Sides of the same coin (II)

The cheers from the crowd erupt as Adonis kicked out. However, the slight damage was already done. As a result this gave Mello the perfect time to setup and execute his finisher "Nothing but net" on Adonis.

This was followed immediately by a pin, but Adonis kicked out yet again.

Change of pov: Commentary table

"Book, how on earth is this possible? How can he be able to kickout yet again? This is the same kid who was slightly medically cleared to be here tonight and yet he's giving it his all like his life depend on it!

"This has always been the MO of this kid. It's do or die, no matter what type of match he is."

"But will he be able to compete if he keeps torturing his body like this? Remember he is set to face Maxwell for both his X-DIVISION and WSA World title next week in a winner takes all match.

"We'll just have to worry about that when we get to that bridge."

Change of pov: Back in the ring

With his face covered with disbelief, Karmello goes back to the top rope in hopes of connecting the finisher yet again but, Adonis was quick to counter as he meets Karmello at the top rope and hits a belly to belly suplex.

This action made sure both men could get some breathing time and mentally prepare for what they would do next. Donny drags and crawls to Karmello in order to pin him and he succeeds by finally getting one arm on the arrogant wrestler.


Just as the referee was about to count three, Trick Willson pulls the referee by the leg and to the outside.

Harsh boos from the crowd followed as they belived the match to finally be over. Adonis, whose face was facing the raised it slowly in confusion as to why the referee didn't count to three, only to find Trick Willson standing infront of him enraged.

Trick starts stomping on Adonis and Karmello joins in as well. It isn't until Isaac Scotlyn finally gets back in the match that the sides are even. While Isaac focuses on Trick as they are both illegal, Adonis turns his attention to Karmello yet again.

Change of pov:

Isaac amd Tricks fight gets taken to the outside, with both men fighting all the way through the crowd, and showing no signs of stopping anytime soon.

This only left only Karmello and Adonis in the ring.

Change of pov:

With them only remaining in the ring, this means the Two-on-Two tag match hand now been turned into a One-versus-one match, Both men drag themselves back to their feet and face off yet again. This is met with a huge pop from the crowd, the referee also gets back to his feet and enters the ring.

With all pieces in place, the two head got it one last time, but unlike before, there where no fancy moves this time around, only straight up brute force. With every punch becoming slower, it was evident that both men were becoming tired.

Karmello decided to pull a new move from his arsenal and delivers a Samoan drop to Adonis, afterwards he heads for the cover. But, with no luck did he mamage to win as Adonis kicked out at two, yet again.

Without waisting time, he set Adonis up for another "Nothing but net" and just like the first it connected, but, just like the first it was resulted in a failed pin and a kickout.

Karmellos frustration was already approaching it's maximum, he wasn't used to this type of match. The type of match that his opponent could keep up with him like this, nit only was he not used to it, but it starts to break all the efforts he was been making up until this point to call himself "HIM" up until now.

Blinded by his rage, Karmello goes outside and brings a chair back with him. The aim was to hit Adonis, however the moment he held it high and ready to swing it on Adonis, the chair gets pulled by the referee at the back. This caused him to turn to the referee and start shouting at him.

This little moment of him taking his eyes of the net was all Adonis needed to grab him and do a roll up pin.


Immediately after kicking out, Adonis quickly grabbed Karmello yet again, however this time it wasn't to deliver a roll up pin, hut rather to hit him with a belly to belly suplex. This was followed up by a Frog splash from the top rope, Trick who just cake back from his outside fight with Isaac tries to interfere but he runs into a high running knee and is taken out of the equation.

[Adonis, I think this will be the appropriate time to finish Karmello off with his own finisher, Don't you think?]

"Zeta! Yeah, I think so too."

After the small talk that he had with his personal Advocate, Adonis goes up yet again.

Change if pov: Commentary

"Ohh Book, could we be looking at another frog splash?"

"I doubt, Karmello is on his was up. If I didn't know better it almost looks like Adonis is setting up for a new move"

Change of pove back to the ring

*Booka G will talk via"(.)" And crowd reaction will be via "[.]" For now.

With Karmello half way up, Adonis Jumps and Connects "Nothing but net".


(Ohhh, a Nothing but net. He hit Mello with his own move, the disrespect. The disrespect!!!)

Adonis finally heads fir the cover after a successful "Nothing but net".

"One.....two.....three, ring the bell(ting, ting, ting.)

Change of pov: Announcer

"The winners of this match, the team of Issac "The swerver" Scotlyn and the WSA X-Division championship, Adonis Tyyyyyson!"

Change of pov: Commentary

"Did you see that? Did you? That's my X-division champion right there!."

"I sure did, Book, I'm sure everyone here tonight saw what your champion is made of."