Take me home


It's me, Kat.

I think I won't bother saying my full name anymore.

Why? Because Sammy told me that it has no use nowadays.

It's kinda stupid because if I don't use my full name then how are people supposed to differentiate me with the rest of the Kats out there?

But then, I remember that my name is really not that common, so finding another person with my name is really, really difficult.


Anyways, I think I should talk about important stuff.

It's been almost three weeks since the old man took me away from Jacob.

Everyone here calls him "Grandpa", but I don't feel good calling a kidnapper like that.

Oh! I think I should explain what I'm talking about when I say "here".

As I said a couple weeks ago, I woke up in this strange place with no knowledge on how I got here. Even though the people aren't being hostile towards me, I still feel like they could pose any type of threat at any moment.

Uhhmmm, I don't know what else to say…

Ah! That's right! I should talk a bit more about this place.

Well… I don't really know much about it, I just know that it used to be a rich kids' academy or something like that.

The walls are really amazing when it comes to defending this place, so I kinda feel safe (even if I have to live with these strangers)

You may ask: "Kat, why haven't you escaped?". And that's easy to answer.


I've failed to escape 3 times. THREE!

I tried escaping during my first night here and it was an utter failure.

Apparently I don't know how to be sneaky, so I ended up waking half of the academy.

Then the second attempt came.

I really don't like talking about this one because it was really, really stupid.

Basically, my smart ass thought that faking a really contagious disease and claiming that I should be put in quarantine outside of the walls was a good idea.

The idea itself wasn't as bad as one could imagine. The only flaw was that we are in spring.

Yeah, this season can be warm during the day, but imagine being thrown out of a warm place during midnight.

Definitely not the best idea.

(Also, let's not talk about how a coyote chased me while I was outside. It's better if we don't talk about it, trust me.)

AND LAST (and maybe the only reasonable plan) was waiting for the old man to get out of the academy and trying to get out while crawling the outer walls.

To be honest, the plan would've worked if it weren't for that fucking girl, Melissa. Even saying her name makes my blood boil.

And this is the part where you ask "Kat, who is this Melissa you're talking about?".

Look, imagine a person who is the teacher's pet, but instead of being an annoying kid, they're just stronger and smarter than you.

Don't get me wrong, I don't care if she is all that, but why does she have to kiss the old man's ass so much? (not literally).

Oh yeah, I think I forgot to mention why she fucked up my plan.

Well, a few days ago the old man left during the morning, and almost everyone was asleep.

I thought that was the perfect time to take my chances and escape, but a "variable" appeared.

Apparently, everytime the old man goes out of the academy, Melissa stays in charge and protects the place.

For some reason, only the two of them know about this, so not even the kids I "befriended" could tell me about this variable.

I think that based on the information I just gave, you already know how the plan worked out.

In case you don't, allow me to make a little explanation.

Picture this: I walked confidently to the walls a few minutes after the old man went out, and just when I tried to jump over them, someone knocked me out.

I guess you can imagine how I felt when I found out that the person who took me down was just a bit younger than Jacob (which meant that our ages weren't so different and that I may have had a chance of escaping.)

Anyways, dwelling in the past will not do me any good. I think it's better if I stop talking about my failed escape attempts or I'll get depressed by the time Jacob gets here (if he gets here, of course…)


He will come for me, won't he?

I know that he said that he would take care of me until I learnt how to survive by myself, but I don't think this counts as that.

I'm sure he's out there using tools to look for me, isn't he?


Lesson 1: Knives are tools, and tools are things that help us to achieve our goals. People count as tools too.

According to this, he must be using something (or someone) to track me down.


I'm right, aren't I?

It's obvious that finding me is his goal and that's why he will be using a tool to do it.



Kat update: I'm not okay.

The old man sent one of the kids to tell me that the food was ready and she saw me crying.

Ughhh… how embarrassing…

Jacob says that it's okay to cry, but that it also makes you look vulnerable (especially in front of strangers).



Second Kat update of the day.

I skipped lunch because I missed Jacob so badly that I cried a lot.

And I really mean it, I cried A LOT.

Anyways, the kids have invited me to play with them in the academy's playground, and I think I'll go with them so I can clear my mind a bit.


Kat update (Again): Please let me out of this place.


The game is childish, the song they're singing is childish, and even they are childish. *huff* Even if they're kids, I expected them to be a bit more mature.

I don't mean to be too egocentric, but I think kids should act like me in today's world. (Or even act like Melissa, even if it hurts me to admit it).

I might sound like an asshole, but sadly they don't have the right to act so innocent anymore.

I know that's the objective that their grandpa has, but if you raise them to be so unaware of their surroundings, then you'll doom them in case something happens to you…

"Kat, what's wrong?"

Huh? What is she doing? Why is she so close to me? 


Yeah, maybe she'll leave me alone if I fake a smile.


I've played this game and sang this stupid song for half an hour already, SO WHY IS IT THAT I STILL FEEL LIKE SH-?!

"Kat says Nicky is perfect for a neutral name".

Huh? What was that? And why does that voice sound so… familiar…?

"...Nicky can stand for both 'Nicole' and 'Nicholas'..."

I'm not going crazy, am I?

Why am I suddenly listening to that? Could it be…

"Hey, Layla. What did you just say?"

Okay, yeah, I'm definitely not crazy.

Those 2 voices are coming from behind me, so that must mean that the people who are talking right now are outside.

I know! I'll change my position with someone else's and that way I'll get a clear view of the wall.


Kat update: With the excuse of "The sun is hitting my eyes", I managed to make a kid exchange places with me.

He blushed when I talked to him, so I think that he must be sick or something. I'm sure Vitamin D will help him.

Oh! There's a hand on the wall! 

But why is it so big? And why are the nails so destroyed?

Huh? That hair… It looks so familiar…

Nah, it can't be him, he always takes care of his nails.


Oh, wait! There's a face there!

A woman? But why does she have that hair behind her?

No… There's no way…

"She's there! She's there!"

No way…



I don't know what to do…

I'll just leave my spot and run towards the wall. I need to be with him.

"Kat! What are you doing there?"

Huh? Where are they?

Why did Jacob and that woman suddenly disappear?

"Oh, don't worry. I saw a pretty bird and I wanted to get a closer look."

They're smiling at me. I think I fooled them successfully.

But where is Jacob? Was I hallucinating because of how much I missed him?


Huh? What's this? 

A piece of paper? But what could it be?

It says nothing on this side, so maybe if I flip it…

"Kid, I don't know your current situation, but I'm bailing you out of that shithole."


Uhhmmm… Kat update: I think someone will die today…