(Zoe) Breaking the Loop

The greenery stretched everywhere as far as the eyes could see. Zoe blinked, confused. Just a second ago the environment had been scorched earth, with dead bodies strewn everywhere, like a scene from hell itself. Not it was back to the serene, peaceful, quiet environment that had greeted Zoe the first time.

Quiet except for the sounds of laughter.

Trepidition rising in her heart by the second, Zoe walked slowly forward, and peeked around the first hut.

"Down with you evil demon!" The cry of the girl Sarah came once more, the stick again playfully waved towards the boy Zoltran.

As Zoe watched incredously, the same scene played out again word for word, scene by scene.

The playing kids. Sarah's hope and Zoltran's despair. The moving mountain. And then finally the scene she dreaded.