The Die of Reknown does the opposite of what you expect it to do
The words of Artemis, spoken so long ago it now seemed, came back to Raorka as he watched the disintegrated remains of the cave. As he stood up though, he noticed the second, much more vital effect the Die had had.
The Threads of Lakil were gone.
Indeed, the Die had disintegrated not just the cage, but also the threads binding magik throughout the entire castle. The fortress that Rokar had built up so carefully, had revelled in, was now completely gone.
He had expected the Die of Reknown to do nothing.
It had done everything.
Awestruck Raorka picked up the Die. It felt somewhat heavier than before, as if Raorka was just now realizing the immense potential of this small object. Now he realized why Artemis had called the Wizard of Reknown a genius. A man capable of enfusing such strong magik in a Die surely was worthy of being called a genius.