Chapter 17. The Merging Of Races And The Changes 2.


Just then they heard a knock on the door which opened after they were given permission to enter.

In walked several hundred people ( Beings of different races ) all dressed moderately, each and every single person radiated an aura above Early True God Rank and with some in Titan God rank, when the last person entered the hall the door was closed and as soon as the doors were shut all arrivals fell on a knee and ..... started crying.




Pov : Narrator Mc.




Location : Universe 003 - New Earth - Novara.

Year : 3598.

Date : February 15th.

Time : 8:59am.


Elizabeth Siggrun " Oh? please arise and stop crying " Said the Mer Queen looking towards a handsome middle aged man at the forefront of the crowd that looked like a merman with both blue eyes and blue hair with the only difference being that is hair had a darker shade of blue.

As the man noticed the gaze of the MerQueen, he and the rest stood up, stopped crying and composed theirselves.

Fristen Macrius " Thank you your Majesties " He said with emotions in his tone.

John Wilson " What is your name and race? " The high human progenitor asked curiously.

Fristen Macrius " My Name is Fristen Macrius your highness and i am a Siren and the Previous Ruler of the Siren Race. " He said as he looked towards Mer Queen with Reverence.

Elizabeth Siggrun ' I see, so that's why ' The Mer Queen thought as she felt the strange connection between them.

John Wilson " Hmm, how many races are there among you? " The High human emperor asked as his eyes ran across all present.

Fristen Macrius " Your Majesties, there are a total of seven races, The Dark Elves, The Dark Angels [ Fallen Angels ], The Demons, The Dhampirs, The Sirens, The Hellhounds, The Pixies and finally The Humans. " The middle aged looking siren said, but his last word earned confused looks from the Progenitors.


[ A/n : yeah i know hell hounds are demons but that's the only race i could think of to give the were wolves, don't judge me okay? i'm doing the best i can ( and by best i mean lazing around ) I might add more races after a time skip ( maybe ) ]


Progenitors " ??? "

John Wilson " Humans? there are humans among you? " asked the Progenitor of High Humans.

Fristen Macrius " Yes your Highness " The male siren replied respectfully.


[ A/n : I don't know how many more times I'll say this again but here goes, i'm only going into in depth explanation because of you guys, their incredible intelligence allow them to think of probable reasons and answers to situations. ]


Arthur Dobbin " How is that possible? " Asked the Vampire Progenitor with a confused look that mirrored the expression on the faces of the other Progenitors.

The Crowd were a little surprised by the question but after some thought and the realization that it hadn't been long since they faced the Nexus Event and haven't been able to get in touch with other Races that had more knowledge dawned on them earning a look of understanding.

The reply to the question of the Vampire Progenitor came from a beautiful mature looking woman with light red eyes, also having long red hair with white streaks though the red had a lighter shade and the white looked like it had lost it's color taking a more grayish tone.

Sabrina Milestone " Your highness if i may. " she said asking for permission to speak and granted by a nod from the vampire Progenitor. " Thank you your Majesty, My name is Sabrina Milestone, the previous ruler of the Dhampir Race and to answer your question almost all the Races that go through the Nexus Event were ones humans. 

Humans have a unique adaptability in them that is lost after evolving and this adaptability helps them in becoming any type of race that the Nexus Event Chooses for them, Out of a hundred ( 100 ) Nexus Events that takes place Ninety-Six ( 96 ) of them were formerly humans, it uncommon to see a Nexus Event That takes Place in a Galaxy without humans. 

And as for the Humans with us they are from conquered Galaxies that the Nexus Event didn't take place in. " It only took a few seconds for the Progenitors to fully digest the information that they had received from the female Dhampir.

After a few seconds of silence The Fairy King seth Adison lightly tapped on his throne's right armrest and suddenly rows and rows of fancy looking chairs rose from the ground behind every single being in the hall.

Seth Adison " Sit " was all he said and they did, the Fairy King had a feeling that the meeting will take sometime and he didn't want them to remain standing through the entire duration of the meeting.

All Races " THANK YOU YOUR MAJESTY " they all said as they sat down.

John Wilson " How many of you are there? " the High human Progenitor asked.

Fristen Macrius " Totally we are slightly over a Hundred and Sixteen Quadrillion in number your Majesty " He said after rising to his feet.

John Wilson " In detail " he said to find out the number and type of Races there are.

Fristen Macrius " Yes your Majesties, I present McDruko. " He said after bowing and then looked toward a man.

The man was handsome and had red skin packed with muscles that could be seen even with his clothes on, he had red short hair and dark black eyes with red wings on his back, he also had a red long snake like tail that had a fire constantly burning at the end of his tail, An Ifrit.

McDruko Lambsdrak " Yes sir, Your Masjesties My name McDruko Lambsdrak and i am the previous ruler of the Ifrit Race, To answer your question, There are a total of Eleven Races of Immigrants namely...





To Be Continued...


[A/n : Sorry about no upload yesterday, I was caught up in the 'thing' I told y'all about. I was told to wait a few business days , so that's what I'm doing.

Anyway another chapter will be Uploaded in a few minutes.]