
"Sit, young man. Make yourself comfortable, because what I'm about to tell you might blow your mind off."


"Any questions before we start? It's not allowed to interrupt once the story starts, got it?"

"Yes, sir."

"So? Any questions?"

"No, sir."

"Good. Let's proceed with the story, then…

Long before time had a name, and everything in the Earth was just divided into light and darkness, a hero arose among the people…

Nah, who am I kidding? I'm just repeating the lines of a cartoon that Daniel likes. Anyways, here's the true story.

I'm sure that you've heard me say 'I've planning this for a long time', and I'm pretty sure that this formed a question deep inside you: If The Fall occurred a bit more than 1 month ago, then how did he have all of this already prepared? And how in hell has he been planning this in such a short time but also claiming that this is the project of his lifetime? Well, the answer is quite easy, boy: I am one of the people behind the fall."


"Hey, no interruptions!"

"But… my mom… on that day… so you caused it…"

"Now, now, Glasg. Let's not jump into conclusions, ok? I know this is a lot to take in so suddenly, but allow me to elaborate before you start judging me or anything. Please?"

"Alright… But you only have one chance to explain yourself."

"Wonderful! Let's continue with the story, then!

As I was saying, I was one of the main culprits of The Fall, at least in our country, that is.

You see, for most people, The Fall is just a fateful event that caused the world to 'go to shit', as you say, but in reality, it led us towards true freedom!

While the fools believe that freedom comes from respecting our rights and the rights of the rest of the people, the ones like me, the ones who know how the world really is, believe that true freedom comes from anarchism, the one and only system that has existed since the beginning of mankind."

"I don't get it, Johnny. You're just explaining your ideals, you're not actually saying anything imp-"

"Enough tomfoolery, boy! Don't interrupt me again, or I'll make Tali eat your clothes!"

"Alright, alright… Sorry…"


Uhhmm, where was I? Oh, right!

Actual freedom comes from having no boundaries. You can decide who to love, who to obey, and even who to kill! Isn't it wonderful? There are no powerwhores who prey on the weak, and there is not that stupid 'equality' that makes everyone the same under the law. 

Now, I know it sounds bad, but hear me out first: Why is a hard-working father the same as a serial killer? What type of equality is that? 

Plus! How could they make you people believe that everyone was equal when a bit of money was enough to destroy that equality?!"


"Yes, Jack. Equality was a stupid idea of a stupid system that was destined to fail since day one."


"Exactly, little one! Equality was stupid because it didn't allow an important part of humanity: Individuality. Imagine being in a room full of people who're destined to do the same shit for the rest of their lives. 

Heh, those so-called free-thinkers! Who are you trying to fool when you literally change your posture when walking by a cop?!"


"Damn, Jack! Who taught you all of that?! You really know about this stuff!

Did you hear him, Glasgow?! This little rascal knows a lot about what we're talking about!"


"What's wrong?"


"Ups, I almost forgot. If I ask you a non-rhetorical question, you're allowed to interrupt."




"So, did you hear him or not?"


"I mean… I did hear him, but I don't think I can get much from a few 'meows'."

"Open your mind, boy! I don't understand how you've been surviving this whole time with that mind of yours!"

"Ughhh… Can we focus? I'm not understanding anything you're saying, and to be honest, I still don't understand what's supposed to blow my mind."


"Just what he said: Be patient."

"I'm trying."

"Then try harder! I can't get to the important part if you keep interrupting like that."

"But it was the cat wh-"

"Shh! Be a grown man and take the blame for what you did."

"Ugh… fine…"

"Splendid! Soooo, where was I?

Aha! As I was telling before a very impolite young man decided that interrupting me was a good idea, freedom comes from having no boundaries attached. At first instance, it might seem like the worst idea ever, and let me tell you something: It kinda is. 

Obviously, we had this in mind before doing anything, but that didn't stop us. It was either that or keep enduring the assholes who decided that it was a good idea to play with our 'freedom'."


"Exactly! That's why people all around the globe organized to take it all down. Just imagine this: A world ruled by a bunch of idiots who everything they did was fuck people's lives so they could live luxuriously, a decaying planet that was slowly rotting due to these powerwhores, and a collective that wanted to end it all. How do you think it ended?"

"It ended with The Fall?"

"Yes! That's how it ended!

I can't imagine something more beautiful than The Fall, to be honest. A world where nations aren't a thing, where you can decide for yourself without having to worry about tomorrow, and most importantly, a world where crimes aren't a thing because that moralist shit doesn't exist."


"What's the matter? It doesn't seem like you like the idea too much."

"Because I don't."

"But why not? I think it's awesome!"


"See? Even Jack likes the idea!"

"Maybe because he's almost as old as The Fall? I bet he didn't even have a life before the world went to shit."

"Does it really matter? Who we used to be are gone now, all that's left is the present 'us', the free and actually free-thinkers version of us."

"I still think it's a bad idea."

"Nah, don't worry. You'll begin to like it at some point, believe me."

"You don't say…"





"You look unsatisfied, young man, did you dislike my story?"

"It's not that I disliked it, I just think you told me stuff that didn't actually answer any of my questions, you know?"

"Oh! So you wanted me to get to the point directly?"

"I mean, yeah."

"Then you should've started with that from the beginning!"

"I was… huff… You know what? Just keep going, will you?"

"Very well. Your will is my command…"