Zack was still in a daze. The last thing he remembered clearly was going into the crater to check that the tyrant was dead and then looking into a shimmering face. And then everything was muddled, confused. It was as if he were a spectator to his own actions, watching a movie in third person of himself attacking Pende and unlocking his Inito.
Speaking of which, this power was still unfamiliar to him. Zack twirled the staff, watching the ball of electricity smoothly move at the end of it. He wasn't yet completely sure what [[Universal Conductor]] was capable of, but what he did know was he felt the magik coursing through his veins at a much higher rate than before.
"Welcome back old man." Pende said with his trademark wolfish grin, as he leapt up to him. It seemed he wanted to slap his back as encouragement, but his hands being blades and not actual hands made that difficult.
"I-I'm sorry Pende, I don't know what...."