Chapter 43. The Systems Functions 1.


Vincent Walker " System? " As soon as I did a whitish purple colored transparent screen appeared in front of me, With a few words on it.


 [ Ding ]

[ System Loading.... ]

[ Loading Complete ]


 [ System Menu ]

{ Status }

{ Shop }

{ Quests }

{ Dungeon }

{ Notifications }

{ Inventory }

 [ End ]


After the system menu opened, I saw Six words but except for Status and Inventory the rest were greyed out.

System " First of all, You can interact with the system in three ways, Through Thoughts, Words or Physical contact, The shop bar is where you can by almost anything with Gold coins and also where you sell things at, The Quest bar is where all your Quest details will be located, The Dungeon bar will be explained later when you gain Dungeon Keys as rewards from quests, The Notification bar is self explanatory. For Messages you missed, The Inventory is an unlimited space where you can store virtually anything unalive. Now open the Status bar "

Vincent Walker ' Status ' I said in my mind, and then the screen changed.


 [ System Menu ]

 [ Status ]


Name : Vincent walker

Race : Human

Bloodline : RH Null [ Better ]

Level : 0

Class : None

Sub Class [1] : None [+]

Titles : None

Hp : 1.0 / 1.0

Mp : 0 / 0

Exp : 0% [ To Next Level ]


Strength : 0.01

Agility : 0.007

Vitality : 0.006

Intelligence : 0.09

Sense : 0.007

Charm : E+

Fee Stat Points : 0

Gold : 0


| Active Skills |


| Passive Skills |


| Special Skills |

Cold Heart

 [ End ]


System " As you can see the Status bar shows you almost everything, From your Name to your skill or abilities, With each level you gain, Each of your attributes increase by Five points, You also gain Twenty (20) Free stat points, Your Vitality attribute increases your Health points and defense while your Intelligence attribute increases your Mana Points. 

The skill section is separated into Active skills, Passive and special skills, Active skills are abilities you activate yourself, While Passive skills are abilities that are always active or are self activated on special occasions, As for Special skill they can be Innate skills or unique skills that can either be active or passive.

Now any question? " She asked me, all this time she explained the system functions, she had specks on and held a little stick she used to point at whatever she explained, Where she got them from? I didn't know nor did I care to ask.

Vincent Walker " Why does my bloodline say 'better'? " I asked as I noticed the detail.

System " About that, In the story, I'm sure you haven't thought about it yet due to all that have happened, Don't think about it now! You can do that when I leave, so in the story Victor had RH Null [ Ordinary ] blood, This blood is the lowest type and has disadvantages, The grades go like this [ Ordinary ] > [ Good ] > [ Better ] > [ Best ] > [ Perfect ], Victor's current grade is [ Good ], The reason for this is that during the Nine months you were both in the womb, I was busy purifying your blood, this was the reason you constantly woke up, and each time you woke up the purification was shared with Victor which led to his Bloodline's upgrade, This is also the reason you both share an empathic Connection, Of course the purification wasn't shared to your 'Mother' " She said, that was a lot to take in but I adapt quickly.

Vincent Walker " I see, What does he gain from the Bloodline upgrade? " I asked curious to find out.

System " Well firstly when he changes race, his talent will increase, and Secondly the Five Hundred (500) years Vampire racial maturing age disappears.

But There's a disadvantage to it, No ordinary vampire venom can change him, But that's okay since his three wives ritual will be enough.

The same can't be said for you though, As at the current grade [ Better ] you are in, Only a race's progenitor venom can change you, at [ Best ] grade you'll need two Progenitors Venom, and at [ Perfect ] Grade you'll require Three Vampire Progenitor's Venom " Her words got me thing but I later figured that I would ask Victor to change me.

Vincent Walker " You sound so sure I'd choose to become a vampire " I said as I look at her.

System " Hehehe... I'm running out of time, You only have room for five more questions " she said in a hurry.

Vincent Walker " ... Where are you going? " I asked.

System " I'll be returning to the system core where I'll resume your bloodline's purification and some other things..., While I'm gone most of the system's functions will be locked, you will be able access the status screen and inventory, You will get daily quests where you would gain experience points to level up, there won't be any penalties for failing to complete the daily quests, As for the level ups you will get the normal attribute points and free stat points but they will be locked and as compensation for my absence you will receive One free attributes points on each of your attributes daily but they will also be locked until my return after your Twenty First (21) Birthday.... I'm sure you know when "

Vincent Walker ' When the plot begins ' " You're going to increase my Bloodline's purity, I reckon you have a solution for the problem that would arise, Now for my Second question ..... Who is my mother?... I have met my father and have talked to him, but the same can't be said for my Mother... Who is she " I asked a little tense but it didn't appear on my face.

System " You know, You have Ten Mothers so you have to be specific on which one you're talking about " She said with her hand on her chin.

Vincent Walker " ... " I said nothing but stared at her.

System " *Sigh* Vincent I can't say much about your parents but I'll say this, They love you a lot, More than you know, and about your mother all I can say is that you have seen and 'met' her before.... That should be enough for you to remember Who I'm talking about, But don't think about now! we don't have much time left, Next question " She said the first part with a sadness in her tone which later disappeared in the last part.

Vincent Walker " Why didn't she meet me when I met my father? " 

System " I can't tell you that.... Not yet, So Change the question " She said after shaking her head.

Vincent Walker " What is your goal? " I asked looking into her eyes.

System " That one's easy, To help, Support and empower you till and after you finish your Revenge, Next Question " She said proudly, But I just stared at her Impassively.

Vincent Walker " .... Am I really in My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires? " I asked looking for confirmation.

System " Yes, Obviously, Last question " She said rolling her eyes, I wanted to ask more questions but I had a more nagging question to ask.

Vincent Walker " ..... What Happened.... to my Dad? " This has been bothering me in the back of my mind since I regained my memories.

System " .... Similar to your parents I can't say much, all I can say is he's alive and he never left you " She said as the glasses and stick disappeared from her hands.

Vincent Walker ' What? Never left me? How laughable, He left me all alone in that white room, I saw it with my own eyes, that wasn't an Illusion nor a simulation, It was real, I was self conscious ' I thougth as anger was about to ramp up in me.

System " .... This is it Vincent, I gotta go, see you in Fourteen (14) years, Please think of a good name for me, You can't keep calling a Magnificent System sure as I 'system' So Think of a good name okay?... Oh and Vincent, You're not alone, I'll always be with you, Till the very end, Goodbye Vincent " She said with a lovely smile.

Vincent Walker "..." After her words, she changed back into the Pink glowing ball of light before she flew around my body a few times before she settled in front of me.

System ' Even if this is the fourth time I'm saying this, It was an honor spending the past four lifetimes with you, And I am more than happy to spend this fifth one with you, Goodbye Vincent, Or should I say Velmorr Mortivex Erevalis ' After circling my body and settling in front of me for a second, She disappeared or at least i thought so, she flew into my body at a speed that my eyes couldn't see.

I Adjusted and rested my body on the wooden wall as I fell into thoughts.

Vincent Walker ' So I'm inside a webnovel.... How is this possible? Well having a nigh Omnipotent father solves that..... This still feels unreal.

But why are things Different? In the webnovel Victor's father was a Bricklayer, Why is he currently a Ceo? '





To Be Continued...


Task : Power stones

Description: Give power stones to, I, The True Monarch, When the power stones gets to 20 you earn a new chapter, with every additional 20 power stones you earn another chapter.

Rewards : +1 or more chapters.

Duration : Till the end of the week.

Penalty: None

Current Progress 20/20 +1 chapter.


Bonus : The person who gives the most power stones this week, gets one question answered.

Ranks ...

1. Hamid_Bahmani_0185 = 9

2. Jimmy_Cast456 = 4

2. Daoist2ucyPO = 3

3. Damian_Gold = 2

4. Sokphearon12428187 = 1

4. Elfphy = 1


A/n : Bonus Chapter.