Chapter 10. The Arrival Of The Invictus Pyroclast Empire Army [ Part 4 ].


Regranak Mesdrak " Their Tachyon Warp is only like a little over a Hundred Thousand ( 100.000 ) times the speed of light, Whole ours is nearly One Point Five Million ( 1.500.000 ) times the speed of light, their technological advancement compared to that pathetic excuse for a space craft you found them with years ago is very impressive " Mesdrak said with a slight grin on his face that made him look a monster from nightmares.

Ragnak Drake " That means that the amount and quality of resources the Galaxy has must be outstanding for them to be able to create and evolve their technology to this level in just a few hundred years."

Regranak Mesdrak " Mmhmm that or they have someone that has a special ability towards or for technology, I would like to meet the genius that made the Tachyon Warp function " Mesdrak said after some thought.

Ragnak Drake " ..... Now that i think about it, that might be right..... Hahahaha!! you know what this means right? the resources must be stupendous hahaha "

Regranak Mesdrak *Signs* ' That also means that they may become stronger than we anticipated ' Mesdrak thought after shaking his head. ' We don't even know how many of them there are..... We might have to call for reinforcements, but let's come in contact with them first, who knows they might surrender without a fight..... haha yeah right '.

And Now...

Location : New Earth. 

Year : 3220.

Date : March 22nd.

Time : 10:16pm.

It has been a Hundred and Twenty One ( 121 ) years since they set their plans for the Creation of Project Hidden World and today the OUTER BARRIER WILL DISSIPATE.




Pov : Narrator Mc.




Location : New Earth. 

Year : 3220.

Date : March 22nd.

Time : 10:16pm.


During the past Hundred and Twenty One years the inhabitants of Earth showed progress but not as much of the last "Time Skip", there were two reasons for this....

The First reason is that the amount of time spent in both were different.

The second being that during the beginning stages of the Nexus Event the inhabitant of the planet get a boost in leveling speed like some sort of Experience booster, but it gradually wears off towards the End of the Outer Barrier's Life.


[ A/n : Yes i know i'm using video game words bla bla bla you'll find out why later. ]


The Progenitors were all able to Level up from Peak God King to Early True God Rank which lead to huge boost in their strength and overall power.

And as for the progress of the Super Genius they had some progress as well, as all the super geniuses were able to leveling from the peak of Grandmaster to Mid Ancient Master and the normal geniuses were able to get to early Ancient Master Rank, another thing they did was to harvest as much resources as possible because during the time they will be protected by the inner barrier it was highly possible that the army of The Invictus Pyroclast Empire will try to harvest the resources that weren't protected by the inner Barrier... And they were right.

So today |March 22nd of the year 3220| The outer barrier is predicted to dissipate and the Progenitors had set a base point near the border of the Earth's Solar System waiting for the arrival of the army of The Invictus Pyroclast Empire....


[ In a gorgeously fortified star with a huge castle on it that had the majority of the star occupied. ]


Location : Star Fortress. 

Year : 3220.

Date : March 22nd.

Time : 11:26pm.


There were a lot of different beings on the star that went about their duties, some were monitoring the activity of the outer barrier, others were training some were checking on their equipments but something was strange, the atmosphere was gloomy and cause of this was the impending war.

In the inner parts of the castles there were Ten ( 10 ) very tall beings all sitting around a huge round table discussing when suddenly they received a holographic call and since the caller was bold enough to interrupt the discussion of the Progenitors the reason for the call must be very important and urgent.

Eden Zest the Werewolf King was the one that answered the call which was from Arlo Sebastian the captain / chief commander of the High Human forces and also a almost super level talented High Human with the ability { Sonic Boom } almost as strong as Ragnak Drake's Special ability { Surge } on the same rank of power.

Eden Zest " What is it Sabastian? " Zest asked with a bored look which was shared by the other Progenitors.

Arlo Sebastian " Sorry for the interruption your Majesties, the Outer Barrier will be Dissipating in a couple of minutes. " He said after bowing in respect and As soon as he said those words the bored expression on the Progenitors immediately disappeared and was replaced by an extremely focused expression.

Eden Zest " I see... prepare everyone for battle and meet us near the Inner Border " 

Arlo Sebastian " Yes your majesty " he said before bowing again and ending the call.

Isha Bethenny " It seems like the time has come " Said the Elven Queen as she and the other Progenitors stood up and as soon as they did a porthole appeared a few meters next to them.

Son Oh Gong " I'll takes us there " Said the Beast King as he led the other Progenitors through the port hole.




[ On The Other Side Of The Port Hole ]


As the Progenitors stepped out of the port hole they appeared near the border of the Solar System and a few minutes later the armies of all Ten Progenitors arrived all ready for battle, they were all numbering up to Over Nine ( 9 ) Billion, not much compared to what they were up against.

As they waited, a few minutes later space rumbled as if there was a spatial turbulence, it lasted over Six ( 6 ) minutes but eventually stopped and as soon as the rumbling stopped billions of battle space ships of different sizes and shapes flew into the Milky-way Galaxy like a massive swam of bees from all directions of the Galaxy. The speed at which the enemy's space ships were able to reach the Solar system was surprising to some of the residents of earth.

After the space ships arrived near the solar system a single battle space ship flew towards the border of the solar system, when it came to a stop the hatch up and two Orcs came out of it and flew to the barrier protecting the solar system from invaders.


Pov : Regranak Mesdrak.


Ragnak Drake " Fascinating isn't it? " Said Ragnak as he placed his hand on the barrier. " Every single galaxy that the Nexus Event takes places in is protected for a certain amount of time and for some reason it is impenetrable by any means known and ever tried across universes " Ragnak said as he observed the barrier.

Regranak Mesdrak ' Hmm they are all new races, but that's not surprising i expected this much from a Nexus Event with 36:1 Time Dilation and these Ten (10) must be the chosen leaders of.... wait something is not right.....!!! Their Aura, It's Faint But It's There!!! They Are All Progenitors!!! I expected at most Six or Seven (6-7) but Ten (10)? Seems like the Nexus was very Generous to this Galaxy ' I thought with shock, and seemed that Ragnak noticed my shock and stopped talking to the Progenitors.

Ragnak Drake " I am Ragnak Drake, Son of Drake Mudras and Chief Commander of the Orc Forces of the Invictus Pryoclast Empire, I have been sent by the Empire to conquer this Galaxy for the Empire, of course we will accept your surrender as long as the leaders of your races kill themself and- hmm? " Ragnak stopped as soon as he noticed my expression.





To Be Continued.....


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Current Progress 3/20

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A/n : Wow that's unexpected.... I thought at the very least I would be uploading two extra chapters... Guess my story's not that interesting huh..... Meh.

I wasn't writing for popularity anyway.

I'll check again on tomorrow if there are any changes.... Well peace ✌️