I was lost, stage five lost. I had no clue of anything. The large office with the tainted glass that showed an impressive view of the city suddenly felt like a cage. I was seated beside Aiden. Daymon stood behind us, I could tell he had a gun because the face off going right here was scary and I didn't even have a clue why Aiden brought me.


"Mr Creek. I have come with a proposal. One I hope you like," he said and Aiden cocked his head to the side, making his dark hair fall and giving him those Greek rogue looks.


"I don't always like your proposals, Hernandez. Let's see what's on the plate," He said and Hernandez's gaze rested on me.


"Is that your wife?" He asked. Aiden didn't look one bit bothered. He lounged in his chair and shrugged.