4. The Gobline Chief

This is it. Infront of me was a dark and creepy cave. I've yet to learn how to sense enemies but I could somehow feel them inside. I took out my sword from its scabbard. "Stay here." I said to Cole.

He simply nodded In approval. I took my first steps into the cave. For a few seconds it was nothing but darkness. Soon enough I saw a dim light deep inside the cave. They turned out to be some sort of wall torch lamp.

It wasn't as good as a light bulb by any means but enough for me to see ahead a few meters. More lamps lined the walls in specific intervals. They're combined light was decent enough.

I could already hear their growls now. Their screams and panting. So far it was just a long narrow corridor with black stone walls.

Then it happened. Three short green goblins with bronze swords appeared infront of me. Some kind of tribal skin like cloths covered their dicks.

The one In the middle suddenly charged at me with its sword. As it swung down I blocked with my sword. Push it away with my greater strength. Using the same momentum I proceeded to cut off its head with my back hand swing of the sword.

The other 2 immediately charged charged at me. They both swung down their swords at me but I took 2 quick steps to create space. They lose their balance from putting too much strength into their swings and stumple.

Using the chance I simply drive my sword through both of their stomachs. Turning them into goblin kebab. Their weird green blood gushed out and covered my sword as I pulled it out.

As I looked at their lifeless bodies lay on the ground, something came to my mind. I don't really feel anything. For some reason it's like killing an animal. Like I don't look at them the same as humans.

I've killed a few farm animals in my day and countless birds. Maybe I'm too used to it. I mean my brother taught me and all the boys in the neighbourhood how to hunt for birds with a slingshot.

I stepped over the dead goblins. The noises and sounds started increasing as I entered deeper. I could even hear the lifeless moans and screams of the girls now. All mixed in with growls and guttural grunts.

What a sight! Infront of me was a dome shaped chamber with an orgy. A sea of young women and goblins involved in the sweet agony of sex.

The stench so strong I could barely breath. If I was someone else I might have thrown up but I'm still me. You know what!


That should keep it out of the system.

The goblins quickly noticed me. Looking at me with hateful eyes. Like I did something so cruel.

"FUCK YOU! YOU'VE HAD TWO WEEKS!!" I shouted to him.

I immediately reached for the nearest and cut off his head while he's still inside a girl. The poor girl screams in absolute horror as blood continued to gush out like a sprinkler.

"Run for the exit through the corridor!!" I order them.

The girls immediately start a screaming frenzy as chaos ensues in the chamber as they start running for the exit.

"I can't hear myself think damn bitches!"

Wait did I say that out loud or think it!? Fuck it! They can't hear me now anyway.

How the fuck can they scream so loud after being fucked for 2 weeks!? It's like being at a rock concert. Oh great, no shit! Now I have a fucking headache!

The goblins were pissed off even more. It's a large chamber, roughly 40 or so goblins surround me with raging hard dicks.

I'm pretty sure this is the weirdest thing I'll ever experience in my first or second life.

The goblins started charging at me one by one. In twos and threes. With no time to think I had to act in the moment. Using my dull and inexperienced instincts.

I decapitate the first one. Two more swung their swords at me from behind. I block one with with my sword and dodge the other by twisting 90 degrees. While still blocking the other, I pull the second one by his neck. I use him as a meat shield as another attacks with a sword. Cutting across the chest of my meat shield.

I proceed to throw it back out onto the incoming quartet of goblins. I overpower the one I was blocking and drive the sword through his neck. Oh I'm in the zone now! Their screeches and growls are nothing but white noise now. I proceed to pull out the sword from its neck and face the incoming half a dozen goblins.

I might lack actual battle experience but I've seen quite a lot of anime and movies to have a basic idea of what I need to do. If I can see it in my mind, at my current level my body can keep up, somewhat. From what I can remember from the hours of watching anime and movies over the years, it's mostly about my footwork. I hold up the sword in a kendo style pose. With this I think I can do it.

They come charging at me with their still raging dicks. First one, block and slash. Second one, block and slash. Third one, dodge and slash. Fourth, dodge and slash. Fifth, block and slash. I continued to repeat and mix. No matter how may come, it's just a one on one fight repeating over and over again. Repeating so much that I quickly lost count.

My mind fell so high on adrenalin that it felt like I was drunk. After some time I look around and notice that I'm surrounded by a sea of green corpses and green blood from head to toe.

The chamber went eerily quiet. From so much noise to basically a ghost town. I don't how much time but it still wasn't over. I could still feel it's presence. The goblin chief was still here somewhere. I could feel it's blood lust, It's hunger. Every nerve in my body screaming to run for it.


An ear shattering roar shook the entire cave. I was sure that it was outside now. Oh shit! The girls! I immediately run for it with full sprint. In no time I reach the exit and there it stood.

More than 8 feet tall, filled to the brim with muscle. Covered in stolen leather armour. A gigantic club about 7 feet long in its hands. Almost a green but brown skin. I could feel a slight smirk come to my face. Now this feels like a boss fight!

Of course my speed had slowed down once I reached the exit of the cave and saw the monster infront of me. Cole and the now semi naked girls cowering together. I only changed my direction and went straight for the monster.

I aimed straight for its head, swinging my sword full strength. Expecting the familiar feeling of cutting through flesh and bone but it never came.


Next moment my vision went blurry as I felt an impact on my back. I screamed in absolute agony at the top off my lungs. The feeling of a fucking bus hitting my back hurts like hell. Sending me to collide with a nearby tree that almost turns me to mush.

My entire body hurt. I could barely stay awake as my vision was still blurry. After a few seconds of squirming on the ground in agony my vision returned. I turned to the chief as it glared at me with its terrifyingly vicious blood red eyes. It growled at me with a hungry look.

I still don't know how it dodged my sword attack. My sword was nowhere to be seen. My fucking expensive sword. The goblins were really just utter shit so how is a Goblin Chief this strong?

It doesn't really matter now does it? I really don't want to find out what happens should I fail a mission. So I will myself to stand up. I don't really have much of a choice . I can't really fight this thing barehanded. My sword is gone. There's really only one option, one move I can try. Needless to say that if I can't pull it off then… let's hope it doesn't come to that.

My entire body aches from that one attack. I cannot hope to fight for long. My only hope is to finish this in one shot.

There's only one way I can think off right now. If I don't do this I might be dead.

So I force my leg to the front. Bend my knees slightly. I put my hands in a holding position by the waist. I close my eyes and think of all the times I've seen Goku do it. The energy builds up in my stomach and spreads to my hands. Giving me a great rush.

I open my eyes to the goblin slowly making its way towards me. I continue to gather the energy between my hands.

Adding more and more by every second. So much so that it creates very black and red aura that surrounds my whole body. I can't help but smile at this point because it's a fucking dream come true. The aura of energy vanished and builds up in my hands.

Gathering immensely in between my palms. And so the legendary count down begins.

"KAAAAAA!!" I begin. "MEEEEEEE!!" My hands start glowing with a redish black light.

"HAAAAAA!!" A red and black ball of energy forms. "MEEEEEEE!!" The ball of energy expands and intensified.

"HAAAHHHHH!!!!!" I push out my hands towards the Goblin Chief.

Aaaaannd? Nothing. The attack didn't come. What the fuck? In that moment the monster closed the distance between us. Before I could react I felt the thundering impact of its club hitting me by the face. My limp body flying through the air and hitting into a tree. I didn't even have the strength to scream. Like a sag of potatoes I dropped to the ground.

"Kaizen!!" I heard a familiar voice scream.

Was that Cole? Fuck fuck fuck! This is not how things were supposed to go right? Even bloodied and most of my bones broken. I can mostly only thing of one thing. I am horny as fuck. I really want to fuck someone. I know it is a good motivation to not relief myself before I do a ki blast but it's too much. I haven't had sex in like half a year. Before I even came to this stupid ass world. Should I maybe have chosen Mana Control or Chakra Control? Can I even change my choice. Thinking back at it now, I don't regret choosing Ki. It has much more potential if I can just master it.

The Z-fighters made it seem so easy but the truth is unlike the Saiyans, those guys, the humans, worked at it real hard. If they can do it then so can I. Holding back the tears I pulled myself up. Sitting on the ground, looking up at the gigantic creature heading for Cole and the girls. This is it. One last time. If I can't do it now, I know it was meant to be.

As I am still sitted on the ground, with sheer will that is. I close my eyes and concentrate on the familiar warmth of the energy. It's easier to manipulate it now, maybe the adrenaline? I don't know why but I think I can do it now. I raise my right arm and my hand pointed towards the creature. I open my eyes and in that moment, I felt the full force of the energy coursing through my body. Giving me enough strength to get to my knees, to stand tall once again. I pull the energy to my arm, through to my hand.

The red black energy ball becomes a beam like wave of red-black energy that shoots out for the Goblin Chief. The energy engulfs the monster in its red black mightyness. A long crater runs along its path, very much like the DBZ I remember.

Suddenly my whole body felt so heavy that I collapsed to my knees. I turn to the girls covered in blood torn clothes and squirming on the ground. Cole was checking up on them, trying to asses the damages.

"No fatal injuries or anything of the sort!" He said, noticing my looking at him.

I turned back towards the Goblin Chief. It was completely obliterated. Nothing remained but smoke and dust. Willing myself I stood up and limped over to Cole.

"We need to return to the village!" I suddenly felt a presence approaching.

No, multiple people I think. So I can sense Ki now huh? Fucking amazing to be honest. I quickly turned to their direction. Fortunately it was just the villagers. I almost collapsed from the sheer relief.

Suddenly my mind went blank and my vision darkened. For but a split second I fainted. Why was it so brief though? Like my body just lost all its strength. My vision started to get blurry but I still think I can handle it.

"Should we head back to the village!?"

A distorted voice asked. The rest of the villagers continued passed me and to the girls. It was like I was drunk, I wasn't fully in control of myself.

"Y-yes! Let's go!" I answered.

As I took a single step, everything started to spin. There was a loud ringing in my ears.

Suddenly my I lost all my strength and my vision went dark.