqueror { The Monarch Of Chaos Dragons }. " 

The deserters couldn't fully comprehend the total meaning of the words by the fearsome creature but from the little they understood they knew that if earth and it's residents manage to survive the collision then earth was in for a change, a type of change that nobody wanted.

After those words the creature disappeared from outside the space station and appeared inside the control center, when the creature appeared the people in the control station were finally able to fully discern the shear height of the creature, the creature ordered the deserters to take it to their star system and with no choice they agreed but internally even if it was an evil thought they hoped that earth didn't survive the collision but if in a poignant situation earth and it inhabitants does survive then earth and it's inhabitants are about to enter dark times....

The space station took off in the direction of the Milky way galaxy and stopped at the border separating them, when they arrived at the border the activated the space station space jump function which allows them to teleport to the other side because if they were to attempt to fly through the border { The Galaxy Gap } several things can happen with the best result being crushed to death by the The Galaxy Gap chaotic void.

When they activated the space jump function teleported from the Andromeda Galaxy to The Milky Way Galaxy and as they were about to continue their journey towards the solar system the deserters in the control station detected the absence of the fearsome creature, after confirming the absence of the creature on the entire space station they zoom in and looked towards the border between both galaxies, they found the creature in the galaxy gap with a humanoid shaped shield protecting it from the chaotic void...


[ A/n : It's the armor that it wore that was protecting it, the orc isn't strong enough to cross the galaxy gap without it and yes it's an orc ]


It raised it hand and pushed forward but was met with an invisible barrier, it's eyes were close as if it was meditating and a minute later it's eyes shot open and out of nowhere it started laughing as if it had found the full reason for it existence, the deserters were surprised by this but didn't know but watch...

Ragnak Drake " Hahahahaha!! To think i will stumble upon a Galaxy at the beginning stages of It's { Nexus Event!! } Hahahahhaha The Supreme Emperor will reward me bountifully for this Hahahahaha!! Prepare yourself Vermin! The Invictus Pyroclast Empire Army is Coming! HAHAHAHAHA!! " It laughed as it flew away, the deserters in the control station were confused but there was a very uneasy foreboding feeling of dread in the atmosphere, with nothing to do the deserters headed for the solar system.....




Location : New Earth. 

Year : 2518.

Date : June 5th.

Time : 4:51pm.


The expressions on the faces of the progenitors were grave, they had expected them but they didn't think it would be this quick THE ARRIVAL OF THE MONARCHS, They were an Empire that whose sole purpose were conquest and extortion of resources.

The progenitors asked the deserters how long it had been but were pleasantly surprised when they were told that since their departure from earth to their return has only been six months, this didn't make sense because Eighteen years has passed on earth!, when the deserters heard of this they were shocked to say the least because this broke so many laws of physics.

After the shock the deserters brought up the question of what the strange creature was and why it couldn't enter the Milky way galaxy, and the answer was that what happened to earth had happened several other times before in different galaxies but not a lot of times, no one knows what the cause is but when it happens it brings with it things and changes that would seem impossible and ridiculous formerly.

As for why the creature wasn't able to cross the border was that every time a Nexus Event takes place, the explosion of energy forces out all none native of said Galaxy and sets up two barriers, one in the border surrounding the Galaxy which the Nexus Event took place and another surrounding the particular Star system the Nexus Event Object appeared in, this barrier was meant to protect that beings that were caught up in the midst of the Nexus Event, this barrier was Indestructible and made it impossible for any Entity to get inside said galaxy, It was a Multiversal Law that couldn't be broken.

When the progenitor were ask about the weird time malfunctioning that have taken place, a progenitor answered saying that anytime a Nexus Event takes place there is a random time dilation set, if the beings of the Nexus Event are lucky they could be set in a time dilation that work in their favor, like in their case from the information they had received from the deserters their time dilation was set to 36:1, meaning that a year outside of the Milky Way galaxy equals to 36 years within the galaxy, this brought joy to the progenitors because after a correct calculation they had come to a conclusion that they had 900 years before they would come face to face with the Army of The Invictus Pyroclast Empire.... Or at least that was what they thought.


[ A/n : The Nexus Event only affects the core of the Galaxy, which means Earth is the Milky Way Galaxy's core and if anything were to happen to earth like say it was destroyed the Milky Way Galaxy will be destroyed with it. As for why i mentioned this well..... you'll find out in the future. ]


As for why they came to such conclusion was that the barrier protecting each Nexus Event galaxy only last 20 years with Star system barrier lasting an extra 5 years, and since the time dilation was 36:1 the Outer barrier will give them 720 years to boost their overall strength, while the Inner barrier giving them an extra 180 years all adding to 900 years but there was no time to waste because there is no telling how powerful The Invictus Pyroclast Empire Is and since there have been conquering other galaxies for Thousands of years, they are bound to be a monstrous force to reckon with....





To Be Continued.....


A/N : Hello Everyone, hope you are having a great day, Because I am Not!.

I have a got some good news and some bad news, I'll start with the Good news, I fixed my patreon account yay🎉🎉, Turns out what I had to do was right in front of me and didn't see it until this morning..... I might be going blind...

Anyway, I finished Volume 1 a few days ago, and will upload it, when I'm done I'll post the link at the bottom of every chapter so hold on, It'll soon be ready.

Now for the bad news, After yesterday's network issue, I tried to upload the Progenitors Images and guess what? Webnovel said the Images are too large.... Sooo.... There would be no character image uploads... Ever. And I don't know if patreon will say the same, I hope not.

Well I have the images uploaded on my Discord account, go there if you're curious.

The End Of Days ---> Out!!!