My eyes locked on Fiona's struggling figure, checking on every sign that could mean that she was going to take her shirt off. However, just like the past couple minutes, she was having problems with her clothes. We did offer ourselves to help her, but since she said that she was able to do it alone, we decided to leave her alone.
"Do you think we should stop and help her?" Lyra whispered as her nails buried slowly on my skin. Although her suggestion seemed nice at first, the tone that was carried in her voice showed that she was just using the girl's struggle to tease me.
"I think we should just stop" I answered in a low voice, my eyes never leaving Fiona.
"But… She's not looking…" she then giggled before burying her nails deeper, "Plus, you're not opposing at all."
"That has nothing to do wi-"
At that moment, as soon as I was about to respond to Lyra, Bill's daughter figured out how to take her shirt off. In a swift motion, and while trembling, Lyra quickly moved her hands away and began to act like she was helping me take my shirt off. And me? I just looked down in embarrassment, avoiding Fiona's naked body.
"Why are you looking down there? And why does your face look like that?" the girl asked me before throwing her shirt away. She then pointed at her chest and bragged about her sports bra, which she said was her 'guardian'.
"I ain't stupid enough to strip naked in the middle of the circus, you know?"
"And why should I know what's under your clothes?" I grunted.
"Chill, big man…" she scoffed before raising an eyebrow and looking at Lyra's hands, which were still acting as if they were removing my shirt, "Hey, why haven't you taken yours off? I'm pretty sure I gave you enough time to do so."
Even though I'm not her, I felt as Lyra's heart skipped a beat, stuttering nervously as she thought of a proper answer. Due to her loud heartbeat resonating on my body, I began to lose my cool and get just as nervous as her.
"Haha… We were… uhmm… struggling as much as you…" she finally answered, taking her hands off of me. "Yeah… It really is hard, isn't it, Glasgow?" Lyra then added before kicking me the back of my leg discreetly.
"What? I mean- Uhmm… Yeah! This shit is just so stuck on my skin."
"Right? Damn soapy water messing with your clothes." Lyra laughed awkwardly before cringing off from herself.
Fiona squinted her eyes at our weird behaviour and began to walk closer to us. I didn't think that she saw us, but in the case that she did, I'd definitely be dead.
I know it sounds a little exaggerated to say, but I'm pretty sure that when her brother, mother and uncle told me to make up with her, they didn't have in mind that type of "make up". And for that reason, if word got out of what we did, I'm pretty sure that a Jaguar would jump straight to my neck.
"You know what? If you need help with it, I found the perfect way" Fiona told me before approaching me and picking tiny pieces of my garment with her fingertips. She then pulled it a bit and unstuck it from my skin, pulling it up before explaining herself.
"If you unstuck the upper part first, it won't bother you and will be a lot easier. Trust me" she said enthusiastically with a wide smile on her face.
"Oh… Thanks…" I mumbled before doing exactly what she told me and removing my shirt.
From one moment to another, my surroundings became unexpectedly and disturbingly silent. At first, I just thought that they disappeared like they always did, only to reappear in a new, absurd location. However, my expectations weren't met when I finished removing that piece of clothing.
For some reason, both of them were completely still as they looked at me with a weird, tiny grin on her face. Fiona's face was more reddish and expressed more surprise than Lyra's, but hers denoted more desire and astonishment instead.
A few droplets of water fell from my hair to my chest, and they both followed it on its path. As it went down on my body, the water encountered the remnants of soap that were on me, merging with it and forming bubbles along my skin.
Curious by her looks, I directed my eyes to what they were looking at, but instead of understanding what their eyes were looking with awe so much, I just caught up on something alarming instead. Lyra saw my reaction and then looked at the same spot- I'm sorry, I meant 'spots' on my body, reacting almost in the same way as me.
"Hey! Why don't you cover yourself instead?" she laughed off nervously while trying to put my shirt back on.
"Yeah… It's a bit cold, to be honest…"
Lyra and I did our best to cover my body, hoping that Fiona wouldn't have seen the evidence of our encounters on my skin. Still, if they were so absorbed in watching that droplet going down on my body, maybe she didn't get the chance to even get a glimpse of those marks. Right?
"You guys are acting like it's a big deal." Fiona grunted with a frown of her face as she moved Lyra away and inspected the scratch marks on my body with expertise. Length, wideness, depth… She quickly checked on all of those measurements and then came up with a conclusion.
"I know what's going on here! You're embarrassed of showing what Arya did to you!"
Me and Lyra looked at each other and nodded slowly, admitting that she was right. At the sound of our words, Fiona smirked proudly and laughed at us for not 'covering it properly', claiming that we were awful.
We sighed relieved in unison, only to be met with one punch in the shoulder and a scolding from the girl. "Do I look like an idiot or something?" she then shouted out before lowering her voice. Despite trying to act like a fool about that topic, we didn't find a way to get around her.
"Guys! Wake up! It really isn't that hard to tell what happened between you two!"
"No buts! Lyra, you have a big ass hickey on your shoulder that I can clearly see from a mile away. And you, big man, those scratch marks are even on your arms!"
As her scolding went on, we both looked down in embarrassment, realizing that we might not have been as clever as we thought.
"You know what? I'm off" Fiona grunted before calling her tigress and getting on her back. "Be grateful that I'm not snitching on you by the way!" she said before flipping us off.
"Thanks, but don't we have to finish bathing that lioness?!" I shouted.
"I'm mad at both of you for thinking of me as a little kid or an idiot, so I'd rather not see you for the rest of the day!"
"Wait, does that mean I still owe you?!"
Fiona smirked in response and put her hand down, yelling "I already saw something priceless! Think of that as your payment!" before getting completely away from our range.
Lyra and I stood in silence, looking at Mina as she walked while wagging her tail. We both felt relieved that Fiona wouldn't say anything to the circus, but we still felt nervous for everything that happened. Finally, she broke the silence and brought out the topic, speaking to ease the tension between us.
"So… I guess everything 's alright?"
"Yeah… I guess so…"
Due to the awkward silence that quickly surrounded us afterwards, I put my clothes back on and decided to walk to my 'room' to get changed. As soon as I took a step though, a hand pulled me from behind and touched my forehead.
"Look… I'd like to 'talk' to you… But I just remembered that my uncle told me to look for you…" Lyra said with a special innuendo in her voice, "So can you go with him? I'm sure he must be waiting for you in his office."
I raised my eyebrow and then tapped her forehead in the same way as she did, looking at her hand touching my chest with a weird smirk. Even though I wanted to stay with her, I was sure that what Johnny had to say was far more important.
"Meet me at my room at the same time as last night, ok?" I whispered before tapping her shoulder and walking back to my room, picking up new clothes and changing as I walked to her uncle's office, waiting for something important to come from him…