" As I have told you I am god of another galaxy"
Wait a minute so you mean there are alternate world and realities yes that right you can called it multiverse of endless possibilities and each galaxy names are different your galaxy is know as the milkyway galaxy and mine is know as " The blackeye galaxy "
Which is in the brink of destruction because of the fallen angels who has turned upon the humanity to slaughter my creation and I don't want my creation to extinct from my world , you are the god so why you could not directly kill all the fallen angels and save your creation no I cannot do that but why it's simple I am god and I cannot directly intervene there and their are certain rules which I also have to follow but I can choose a hero to save my world .
But why me why you choose me before choosing you i have seen and observe your journey in the previous life your understanding of magic and mana you were a great tactician and king your strategies to manage your big empire ,
And the way you deal with your enemy and your heart which always thinks about prosperity about people I like your attitude and you were the only human who cross the limitation of human boundaries be reaching .
The 9th circle magic and advancement of using mana technique and how can I forget your aura swordsmanship you were above the level of grandmaster ok ok I got it that you were spying on me what did you said nothing hehehe.
So you are the perfect candidate for the role but goddess please I request no I beg of you please help my world it's need you the most goddess aria don't bow your head to me ok I will accept your task so can you please give me details of my enemies and the boy in which you are going to transfer my soul ,
Thankyou so much king Allen first i will tell you about the enemies that were once the powerful angels of mine but due to the greed and hatred towards humanity they try to kill the human but I got the details of their move so I as god gave there punishment abondon them from the heavens and throw them into earth but it was my grave mistake because,
I created my world with excessive flow of mana at heaven they were just the strongest but due to excessive mana exposure they have turned into above level of of demigod and they have killed my angels there own brothers with no hesitation they are now just seeking revenge against me and humans because,
I created them I my own image and likewise I have given them the choices of ( Good and evil) ( Life and death) ( Curses and blessings) which I did not give to the angels. I created angels to maintain the world I have I created but I never thought that my creation will turn to me as my enemies it's happens my goddess I was also to trustworthy of my dear ones ok so I will gave the deatils of their names and magic power capabilities .
They are know as the 12 legions of (fallen demonic angels) and has around five thousands soldiers of evil shadow soldiers in which there are pladdins and litch , black magician .
12. Is Beelzebub he has gravity magic (gravity magic allows the user to manipulate the gravity at will and space magic)
11. Is Belial he has bone and wind magic (bone magic allows user to create and mold the element of bone using their ki and wind magic allows the user to use winds at its will and control the flow of wind )
10. Is Amon he has time and water magic ( time magic allows the user to steal and store from others and then use that time to accelerate and decelerate stop or even reverse the flow of time and water magic allows the user to commands the tides and redirect rivers or flood rooms with water )
9. Is Alloces he has blood and chain magic
(blood magic allows the user to bleeding life stealing and health regeneration explode blood cells which can cause instant death of target and chain magic allows user to create and manipulate chains )
8.Is Apollyon he has curse magic ( curse magic allows the user to easily kill by placing curse by just saying our touching them)
7. Is Abaddon he has spatial and dark magic ( allows the user to manipulate the fabric of space itself , often with a sinster or shadowy application ,allowing user to create portals warp objects through space and even distort reality all while utilising the power of darkness for offensive and definsive abilities)
6. Is Chemosh he has creation an ash magic know as trap magic (ash magic allows the user to use unique status effect , petrified can breifely stun an opponent and render them unable to move creation magic allows to form a magic that allows the users to shape various objects and entities from their magic )
5. Is Behemoth he has light and dark magic (light magic allows the user to generate and manipulate light at will , dark magic it's the polar opposite of light magic )
4. Is Mephisto he has painting and barrier magic ( painting magic allows the user to create any illustrations that can be reflect on battlefield , barrier magic is use for defensive magic and it's know as strongest form of magic because it cannot be penetrated )
3. Is Mammon he has dream magic and bronze magic ( dream magic allows the user to traps others in dream world of their own design while they can't control target magic but they can do literally anything in dream world , bronze magic allows the user to manipulate and generate bronze at will )
2 . Is Satan he has spirit magic ( allows the user to summon any beings souls as his dead soldier making him the tough opponent)
And now the leader of the 12 fallen demonic angels he is the most powerful compared to others members of fallen angels he has 5 magical attributes making him the strongest and the deadliest demon ever his name is,
1. Is Leviathan he has sealing magic , kotodama magic, imitation magic, world tree and slash magic.
: Sealing magic allows the user to open and close any object in the world as well as other people magic.
: Kotodama magic also know as word soul magic by simply speaking, he can will almost any phenomenon or object into existence controls other people's action commands the elements and heal himself or anyone he chooses to.
: Imitation magic a form of magic that lets him perfectly copy other people's spells .
: World tree magic user can manifest and control world tree these trees can be large as town and can be use to squash or bind opponents ,the user can also absorb mana from other people to create even largers trees and different attributes.
: Slash magic a type of magic that allows the user to create blades out of mana these blades can be used for shirt mid and long range battles the sharpness and specific composition can change depending on what they are cutting.
So what do you say king Allen how are your opponents they are quite a headache but they are powerful compare to them with power and knowledge,
I have i am not sure that I will be able defend your world goddess aria don't reach to conclusions king Allen i know your capabilities and i forget to inform you that my world is little different compared to your previous one different how come in my world mana exposure is upto 80 to 90%and in your world it was around 50 to 60% ,
what is it true yes it is do you think a goddes will lie sorry so what are your thoughts now I can but there difficulties I know it will be hard for you also but I believe in myself that I have choosen a good candidate ,
Okay now I have told you about the villians you will be facing but I would like introduce you to the body in which you will transfer and his problems because you have to overcome ever obstacles .
In the way and become their new king and unify all the kingdom into one empire and lead the humanity to war with fallen demonic angels if not done the humanity will perish you have around 10 years before the fallen angels strikes to humanity ...