(Raorka) Plan of Action

"What are you going to do about it though?" Rowena asked, crossing her legs.

Raorka turned towards her.

"Did you hide because of this truth? Because you knew we couldn't beat the Mayor?"

"Of course. The only safe space is here, the hut of the Witch. Nowhere else in town is safe for a girl." She said casually.

"If a Demon is involved, we must act fast." Artemis was saying, still deep in thought.

"Didn't you hear me Witch?" Lumina asked tiredly. "The Demon with the Mayor is a named Demon. The Demon of Lust. We can't beat her, she is immortal. She can't be killed."

Artemis bit her lip, but she didn't argue back.

"What is the difference between a named Demon and a normal one?" Raorka asked, feeling increasingly out of his depth here.