There was a moment when an impulse nearly drove her to seek out Kingsly.
But ultimately, she relied on the calm and rationality she had honed over the years to suppress this urge.
She skipped dinner and shut herself in her room.
For the first time in years, she felt a strong impulse to remove the locked box from under her bed and play the video USB drive inside.
Just as she was pulling out the box, there was a gentle knock on the door.
"Miss Foster."
Assuming Mary was calling her for dinner, she replied, "I'm not hungry right now; maybe later."
Mary's voice was noticeably lower, "Miss Foster..."
It was then Rachel sensed something was off with Mary.
She put the box back under the bed and opened the door.
Before she could ask Mary what was happening, her peripheral vision saw a beautiful figure standing by the living room's floor-to-ceiling window.