(Zoe) Circle of Corpses

"Come, child."

"Come hither. Possess me and obtain power. Power beyond your wildest imagination."

"Come, child."

The voice was persuasive. Not just the words, but there was also some kind of magik infused within them. Zoe had to grit her teeth and concentrate hard to just zone out the voice.

The Holder in front of her stood up. There was a rigidity in his movements, almost like he were a corpse puppet being controlled by some other being. Considering the Spear itself seemed to be sentient, Zoe didn't discount the possibility that the Spear was controlling the man rather than the opposite.

The Holder started walking forward, his movements slow, deliberate and mechanical. He didn't speak, he just levelled his dead eyes at Zoe and automatically classified her as an enemy.

There was a shimmer to Zoe's left, and almost instinctively she turned around with her arms raised, ready for a surprise attack.