Avery Amaris " .... I'm sorry Gideon " He apologized.
Gideon Ellandor " It's alright, He wasn't always like this, He was- he is the best Father i could ever ask for, but he changed, what ever my Mother and Uncle Cedric did to him that made him change so much must have hurt him a lot... " I said while remembering the pained look he has on his face sometimes.
Avery Amaris " .... But still " He wanted to say more but stopped by Aria who was shaking her head.
Pov : 3rd Person
Location : Universe 173 [ Prime Universe ] New Earth - Eloria. Mongolia - Tsetserleg - Ellandor's Residence.
Year : 3906.
Date : June 18th.
Time : 8:15am.
[ Five Days Later ]
[ At Front The Front Poach ]
Elion sat in the drivers seat of his car with Gideon outside the hover car, he was receiving final instruction from his father before his departure for the Front Lines.
Elion Ellandor " If you feel any slight discomfort rest in the Medical Pod in the secret compartment in your room, I have loaded it with more than enough Essence that will last till i come back and on the off chance you exhaust the Essence in it, I'll be informed immediately and i'll return as soon as i can to fill it.
I sent Fourty (40) Million Credits to your account and I'll send you an allowance every month before calling you. "
Gideon Ellandor " Yes Dad " He replied with his full attention.
Elion Ellandor " Tracy, I'm leaving the house to you, take care of your master " Elion said glancing at the watch on Gideon's wrist.
Tracy [ I Will Sir, Have A Safe Journey ] 'she' replied.
Tracy was just a little project Gideon started a few days after moving to Mongolia and he finished it the night before his father told him about his departure.
But unknown to Gideon the night he completed it, his father Elion helped him upgrade it.
Gideon Ellandor " Take care Dad... " Gideon said to his father with concern as he noticed a little sluggishness in his words and action.
Elion Ellandor " Hmm " That was his reply before leaving.
Elion was Exhausted extremely so, one had to know that for the past five (5) days he had been constantly sending his blood essence into the medical pod, Essence is very vital for anyone seeking the peak of power, sure it can regenerate but Elion's Essence was dangerously low, if it were to get any lower than it was, he would fall from Demi God Rank to Ancestor Rank and if that were to happen getting back to Demi God Rank will become a very Tough task.
But even with all risks, pain and extreme exhaustion, he shouldered it all, such is the evidence of the amount of love he has for his son.
Pov : Mc
Location : Universe 173 [ Prime Universe ] New Earth - Eloria. Mongolia - Tsetserleg - Ellandor's Residence.
Year : 3912.
Date : April 12th.
Time : 2:12pm.
It has been Six (6) years since my Father's departure and true to his words he called every month to check up on me after sending me an allowance of One Hundred and Sixty Thousand Units.
I also followed his instruction and slept in the medical pod with any slight discomfort i felt which currently left the Essence reserve with Forty percent (40%).
My dad will be returning from front lines today and will be arriving in an hour, during these Six (6) years i grew two (2) more feet in height, I'm not worried about my height because i would hit my growth spurt after i Awaken and hopefully so will my physique since it hadn't changed.... Much, I was a foot shorter than kids my age and less muscular. But at least I was taller than Avery he only grew a foot and half.
Aria was the tallest among us with half a foot taller than me and more... Beautiful.
Two (2) years ago Aria's parents returned from the Front lines and Aria never stopped smiling during that entire week. I also got to know them and our relationship improved, Their names are Mr Alistair Valtora and Mrs Priscilla Valtora.
Speaking of relationship, during these Six (6) years the bonds between me, Avery and Aria strengthened, but mostly with Avery as we are both boys and also because a year after Father left, Avery's Mother Mrs Thalia Amaris abruptly decided to move, according to Avery they were always on the move as if they were being chased by someone ..... Or running from someone, since he hadn't stayed in a place more than a year and this was the first time they stayed in one place up to Three years.
Avery never knew his father as his mother didn't tell him anything concrete, because everytime he asked he received a different answer, so he stopped asking, but he said he had a hunch that his father had something to do with their constant moving. No you must be wondering why our brother bond strengthened well that's because i knelt down and begged Mrs Thalia not to move, explaining that Avery leaving would put a crack in our friendship and even if we kept in touch things would still be different, I also told her that i had lost important people in my life and didn't want to loose him too and for some reason it worked as she said she would stay until Avery was ready to go to { Valoria } The Awakeners Academy when he turns Fifteen, I was happy with that and we will all Awaken on the same day and probably enter the Academy in the same year..... Probably.
Avery was so glad when i told him, He was so happy he rained kisses on my face that borderline creepy *Shiver* Since then we told each other everything.
Well not everything... there is one thing i haven't told him, and that is .... over the years i developed a crush on Aria, I plan on telling him after we Awaken, and if he says confessing would ruin the relationship between the three of us then i would gladly stuff my feelings somewhere and forget about them, I valued our friendship more than my personal feelings.
I was currently in the front poach waiting as Father's hover car got in, he parked it several meters from the poach, he walked out and approached me with commanding steps and stopped a few feet away from.
Gideon Ellandor " Welcome back Dad " I said with a smile on my face.
Tracy [ welcome Back Sir ] Tracy's voice sounded from within the house.
Elion Ellandor *Nods* " Hmm " He nodded at me and walked into the house, he walked towards my room and into the secret compartment, A few minutes later he exited my room with a not so happy expression but he said nothing to me and walked to his office.
Gideon Ellandor ' What was that about? ' were my thoughts as i watched him turn a corner.
Pov : Elion Ellandor
I walked into my office and sat on a chair with a grim look on my face.
Elion Ellandor ' *Sigh* It's starting to lose effect, I calculated that there would be at least 60% left by my return, but he used up an extra 20%, *Sigh* Supreme Ruler what do i do? ' I thought as i placed both hands on my face.
Elion Ellandor ' At least i found an alternative, but then he would be separated from society for a long time.... No! All that matters is his well-being, during these Six (6) Years I was able to stabilize my Rank, During the time he would be in there should be enough for me to get to God Rank, after that i'll think of what else to do... Yes that's what I'll do ' These were my thoughts as i planned for the Future.
Elion Ellandor " Tracy "
Tracy [ Yes Sir, What Can I Help You With? ]
Elion Ellandor " Tell Gideon I want to see him "
Tracy [ Right Away Sir ]
[ A Few Minutes Later ]
*Knock* *Knock*
Elion Ellandor " Come in "
Gideon " Dad you called "
Elion Ellandor " Sit down, we need to talk "
To Be Continued....
[ A/n : I have a few things to address.
1. it's Official I'm changing the Novel's Image to an Image of The Creator Emperor (image will be updated after this chapter).
2. Mc won't be reborn as a futa Okay? Geez.
3. MC will never take any of OG Victor's wives, His wives are other people.
Lastly 4. ... WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!? Can't I ever see a novel where the protagonist is a female that actually like guys? Like what is going on here?? Even a Novel where the Mc doesn't get together with her sister turns out with the sister being gay, What The FucK??
Know what? at this rate I might have to come up with a Novel with a female protagonist for a new story. Seriously this is getting too much. I'll start working on it when I get the chance.
Last chapter in an hour. ]