MY NAME IS Akira Yuzuki

"Hey come back here with my money pouch" I said while I was chasing after her. Each step she takes a green light appeared under her feet and each time the light appeared she starts to ran faster. I said to myself "she leave me no choice but to use my summoning animal". I summon iceflare and hop on his back and told to fly and build a fire circle to block her so his did it and he put me in the circle.

I told her to hand over my pouch but she fainted because of the heat and rush over to more careful and took my money pouch back and took her back to the carriage tied her up and continued to head back to Gracia. So we arrived back to Gracia and we took her the guild and we told the reception lady that this girl is a thief and she try to stole my money pouch so the reception lady replied "ok we will wait until she's awake to hear her said of the story and if she's innocent she will be released and guilty she will be lock up".

A few hours had pasted and she finally wake up and she replied "hey where did you take me and why am I tied up"? The reception lady replied "you're going to get lock up because you're a thief and you try to steal his money pouch". She start to cry and replied " I didnt mean to steal your money pouch" the reception lady replied "ok give me a minute I will be back in a minute". She went into the back room and she came back with a bottle with a blue potion in it and she said "this is called blue truth this is a truth potion and if you want it it's cost $100,000" so I purchase it and told the girl to drink it.

She drank it and the reception lady ask her "now tell us who are you and why did you try steal his money pouch"? She replied " my name is Akira Yuzuki I'm 14 and the reason why I try to steal his money pouch it is because I'm homeless and I don't have any family to take care of me so I hunt down weak creatures kill them and eat them but the orcs are taking over the dark forest and I didn't have no food to eat so I saw your carriage and try to trick you but this is the first time I steal anything anything and I will never do it again".

The reception lady replied "ok she's telling the truth but do you want to lock her up"? I replied "if you can teach me that spell you use to try escape me I won't press charges" Akira replied "umm ok then" so we when outside and she said the spell is called stealth boost you can use it to run faster and turn invisible but creature with higher demonic energy than you can see you. I replied "why didn't you use it to turn invisible when I was chasing you". Akira replied "to turn invisible it take up a lot of demonic energy and I didn't have alot because I'm hungry".

I asked her "do you want something to eat" Akira replied "yes but I don't have any money remember" I replied "it's ok I will pay for you so eat as much as you want" Akira start to cry and thank me so we when to the diner and she didn't eat alot and I asked her "are you ok with that because I told you you can eat as much as you want" Akira replied "I only eat until I'm full I never over eat" so we finish up eating and she start to tell me the spell "as I said before it's called stealth boost and the chant is stealth boost run and stealth boost invisible and if you master it you can just say run and invisible.

I try stealth boost run and stealth boost invisible and it work and Akira asks me if I'm free to go back now. I replied "why don't you join my peerage you will make money to buy food and clothes and I maybe can ask me parents if you can stay at my house until you save enough money to purchase your own house. Akira replied "wait you're those girls leader I thought it was that girl with the mean look on her face and you will ask your parents if I can stay at your house why are you so kind to someone like me"? I replied "I just don't like to see people hurt that's why" so she accepts my request and now she's the new member to my peerage.

We head back to the guild and told the others that she's is now the new member to my peerage so I ask Silvia if she can teleport me and Akira to my house and she asked for what reason and I replied "it back I'm going to ask my parents if she can stay at my house until she have enough money to purchase her own place".

All of them replied and said "you don't want us to come to your place but you want a stranger who try steal your money to live with you".

I replied "she's homeless and don't have no where to go and she's a member of my peerage and I don't want my peerage member to sleep on the streets if you don't want her to live with me you take her in then" all of them said no so I ask Silvia to Teleport us and in an instant we arrived at my house. Akira replied "wait what we were just at the guild now we are somewhere different" I replied "this is my house and Silvia use instant teleport to teleport us to my house" Silvia said "I'm going back to the guild hmm".

She teleport back and we head into my house and I told my parents about her and her situation and ask them if she can stay here they replied "of course she can we will go out and buy a new bed for that empty room up stairs and fix it up for her Akira thank me and said I'm glad to have a kind peerage leader like you so my parents fix up the room we step and we head to sleep.