First Two Trials

«Rewards: Wizard Archetype and One Arc + One more Arc for Hero Archetype

"Finally!" Jung exclaimed.

It had been ages since he had got a power-up, and getting it for just passing the tests was a great surprise.

The Wizard archetype came out of nowhere, appearing with no previous warning and catching him completely off guard.

Jung had Nero, the companion whom he cherished and trusted.

She was a wizard, and Jung knew their closeness would increase even more.

However, he wouldn't complain, especially when he was getting not one but two Arcs, including one for his hero archetype, from which he had got nothing, except a small boost to his physical abilities.

With an improved mood, Jung hopped around gracefully and followed Snowshade.

The woman was dedicated to her job and appeared serious and interested at the same time.

Ignoring her motivation, Jung only considered the trial and his talent.