After Adonis was discharge on Saturday, he made sure to head back to head back to Orlando, Florida for thr next NcT show. His main aim was to get the doctors to say he was medically cleared to wrestle on the next show, this wasn't much of a problem as their rule stated that a wrestler had to be at least eighty percent okay in order to compete. Adonis was cleared of course due to the help of Zeta. All that was left was the few hours he had, so being the workaholic he is he decided to go to the gym.
To his surprise he found Issac there as well. Isaac was a good wrestler in his own right. However, due to all the talent that was around him at the time all it did to his image was make him look like a Mid Carder.
While practicing in the ring, Isaac noticed Adonis from the distance.
"Donny. I heared you're cleared, how are you, man?"
"I've been better. Yeah, I am cleared. Doc said I'm at 79,98% so it shouldn't be a problem for me to function in the ring."
"That's good news."
"It is, thanks for asking. How are you, by the way?"
"I'm Good. I was actually worried that I might have to find a new partner."
"LOL, nah. Adonis Tyson never goes back on his word. Those were some pretty nice moves you showed off there."
Adonis was referring to the quickness and flexibility shown by Isaac*
"You think?"
"Yeah, definitely."
"Thanks, man. But why are you here? Shouldn't you be resting up for tomorrow?"
"I couldn't sleep. I spent 3 whole days in bed and I've grown tried of it. I just wanna get back in the ring, you know?"
"Lets get at it than. A quick 3 minute match. Something to light on the injury yet because it's time limited it'll force us to pull out our all in one go."
"I like that idea."
And just like that, the friendly spar between two men who will partner up tomorrow had started. The match was only set for 3 minutes but, due to both men having a competitive spirit they went for 15 minutes straight. This means they had 5 matches and out of those 5 matches both men won 2 with the 5th being a draw.
"'re really something else, Adonis."
"Nah, man. I should be saying that to you, Isaac."
"Don't be silly, I was only able to beat you because you weren't physically at one hundred percent. Had you been I think I would've only beaten you once."
"You're being to hard on yourself, you're one hell of a wrestler."
"Stop being modest."
"I'm not, trust me when I say this, you got so much potential to be something more."
"Thanks, man. I think that enough for the day. Let's head out. We should get some rest. We gota big match tomorrow. "
17th may(Tuesday)
It was time for the show, the arena was packed and the card had ran smoothly so far. Now it was time for the main event, Ironically enough this was also the first Nct main event were both tag teams featured both partner's being black men. So not only was it a big match, it was also a historical moment as well. The first to make their entrance was Karmello and Trick, the crowd only reacted in boos as the pair made their way. A few seconds passed and Isaac Scotlyn made his way out as well, he waited by the ramp and a few seconds after his music faded out the lights went off, the song "Cyberphonk" started playing, the pop was electronic in its own right. It wasn't on the level of wrestlers such ad Sledge, Jon Seanah, Ray Místico and so on, however it wasn't suited for a person in NCT.
Adonis looks at Isaac and both men nod their heads, almost as a show of unity. They both started running towards the ring with Adonis facing Trick and Isaac facing Karmello. However their action was met with a similar one when Trick amd Karmello rushed out off the ring to meet them half way. The four men stared the match by picking up where they left off the week before.
Slade*( Commentator)
Ooh, looks like both teams couldn't wait to get their hands on one another.
Damn right, just look at the carnage their doing right now. Keep in mind, Slade that this match hasn't even started but just look at what they are doing.
The two sides go back and forth at it up until Karmello finally manages to get Isaac in the ring. With both men of the opposite teams both In the ring the referee could finally get the match underway.
Change of pov:
Karmello starts off by performing a slingblade on Isaac. After managing to drop Issac, he gets on top of him(pause....No diddy) and stats hammering away with heavy rights and lefts. Being the cocky brat he is, Karmello goes for the cover only for him to break it up himself a second later. He starts going for all the joints on Isaac's body, this allows him to limit his opponents moves while continuing to do damage.
Change of pov:
Trick on the other hand throws Adonis to the barricade after a powerful strike to Adonis's midsection. He than picks him up and yet again throws him in the barricade.
Back in the ring, Karmello is still in control of the match and still enjoying his time. He throws Isaac's via Irish whip to their corner. He and Trick make various back to back tags in the corner just for the soul purpose of making sure they limit the movements of Isaac. Trick was eventually tagged on again, this time he went for his finisher move. The move successfully connects and Trick went for the cover.
As as the referee was about to count to 3, Adoins comes running in and makes the save. Karmello tries to come in and ambush him, however being quick on his feet, Adonis ducks his attack and hits him with a drop kick. Trick than tries to also attack, but he is met with a vicious closeline. The little time that Adonis came to the ring served as a breather for Isaac who manages to get to his feet. Adonis goes to the outside and holds his hand out for the tag, however Trick tries to delay the tag by charging in on Isaac, who manages to hit Trick with a super kick of his own. But Trick refused to yield and does again for a right jab swing, Isaac manages to duck the attack yet again and make it through to deliver the long awaited hot tag to Adoins.
(Crowd cheers)