Chapter 15. The Activation Of Project P.D.C. { Part 2 }.


Seth Adison " Lee Min Joo, The first Outcome of plan A. " Said Fairy King which i understood immediately, The Progenitors found an army outpost.

Lee Min Joo " Yes Your Majesties, This way Please. " I said as i led the Progenitors to the Location of { ICAS =>> Intelligent Construct Activation System. }




Pov : Lee Min Joo.




Location : New Earth, Solara { Antarctica }, South Pole, Amundsen-Scott. 

Year : 3256.

Date : July 1st.

Time : 4:29am.


After walking for a few minutes as i led the Progenitor currently I and the Progenitors are in the control centre of Project P.D.C.

Lee Min Joo " Hello ICAS " i said as the huge high grade technology screen in the large underground area that was fully white turned on as a line appeared on it and started moving in a sharp wavelength motion as a robotic male voice was heard.

I.C.A.S " Hello Mr Lee Min Joo, How are you doing today? " asked the voice.

Lee Min Joo " Good, ICAS look who are here " I said as i turned around towards the Progenitors.

I.C.A.S " Good Day to you your Majesties, I am ICAS, the intelligent construct activation system of the Planetary Displacement Construct. " Said ICAS which made the progenitors nod their head.

Lee Min Joo " ICAS begin the procedures for P.D.C's activation and make sure to get this Galaxy as faraway from this Universe as possible. "

I.C.A.S " Sir i have to warn you, activating the procedures without the Planetary Displacement Sphere in place will lead to the randomization of the Milky way Galaxy. " said ICAS.

Lee Min Joo " I am well aware of that, Begin the procedures anyway " i replied with determination, the future of New Earth rests on the outcome of this.

I.C.A.S " Alright Sir, Beginning the Procedures now. "

I.C.A.S { Preparing The System }

{ Preparation 1% }

{ Preparation 2% }

{ Preparation 5% }

{ Preparation 9% }

{ Preparation 13% }

{ Preparation 19% }




{ Preparation 99% }

{ Preparation 100% }

{ Preparation Complete }

I.C.A.S { Absorbing Mana From The Earth's Core }

{ Absorption Process 0% }

{ Absorption Process 1% }

{ Absorption Process 4% }

{ Absorption Process 7% }

{ Absorption Process 11% }

{ Absorption Process 14% }




{ Absorption Process 97% }

{ Absorption Process 100% }

{ Absorption Process Complete }

I.C.A.S { Setting The Planetary Displacement Construct to Full Capacity }

{ Setting... }

{ Setting... }

{ Setting... }

{ Done }

I.C.A.S { Setting For Maximum Spatial Jump Capacity }

{ Setting... }

{ Setting... }

{ Setting... }

{ Setting... }

{ Setting... }

{ Done }

I.C.A.S { Checking For Errors }

{ Checking... }

{ Checking... }

{ Checking... }

{ Checking... }

{ Checking... }

{ None Detected }

I.C.A.S { Initiating Galaxy Transfer Sequence }

{ Process 1% }

{ Process 2% }

{ Process 3% }

{ Process 4% }

{ Process 5% }

{ Process 6% }

{ Process 7% }

{ Process 8% }

{ Process 9% }

{ Process 10% }




{ Process 97% }

{ Process 98% }

{ Process 99% }

{ Process 100% }


Pov : 3rd Person.


[ At The Same Time Outside The Milky-way Galaxy ]

In the ever so still space darkness there was something unique and strange phenomenal taking place within a Universe that has never occurred before. A Galaxy in a discreet corner of a young universe was being wrapped up in a mysterious and mystical Energy that only appears in the beginning of a Nexus Event { Primordial Mana }, this strange and unique form of energy was seeping out from with the galaxy and enveloping said galaxy which was leading to the disruption of space and time. If some beings with enough knowledge were in this location they would be shocked beyond measure because first of all that currently happening to this galaxy only happens during the period of a Nexus Event, so what is the problem you might ask, this is the second time this Nexus Event like phenomenon is taking place in this galaxy.

Secondly when a Nexus Event takes place it works like a Void Walker silent and unseen but this was anything but that, the Usage of Primordial Mana was visible to the Naked eye and there were deep and continuous rumbling sounds been heard....

{ Whooom!! } X ??

{ Rummmmble!! } X ??

{ Vwooooom!! } X ??


[ A/n : Ignore the scientific logic of no air vacuums being in space and bla bla bla here okay? ]


This went on for few minutes until suddenly the entire galaxy disappeared for it's original universe only to appear...




Pov : 3rd Person.




Location : ???. 

Year : ???.

Date : ???.

Time : ???.


In a very young Universe that is about to start creation life at an inconspicuous part of the Universe within a particular Void Between Galaxies. There was a strange Occurrence in action, this particular Void was currently expanding to an unforseen size and after reaching a certain size it stopped and as soon as it did an entire Galaxy appeared in it, this was the same Galaxy that disappeared from a certain Universe Universes away...




Pov : Lee Min Joo.




Location : New Earth, Solara { Antarctica }, South Pole, Amundsen-Scott. 

Year : 3256.

Date : July 1st.

Time : 4:50am.


I.C.A.S " The Spatial Displacement was successful Sir " 

Lee Min Joo " Good check and tell me the status of the system, construct and Earth's Core " I said letting out a breath i didn't know i was holding.

I.C.A.S { Checking System }

{ Checking... }

{ Checking... }

{ Checking... }

I.C.A.S { Done, No Issues found, Energy Reserves are currently at 0.9%. Checking the status of the Planetary Displacement Construct }

{ Checking... }

{ Checking... }

{ Checking... }

{ Checking... }

I.C.A.S { Done, Energy Converter's down, Energy Reserves are completely depleted, Checking the status of the Earth's Core }

{ Checking... }

{ Checking... }

{ Checking... }

{ Checking... }

I.C.A.S { Done, No harm done to the Earth Core, Primordial Energy Reserves still Abundant } 

Lee Min Joo " Good, How far are we from our former Universe? " I asked the same question within the minds of the Progenitors.

I.C.A.S " We have jumped exactly Forty Three ( 43 ) Universes from the 1st Universe " 

Lee Min Joo " Is there any signs of life within a radius of Ten ( 10 ) Universes? " I asked a little anxious be fortunately...

I.C.A.S " None detected sir "

Lee Min Joo " I see, thank you ICAS, you've done a great job now shut down and recover " I said a smile on my face.

I.C.A.S " Alright Sir, Have a good day your Majesties, Shutting Down Now....." With that ICAS deactivated and started absorbing Primordial Mana to replenish it's reserves.

Lee Min Joo " Your Majesties, the Galaxy Displacement is a success and it appears we arrived in a Universe with an abundance amount of mana " I said to the Progenitors as i went through the report ICAS sent to me before deactivating.

It was a pleasant surprise as we were in need of any little amount of help, my words earned nods of approval from the Progenitors.





To Be Continued....


Task : Power stones

Description: Give power stones to, I, The True Monarch, When the power stones gets to 10 you earn a new chapter, with every additional 10 power stones you earn another chapter.

Rewards : +1 or more chapters.

Duration : Till the end of the week.

Penalty: None

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